Challenge 016: Screencap Meme

Oct 29, 2015 01:29


Description Based on this meme, find screencaps that fit the themes listed below. There are two ways you can do this. Option A: Simply find screencaps that fit the themes and Option B: Either in picspam form or larger banners, edit the coloring, lighting, sharpness, etc. of caps that fit the theme. Work done to the images must be noticeable. (Example, example).

You can use a theme multiple times or not at all. Just make note in your comment which cap goes to which theme. :)

1. Faceless (caps where the subjects face is not visible)
2. Looking Down (caps where the subject is looking down)
3. Bruised & Battered (gore & damage: caps where the subject is banged up)
4. Up Close & Personal (screencaps where the subject is in close up)
5. Scenerygasm (the subject of these caps is the dominant scenery)
6. Full Body Shot(s) (caps where the subjects full body is in the shot)
7. Silhouettes (the subject should be in silhouette)
8. My Emotions (caps where the subject is displaying strong emotion)
9. The Space (the focus of these caps is interesting use of space [often negative])
10. Hair Porn (caps that focus on hair)
11. Body Parts (caps containing specific body parts of characters)
12. Profiles (caps that focus on profile shots of characters)
13. Dress Me Up (caps where the characters are wearing clothes they don't usually wear)
14. Touch Me (caps where characters are touching each other or other things of importance)
15. Objects (caps where the primary focus is of an object not a character)

Please use this form to make it easier for me to tally. ♥

Option A (Screencaps Only):
Option A | Points Breakdown:

(add more of this code to add more screencaps)

Name/Team or Sig Tag

Option B (Picspams or Larger Banners):
Option B | Points Breakdown:


Name/Team or Sig Tag

Points Option A: 1 point for plain screencaps without coloring/editing, Option B Picspams: 5 points for 2 caps in a picspam (picpsams need to include at least 6 images, be over 500x450px), Option B Larger Banners: 10 points for 1 larger banner (around 500x200px in size or larger). Up to 30 points for Option A and up to 50 points for Option B. No mixing and matching between the two options. +1 for sig tag.
Due Date November 11th 11:59pm ET
Submitting Submit your work to your team thread below. If you have any questions please ask in the "questions" thread below.

challenge, round06

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