#30: Icon Remake

Oct 26, 2016 04:07

CHALLENGE 30: Icon Remake

Description Remake up to 3 of your previous icons

• You may only remake an icon that you have made (not an icon made by anyone else)

• Choose one or more elements of the icon that you want to remake.

• You should use the same (or a visually similar) cap.

• Remake your icon by altering the crop, coloring, composition, adding text, and/or changing other design elements to get a different look.

• It should be obvious that the old and new icons are somehow still related in some way. Feel free to explain your thought process about what you decided to do differently.

• Post the before and after icons in your team threads.


by starkwars

by adriftingsea





Points (16 TOTAL) 3 icons X 5 points each = 15 points +1 for sig tag
Due Date November 11, MIDNIGHT CST
Submitting Submit here to your team threads. If you have any questions please ask in the “questions thread.”


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