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Comments 13

kita0610 November 21 2003, 09:02:38 UTC

Agree with all of this.

You still rock my socks, girlfriend.


crickwooder November 21 2003, 09:08:21 UTC
Manpire! Bwah!


wickedprincess3 November 21 2003, 09:51:47 UTC
Can we get number 4 on big banner somewhere?


chase820 November 21 2003, 11:00:52 UTC
I'd vote for numbers 1 AND 4 on big banners. Preferably TWOP.


elynross November 21 2003, 10:45:54 UTC
I adore #4, and completely agree. However, #5, Methos is hotter than Duncan...? Whatever my opinion on the truth of the statement, this seems to me the popular opinion. Methos is the hands-on favorite (heh) of most familiar with HL at all, in my experience over the last six years or so as a HL fan. It surprises me this ended up on your list!


drdawn November 21 2003, 10:52:39 UTC
Really? I had no idea (since I'm not really in the fandom). I'm just used to Lum's Duncan drooling. I generalized that.


elynross November 21 2003, 12:51:26 UTC
Hee! Okay, that makes complete sense. No, the first slash-friendly area in HL fandom was the ROG list -- Really Old Guy list. It was specifically a Methos list, although it allowed all HL conversation. It regularly endured Duncan-bashing, to the point that it drove some people from the list, and from the fandom. During my time there we had a number of very articulate self-defined "Duncansluts" who countered this trend (and yes, Lum and I were two of the founding members *g*), to the point that some felt that it was unfair that it was a Methos list, but you couldn't say a word against Duncan... When really we were just concerned with people who used standard dismissive arguments based on their adoration of Methos and having (often) only seen the eps Methos was in. A friend even devised The Standard Duncan Defense Form Letter, that gives a sense of prevailing opinions held then (and often still) about Duncan.


My mom... aexia November 23 2003, 11:07:04 UTC
is a huge Peter Wingfield/Methos fan. Dresses up, goes to conventions, hangs out on mailings lists, etc.

Hence she could never say anything about my little excursions... =-P

But yeah, Methos is definitely the 'hot guy' in HL fandom.


jackiekjono November 21 2003, 10:51:40 UTC
Entirely with you on #3. I get why they wanted to use that song. I get that they probably thought that the Cash version would do a better job of bringing Lionel into it. I get taht they are trying to sell that album right now. It just failed. Sigh.


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