Title: Prisoner of Love Artist: mychaostheorem Warnings: the image itself has no spoilers but the spoiler-y explanations far away at my journal :) Characters/pairings: OT5, Merlin/Arthur, Arthur/Gwen/Lance, Merlin/Morgana etc..
I'm really really happy to hear from last friends fans! I rewatched a bit of Last friends and straight away thought I'd love someone to draw a Merlin version... alas I didn't know who to ask... hope it at least half lived up to your expectations!
lol ME TOO... way too much anime/manga... I bought this Clamp art book recently and I was like 'yay! I'm gonna waste about a year drawing similar stuff now'
I have no idea at all what Lost Friends is, but I love the drawing and all the explanations as to why they are positioned like that. Look, I commented you! <3 Thought I should repay the favour, 'cause it really is awesome.
Comments 22
The first time I saw that picture from Last Friends I hoped someone would do this! Thank you for sharing it!
Ummm it looks cool and all the explainations make great sense ^^.
lol ME TOO... way too much anime/manga... I bought this Clamp art book recently and I was like 'yay! I'm gonna waste about a year drawing similar stuff now'
sigh, not healthy me thinks!
Anime/Manga = Awesome. Clamp are awesome and their style is so pretty, you should totally try a style similar to theirs. I bet it would look awesome.
But thank you :DD I'll do my best!
Look, I commented you! <3
Thought I should repay the favour, 'cause it really is awesome.
Wait are you done with exams yet??
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