Quiz Winners for March!

Mar 23, 2009 11:03

Time really does fly when you're having fun. Alas, here I am to reveal the answers and announce the winners! Thanks to everyone who played!

And the answers and winners are... )

winners, banners - winners

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Comments 13

dedra March 23 2009, 15:43:48 UTC
These are lovely! Snagged mine!

As you can tell, I've been reading far too much fanfic and not writing nearly enough! :D


inadaze22 March 23 2009, 17:07:37 UTC
:D Thanks, our newest mod - who I've yet to introduce *epic fail* - did them: _vintagebomb

hahaha! I did way more reading this month to find these than I have in the last few months. :D


calenfenwen March 23 2009, 16:36:56 UTC
Sweet! I submitted my entry on time! Now time to shove it in work's face....I clearly have no life if filling out the quiz is the first thing I do after work...aka preceding eating. But hey, I only had an hour to fill it out so I guess eating can wait yes?

The banner is pretty as always so thank you! :)


inadaze22 March 23 2009, 17:08:19 UTC
You did! Just in the nick of time, lol! Yes, eating can wait, for sure XD


calenfenwen March 23 2009, 17:27:11 UTC
haha that's fantastic. That's some of the best timing in the history of the universe! Eating can definitely wait when there's a dramione quiz to fill out!


inadaze22 March 23 2009, 22:40:28 UTC
hahaha! I like your enthusiasm!


margaritaabate March 23 2009, 18:33:47 UTC
EEEK - I won. I haven't won anything since 4th grade when I won a st. patty's cake at my school bake sale. the cake was good. oooh, how do I take the banners? just cut and paste? :-)


inadaze22 March 23 2009, 18:51:41 UTC

Just right click on it, and click on "save image as" and then save it to your computer :D There ya go!


daiangelling March 24 2009, 23:56:55 UTC
o0oo Pretty banner! I actually read fics that I hadn't read before for this one. Can't wait for the next round!


inadaze22 March 27 2009, 01:38:07 UTC
*iz so late with this*

But yay for reading new fics! That's our goal here. To expose you to new stuff! XD


meirionwen March 30 2009, 21:28:26 UTC
Wow... How did I do that?! I only read three of the stories featured!


inadaze22 April 1 2009, 18:56:25 UTC
Because you're a genius!


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