Title: There Are Cat People and There's Everyone Else
greenschistRating: G
Word Count: 180
Summary: Crookshanks is out to ruin Draco's Christmas, but Hermione doesn't believe it.
Warning: Dialogue fic
Notes: For prompt #67 "Thanks for sharing the holiday spirit, psycho." -Eight Crazy Nights
“Hermione! What is this?”
“What is what?”
“This! This hideous, hairy, orange and brown...blob on the tree skirt.”
“Oh, no, a hairball! Crookshanks must have been sick last night. Poor kitty.”
“Poor kitty? That psycho cat is trying to ruin my Christmas!”
“Not this again...you're rapidly progressing from ridiculous to annoying, Draco. He's just an innocent cat.”
“No, he's Ebenezer Scrooge in Kneazle form.”
“I wish I'd never given you that book to read.”
“There's cat vomit under my tree, he shredded my stocking, he knocked the gingerbread reproduction of the Manor off the table merely so he could devour me in effigy--”
“Draco, that's not true!”
“He ate the little marzipan me, Hermione. Everyone else's figure was left alone.”
“Do you even hear how paranoid you sound?”
“Don't hug me! Hugging me will not restore my Christmas spirit!”
“Well then, what will? And don't say 'getting rid of Crookshanks.'”
“Then I don't know.”
“Draco, before I brought Crooks to live here, you told me you were a cat person.”
“Before Crookshanks came to live here, I was.”