So my capture card arrived today, only for me to find that the power supply was missing. Sigh. That'll get to me either Saturday or next Saturday, but still. Disappointing. Did get a lunchbox, though, so now I'm wondering what I should take to have a more filling lunch, since previously all I could manage was a drink and a sandwich.
Manliest nerd ever.
Right now, I've got to say shooters. Halo, Gears, Half-Life, love 'em. I was an RPG fan for the longest time, but once I started getting into these, there was something exciting about taking on a group of enemies that, as an equivalent encounter in an RPG, would make you pause, and just blazing through not with the best equipment, but with reflexes, skill, and flatout luck. When I want a story, an RPG can deliver, but for gameplay, give me a shooter, hands down.
Now when you merge the two together, that is when we are fucking talking here. There's a reason I have high praises for Mass Effect and Fallout 3, and that's because the genres come together in harmony. The gameplay is about 90% shooter with 10% RPG "pause to consider the battle" element (Mass Effect's power wheel, Fallout 3's V.A.T.S. mechanic), but the backend isn't entirely about skill and includes RPG elements, like having a character with better knowledge of energy weapons does more damage with a laser pistol. Mass Effect 2 really shines here, in that it has upgrades alone for damage boosts and general buffs, whereas character levels are more for powers and class-specific awesomeness.
Day 1 - Very first video game. Day 2 - Your favorite character. Day 3 - A game that is underrated. Day 4 - Your guilty pleasure game. Day 5 - Game character you feel you are most like (or wish you were). Day 6 - Most annoying character. Day 7 - Favorite game couple. Day 8 - Best soundtrack. Day 9 - Saddest game scene. Day 10 - Best gameplay. Day 11 - Gaming system of choice. Day 12 - A game everyone should play. Day 13 - A game you’ve played more than five times. Day 14 - Current (or most recent) gaming wallpaper.
Day 15 - Post a screenshot from the game you’re playing right now. Day 16 - Game with the best cut scenes. Day 17 - Favorite antagonist. Day 18 - Favorite protagonist. Day 19 - Picture of a game setting you wish you lived in.Day 20 - Favorite genre.
Day 21 - Game with the best story.
Day 22 - A game sequel which disappointed you.
Day 23 - Game you think had the best graphics or art style.
Day 24 - Favorite classic game.
Day 25 - A game you plan on playing.
Day 26 - Best voice acting.
Day 27 - Most epic scene ever.
Day 28 - Favorite game developer.
Day 29 - A game you thought you wouldn’t like, but ended up loving.
Day 30 - Your favorite game of all time.