clocks are barely breathing at seconds before now

Jan 23, 2011 23:19

title: clocks are barely breathing at seconds before now
pairing: Donghae/Eunhyuk
word count: 5494
rating: nc-17
summary: They're on a never ending pause. Donghae measures life in nows; Hyukjae counts the seconds in elapsed time frames that will end in tomorrow.

The sunlight streams in through the windows and fades in Hyukjae’s eyes. Donghae is drenched in darkness, blind and stumbling, left only to hear and feel. )

p: donghae/eunhyuk

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Comments 55

tees2mai January 24 2011, 03:33:09 UTC


tees2mai January 24 2011, 04:07:30 UTC
My heart. You broke it.

/smacks you around ;________________________;


drawingintheair January 24 2011, 13:19:51 UTC
I'm sorry! Pieces your heart back together and duck tapes the cracks.

/takes the smacking like a woman


purple_garden January 24 2011, 03:37:06 UTC
Spot for ss Dewi & Clarissa *if you guys wanna use this XD*


purple_garden January 24 2011, 03:40:22 UTC
Spot for eiarim Dear & rain_beau Dear <33333333


eiarim January 25 2011, 15:21:50 UTC
Thank you bb<3

An eternity seems to pass, Donghae’s whole life, past and future, flashes before him in a huge map of tricycle tracks and airplane wheel skids.

Then, the hand is gone, the slowly growing heat at his back vanishes, and the door is shut soundlessly.

Hours pass. Donghae’s throat aches. His eyes feel heavy, his entire body begs for rest. Donghae stares at the wall, shivering under two blankets and the quilt Hyukjae’s grandmother made for Hyukjae when he was a boy for hours until his eyes are almost as sand paper dry as his heart is.


I have always adore your writing it's like the piece fit perfectly and how the Donghae in your fic is perfectly match with Hyukjae.

meme this OSM piece ♥


drawingintheair January 26 2011, 14:05:00 UTC
Thank you! Really glad you felt like they fit together despite the evident differences and contrasts between them <3


purple_garden January 24 2011, 03:42:29 UTC
Spot for eunhaelover Dear & jumpybb my eternal love *hug*


eunhaelover January 25 2011, 16:57:31 UTC
;A; thank youuuuu bb~~<3

“Donghae,” Hyukjae whispers, his voice stretching over each sound like thick honey going down Donghae’s throat. He leans in closer, mouth at the corner of Donghae’s, hands grasping firm skin, and hip brushing Donghae’s thigh. “I want you,” he breathes into Donghae’s mouth.

I find that line very touching in this fic.
your writing is always amazing!
this piece is beautiful in a dark way but nonetheless, beautiful.

i can feel donghae's insecurity upon his future?
good job!~ ^^


drawingintheair January 26 2011, 14:09:45 UTC
I think that line in particular, among a few others, shows that Hyukjae also does want Donghae, does maybe want him as much as Donghae wants him despite the fact he's constantly thinking about his future as opposed to a future for them.

Def insicurity about his future, but more like he has the mindset that it is the future so he could plan all he wants, but he has no control over it. That's why he can't really see it clearly or imagine himself years in the future like Hyukjae can. I think in that sense, Donghae is more realistic here.

Thank you!


purple_garden January 24 2011, 03:44:21 UTC
Spot for maiki_rashu Dear *why the heck werent us be online at the same time TT__TT* & me LOL


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