Round 1: Challenge #6: Voting

Jun 19, 2008 09:00

Below are the drabbles for week 5 of dramione_ldws!

Choose your favorite and least favorite drabbles. favorites will receive +1 point per vote, and least favorites -1 point per vote. The drabble with the most point wins the week, and the author of the drabble with the least votes is voted off.

Eliminated for not turning in a drabble:

Voting will end: 11:59pm, Friday June 20, East Coast US Time (GMT -4)


Title: Life Changing
Author: floorcoaster
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Word Count: 451

Diagon Alley was bright and blustery the weekend before the first of September. Hermione smiled as she watched the families scamper about making last-minute purchases before their children returned to Hogwarts.

The scene was hectic and priceless. These children didn’t have to worry anymore about the most evil wizard of their time. They were free to study, play, laugh and love without fear.

Strong arms wrapped around her, and Hermione molded into them, breathing in her husband’s rich, calming scent.

“Miss me?” he murmured into her ear.

She nodded, feeling slightly dizzy as his deep, smooth voice and soft breath on her skin sent a shiver down her spine.

Draco released her and excitedly showed her the contents of his shopping bag. Pulling one item out, he said, “They’ve got a new line of things for babies-I think it’s Angelina’s influence. I got this for us to give Harry and Luna.” He showed her a translucent ball. “It’s a Bubbleball. It floats around with one of the parents, reminding them about things for the baby. When to feed her, give her potions … anything. It’ll also make a noise when it’s time to change the nappy.” He made a face.

Hermione smiled. “That’s wonderful, and perfect for them.”

He nodded and proceeded to display and describe all the other gifts he had purchased: for George and Angelina’s two-year-old, Teddy Lupin, Victoire Weasley, Charlie’s four-year-old girl, and Percy and Penelope’s twin sons.

Hermione tried to be enthusiastic, but her thoughts and heart were elsewhere.

Draco noticed and led her to a bench. “What is it?”

She didn’t respond right away, her attention drawn to two small boys chasing each other down the street with toy wands from Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes. They sparked and hissed and let off coloured smoke.

Draco squeezed her hand, drawing her gaze to him. “Hermione?”

She bit her lip, not sure what to say or how to broach the subject. “Draco, do you ever … Have you considered … I suppose I’ve been thinking lately …”

“Hey,” he jumped in, rubbing his thumb lightly on her hand. “Me too. More and more.”

Hermione wanted to be sure they were talking about the same thing. “You mean … You’ve thought about it?”

Draco smiled, something he did far too rarely in her opinion. “I have. I’m ready, if you are.”

“Oh, Draco!” she breathed, flinging her arms around his neck and planting increasingly sensual kisses on the side of his face.

He chuckled after meeting her lips. “If you’re determined to start right now, I must insist we go somewhere more private.”

“Please,” she said.

Draco stood and gathered her into his arms. As they Disapparated, he tenderly whispered, “As you wish.”


Title: In Her Wildest Dreams
Author: miyabita13
Rating: STRONG R
Warnings: Heavy, heavy petting and sexual references
Word Count: 498

Soft lips brushed against the side of her neck, much to her surprise.

“I thought we agreed not in the library,” she said, closing her eyes in pleasure. She felt his smile against her skin.

“You don’t seem to mind.” She opened her mouth to speak, but he cut her off with a carefully calculated lick to the shell of her ear. Her gasp was audible. “Shh… we’re in a library, love. Be polite.”

This said by the man who was currently unbuttoning her shirt.


“That sounds beautiful. Say my name again.”

She obliged him, as the pads of his fingertips moved under her shirt, lightly tracing patterns over the smooth skin of her stomach. She was lost in the sensations of him, from the hot trail he licked down the column of her neck to the graze of his knuckles down the inside of her thigh.

“Hermione,” he breathed in her ear, “you’re beautiful.”

It was that simple declaration that sent her over the edge… into a hazy pleasure where all that mattered was the delightful sensations he was pulling from her body with the simple touch of his fingertips and the hot, wetness of his mouth.

