Banoffee Pie

Apr 04, 2010 20:37

This was based on a number of recipes

400 ml can condensed milk
packet hobnobs or oaty biscuits (suggestive biscuits would do, probably wise not to be chocolate suggestives)
70 g butter
4 bananas
2 tsp (icing?) sugar
pot double cream (15 fl oz ish)

Put the can of condensed milk (not evap) into a pan of water and bring to boil, slowly. Do not open the tin. Do not pierce the tin. Do not stand over the pan). Leave for an hour or two then allow to cool.

Meanwhile make the base: break up or process the biscuits and mix with butter (I'd image a flour/sugar/oats combo would work, or a pastry base). Bake this at Gas Mark 4/180 C for 10 mins in a loose bottomed cake/flan tin of c. 20-24cm. Allow to cool.

Mix double cream and sugar and whip until thick.

Chop banananananananananas and place on biscuit base.

Open cooled tin of condensed milk and spread the caramel/toffee over the bananananananananas, flattening down.

Spread whipped cream and sugar over top of the toffee.

Stick in fridge to cool.

Serves 2 to 12.

recipes, cookery

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