Title: A thimble
thedeathchamber Rating: PG
Characters/pairings: Arthur/Merlin
Notes: I took the liberty of doing an illustration greatly inspired by
saucery 's Golden Hours fic (
http://saucery.livejournal.com/5847.html ), which is really quite lovely. And I totally want a scantily-leaf-clad Merlin climbing through my window.
"To love would be an awfully big adventure."
- J.M. Barrie (Peter Pan)
Both drawn and colored with Corel Painter Essentials 3 (I'm hopelessly in love with the watercolor brush). And I can't believe i actually did a bit of a background. *dance of victory* Not that it's much to rejoice at. >.<
Comments, as always, are very much welcome. Thank you!