She felt him move closer to her, until she was near enough to be sitting on his lap. He pulled her towards him, licking and nipping up and down the inside of her right arm from the crook of her elbow to her wrist. His other hand moved further up under her shirt to play with her nipples through the fabric of her bra.

“Oh, Draco…”

His lips left her arm to explore the depths of her mouth, as his fingers continued to rove across the contours of her body. She let out a breathy sigh as his hands slid down the lines of her waist, her hips… until they found their way under her skirt.

“I’ve always dreamed of taking you in a library, love,” he whispered in her ear before his fingers slid past the elastic of her knickers and into the proof of her desire.


She bit back a cry as his fingers rocked against her.


Her eyes snapped open, and she looked into the frowning features of one Harry Potter.


“All right there, Hermione?”

“Harry… where…?” Where is Draco? she wanted to say, but caught herself.

“Are you okay? You looked like you were dreaming about something.”

Dreaming, she thought. It was all a… dream? Draco… oh God, I’m in public!

“Your face looks a bit flushed, too. Not getting sick, are you?”

Hermione bit her lip, crossing her legs self-consciously. She was more than just a “bit flushed”. Her entire body felt like it was on fire!

Nearby, one Draco Malfoy stood watching the scene from behind one of the library shelves. For once, he was thankful for the Weasley’s… or rather, their Patented Daydream Charms. And, oh, how they worked… who knew the Gryffindor know-it-all had such naughty, naughty daydreams?


Title: Cupcake Intervention
Author: apple_blossom24
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: mild language, references to sex, sex and sex
Word Count: 499

Hermione Granger had an addiction, and much to his chagrin, it wasn’t Draco…or sex… or sex with Draco. It was cupcakes. Those perfectly proportioned cakes with their frosting and sprinkles would enchant her and Hermione could never resist.

At first, Draco was happy to indulge her sweet obsession. He loved watching her nibble and lick at the pretty confections, his mind turning the innocence of cupcakes into something naughtier. It only became a nuisance after a near cupcake overdose when Hermione decided that she had a problem and enlisted his help. She staged her own intervention, which in Draco’s opinion defeated the. He joked that if there was going to be an intervention, she might as well make it worthwhile and become addicted to something serious… like sex. Then it all went downhill from there.

Hermione’s first plan was simple: if she wanted a cupcake, Draco was supposed to firmly tell her that she couldn’t have one. This plan didn’t work. She was angry with him for saying she couldn’t have one then mad because he finally said she could-- because he caved when he saw her sad eyes, and because he was not strong enough to resist “the pout”.

Hermione’s second plan was slightly more complicated: if she wanted a cupcake, talked about cupcakes or whined about cupcakes, Draco would have to pinch her... like reverse Pavlov. He was successful to some extent and when she finally broke down and had one in her hand, he snatched it away, gave her a pinch, and devoured it whole to spare her the temptation. She hexed him.

Two weeks and forty-eight fights later, Draco adamantly HATED cupcakes. But while browsing in the Weasleys’ joke shop he was suddenly inspired. He made his purchase and hurried out the door to Luna’s Cupcake Café before heading home. This time, Draco had the plan.

There they were, a plate of the cutest cupcakes Hermione had ever seen. Where the hell was Draco? She reached for a cupcake, pulled the paper wrapping down and was about to take a bite when the cupcake trembled.

“Nooo don’t eat me! I’m oppressed! Tyrannical purebloods HATE cupcakes… you must help us. They’re sooo mean!”

She frowned and put the cupcake down. For just an instant, she could imagine it with little eyes and tiny hands, being squashed by an angry Malfoy.

“Make us hats Hermione!”

She heard Draco’s peals of laughter coming from the next room and found him sprawled on the floor with a Weasley Brand Ventrilophone.

“You’re a stupid arse! I was this close to starting the ‘Cupcakes United Movement’!”

“Seriously? .... You are no longer allowed to name anything. First SPEW and now CU…”

“It just popped into my head! And I’m always for ending pureblood tyranny. You’ve ruined cupcakes for me forever, you know.”

