Well, I noticed the image disappeared from my previous entry about the Meraki Mini, a $50 WiFi access point the size of a playing card that can run a pretty complete unix. So I went to their site to look for a new image to link.
Further to recent discussions with noteris I present A Cost Analysis of Windows Vista Content Protection. This is a very long article, it's late, and I'm off to bed. I've barely scratched the surface. But so far it makes for an interesting read. Discussion is invited. I hope to read the whole thing in the next few days.
... controversial new Christian fundamentalist video game in which players battle the "forces of the Anti-Christ" and kill or convert non-believers.
... begins in a time after the "rapture" ... The remaining population on earth must then choose between surrendering to or resisting "the Antichrist", which the game describes
( Read more... )
Interesting article about the human-power system for the MIT $100 laptop project. They've done away with the integrated handcrank and gone with a separate 20 watt string-pull system. The laptop uses 2 watts, so a minute of cranking gets you ten minutes of use.