I'm a couple of days late with these, for which I can only apologise whole heartedly. I had them finished ages ago and just didn't get around to uploading them and posting them :(
Title: Morgana, the Lynx
mariana_oconnorCharacter: Morgana
Rating: G
Medium: Not my usual - marker pens.
Morgana as the Lynx )
Comments 12
I'm especially fond of Agravaine. I love the composition and how you have him posed to play with the throne (Arthur in this case?).
Very cool.
Thanks again for commenting. Glad you like them.
Agravaine looks a bit melancholy for some reason....even though he is hovering over Arthur's throne...is it all still 'empty'? The lovely celtic work for the lynx and crow is great. The lynx in Celtic symbology helps with developing psychic senses and the crow is valuable when trickery is needed. True things in the case of these two characters.
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