“Thank Merlin! I believe you owe me forty-eight sessions of makeup sex….”

She rolled her eyes and smiled, “Sounds like you have a sex addiction…we should have an intervention.”


Title: Sweetest Revenge
Author: pokeystar
Rating: PG
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 473

She. Could. Not. Take. It. Any. More.

If another of her meticulously complied reports returned to her inbox with so much as a smear of red ink… If he told another inappropriate joke involving a wizard, a penguin and the sorting hat at the Friday department meetings… If he changed the colors on the coded filing system again, and really, were polka-dots a color… If he ran his fingernails lightly down the inside of her forearm while passing her a signed document, causing her to shiver with d...isgust… If he stared at her backside as she left his office with a smirk on his face… And she positively knew he was smirking… If he called her “Pet,” in that sexy drawl, just one more time…

“Pet, could you get me some coffee?”

She would kill him. Or jump his bones. She was appalled to realize the second option was slightly more appealing.

“Isn’t that Colin’s job?” she asked as calmly as possible. Which meant that her fists were clenched and her voice was tight. And she was three seconds from pouncing strangling him.

“Colin?” He appeared to recognize the name of his assistant. “Ah, yes. Colin is busy retrieving my dress robes for a function tonight.”

“A work function?” she enquired pointedly.

“No. Coffee, Pet? Don’t forget the Skinny’n’Sweet,” he returned smoothly, and oozed back into his office.

She grumbled to herself all the way to the break room. Stupid prat. She was not attracted to him. At all. He was pure evil. Well. Perhaps only partly evil. The smirk was definitely full-strength evil. And that drawl. She entered the break room and made herself a cup of tea. The partly evil prat could wait until doomsday for his coffee.

She hoped he got a caffeine-withdrawal headache.

Twenty minutes later, she was still morosely blowing on her lukewarm tea when Colin breezed in.

"What’s up, buttercup?” he asked cheerfully.

“The demon seed requested coffee,” she muttered, getting up, only to sit down again as Colin waved her off. She eyed him speculatively. “How do you do it, Colin? You are in direct contact with that… entitled, depraved ponce for hours everyday. He’s drained the will to live from others. Macmillan is still on medical leave. How come you’re still so cheerful?”

Creevey poured his boss some coffee and said, “Most days, I remember I’m glad to be alive, glad to smell the flowers, glad to have a job, glad not to be fighting true evil anymore. Working for Malfoy isn’t nearly as bad.” He paused at the break room door and looked Hermione in the eye. “’Course, it helps that I don’t want to jump his bones.”

Her mouth fell open in shock.

“And every once in a while, I flavor his coffee with a little U NO POO. Tastes just like Skinny’n’Sweet.”

A/N: Skinny'n'Sweet courtesy of the movie Nine to Five


Title: Test Run
Author: kalina_blue
Rating: pg
Warnings: Let's all assume that Fred's not dead.
Word Count: 496

She had to resort to begging, but after two years of dating and another four months of being engaged, Hermione had finally been able to convince Draco to accompany her to Sunday lunch at the Burrow.

In her eyes, it was the test run for their wedding, which was set to be the following month. While she had been overjoyed when Draco had proposed, Hermione feared that with both the Weasley clan and the Malfoy family in attendance, their wedding was a disaster waiting to happen.

Hence, she had insisted on Draco's company at the Burrow, to test the waters so to speak.

Everything went well until 74 minutes into the lunch, when Fred 'accidentally' let a purple substance fall into Draco's pudding. The future groom, unfortunately, didn't notice as he was busy staring down his fiancée's décolleté.

At 74 minutes and 30 seconds Draco took another bite of his desert, unknowingly ingesting the newest and yet unnamed product of WWW. Another 30 seconds later his aristocratic looks were somewhat diminished by his now pink hair.

Only ten seconds after finding out why everyone had suddenly started laughing, Draco had deduced who had tempered with his food and dyed his hair this undignified colour. He was aiming to hex the twins, and merely Hermione's pleading look stopped him from starting a fight.

