Culture Week

Oct 25, 2007 00:40

This was going to be part of the commentary to the three films I've seen at the Cinema on the Hill, but it had growed into a thread of its own. I'm used to the failure of cinemas to sell me A14 on the grounds that it's on the front row (well duh) but now it's the attempt to pay the right amount of money.

I bought a loyalty card. For a tenner I get two quid off a film (leaving out the 9.20pm Monday £3 showings) for a year - which is frankly ridiculous if not a little embarrassing. I used it for the third and fourth time on Monday to buy a ticket for Coeurs on Monday and Sketches of Frank Gehry on Wednesday. I had to wait because, for some reason, these have to go through the computer, and someone was using the computer in purchasing a CARNET (advance payment tickets) and a ticket. For some reason the cashier was trying to charge him for a CARNET and the ticket, rather than assuming the ticket was one of those he had purchased in advance. His not chip and pin credit card also caused fun and games.

So I get dealt with and get charged £10. That's £4 for Monday and ... hang on. I explain that I'm using the loyalty card for Monday and Wednesday, and so that surely should be £8. Eventually she agrees to take less than the given price.

Fortunately I'd seen the way the wind was blowing and so didn't try to buy a day pass for the Anifest, which, with the best part of two hours to spare before Sketches of Frank Gehry I had time to do. on Wednesday. Just about.

First she gave me a ticket.

For free.

I suggested that I really ought to be paying. Something like £15. And the free ticket was for the post-festival social in the bar.

She called her superior.

They reserved a space for each of the events and then tried to work out how to pay. The supervisor went away to make a phone call. There will be a short break.

I inquired about the state of sales for Punt and Dennis. Three tickets left. Better buy one of those. Can we do it without losing the booking?


The supervisor comes back and struggles with the computer. I plead to be allowed to pay them money. She makes another phone call.

I believe I have now reserved a programme for the event, and I hope seats for all the events. I have a bad feeling about this, Toto.

But see Sketches of Frank Gehry

Punt and Dennis have two tickets left.

The happy ending is we timed it exactly right for the bus back.

film, whine whine whine, cinema

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