A later analysis of the situation by the bride-to-be and her maid of honour, Ginny, would reach the conclusion that at this point the situation could still have been defused and further escalation of the fighting might have been prevented.

Until Fred cockily remarked to George that the test run of their newest invention had gone rather smashingly and that he was very pleased with the results.

This little sentence, quite innocent when compared to Fred's earlier action, had an astounding effect on Hermione. Completely abandoning her agenda of keeping the peace, she drew herself up to her full height, one hand at her hip, the other pointing her wand right at the troublesome duo. What then followed was neither pretty nor in any way peaceful.

The twins were treated to a 10 minute lecture on how their irresponsible behaviour when testing their new products was dangerous to the public, and how they should be brought up on charges. The speech then drew a quite unflattering parallel between Fred and George's questionable abuse of innocent first years back at Hogwarts and their most recent performance. Hermione concluded that Fred and George needed to finally learn to respect their fellow witches and wizards.

At the end of her monologue, which Mrs. Weasley couldn't have delivered with more force, Hermione quickly flicked her wand at the twins, a faint popping noise the only evidence of her wordless spell.

87 minutes after the lunch had started Hermione dragged a still pink-haired but smirking Draco away. The twins were staring after them, identical looks of horror on their faces and two bald heads gleaming in the midday's sun.


Title: Testing
Author: desdiamonds
Rating: PG I guess
Word Count: 450

It was an unusually quiet day at Number Twelve Grimmauld Place. Ginny had just left her room to find Fred and George at the top of the steps whispering excitedly to one another. She knew this could only mean trouble.

"What's all this then?" she asked as she joined them.

"Shhh!" George put his index finger to his lips.

"We're testing out a new product." Fred whispered. He took an extendable ear from his pocket and lowered it slowly until it hung near a closed door downstairs.

“Who’s in there?"She asked, worried, "It's not Moody is it?"

"Of course not,” George replied, "He still hasn’t forgiven us for what we did last time."

"It's Hermione," Fred smirked, "and Malfoy."

“Are you two insane? What did you give them?” Ginny tugged on Fred’s shoulder.

“Shh!” he said, “I hear something.” Fred and George listened intently at the black string. As Ginny was about to walk down the stairs Fred pulled on her wrist and brought her back towards them. She reluctantly listened in.

"Happy Birthday.” Hermione’s voice was low and sultry. Ginny was surprised; what was she doing and how did the twins know about it? She could make out the faint sound of what seemed like a package being opened. The twins moved in closer. After a long silence she worried Draco wasn’t going to reply until his voice finally shot up through the thin fiber,

"You didn't have to do this.”

“I know… I wanted to. I know how hard this last year’s been for you.“

“It’s been hard on everyone.” Ginny felt guilty for listening in, this was a moment meant to remain private. She pulled at Fred but he wouldn’t move.

“Listen!” he whispered, giving his brother a big grin.

“It’s working!” laughed George.

“What’s working?” Ginny resumed her previous position next to Fred giving them both a foul look. There was a ticking noise coming from inside the room.

“Hermione…What is this?”

Hermione giggled, “Just relax, you’ll like it. “

Seconds later there was a pop and silence reigned over the study once again. Fred, George and Ginny stood immobile. They heard a low moan followed by Hermione giggling. Fred and George winked as they shook hands and wrapped up their extendable ear. Ginny blushed,

“Are they alright?”

“You ask some daft questions you know that.” George sighed.

“Means you’re finally rubbing off on me.” She quipped.

“They’re more than alright.” A mischievous smile played across Fred’s face.

“What was that?” she asked, annoyed at their ambiguity. Fred and George chuckled as they ascended the stairs to their room,

“That Miss Weasley, is what we call a very successful product.”


PLEASE vote with the NUMBER of the drabble, not the name. :) And note: You must provide both a Favorite and Least Favorite vote for your votes to count. Thank you! :)


As with last week, we welcome prompt suggestions from anyone voting or participating. Comments are screened! :)

round 1, voting

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