Round 1: Challenge #5: Voting

Jun 12, 2008 09:10

Below are the drabbles for week 5 of dramione_ldws!

Choose your favorite and least favorite drabbles. favorites will receive +1 point per vote, and least favorites -1 point per vote. The drabble with the most point wins the week, and the author of the drabble with the least votes is voted off.

Skipping this week:

Voting will end: 11:59pm, Friday June 13, East Coast US Time (GMT -4)


Title: Melting
Author: kalina_blue
Rating: pg-13
Warnings: none
Word Count: 499

It was 3am when Draco woke up and found the bed empty. Confused, he got up to search for his missing girlfriend, who had already been asleep when he had come home from work around midnight.

He didn't like sleeping alone and neither did Hermione, which made Draco suspicious of her unexpected absence.

He found her sitting in the kitchen, with a tub of ice-cream and a soup spoon in her hands, surrounded by various desert toppings. Draco was sure that her dentist parents would disown her, if they knew how much junk she was ingesting.

Leaning against the doorframe, he spoke, "Alright, what have I done wrong now?"

Hermione jumped. "Merlin, Draco. You scared me."

"Sorry," Draco apologized, remaining at the door.

"Why do you think you've done something wrong?" Hermione asked bewildered.

"Because it's the middle of the night and you're trying to give yourself a sugar shock." Draco rolled his eyes. "Sure sign that you're upset and usually it's my fault."

"I'm not upset," Hermione assured him. Draco watched with horror as she filled a spoon with ice-cream, poured some honey over it and added sprinkles on top. He became a toothache just watching her.

"You are upset!"

Ignoring Draco, Hermione continued eating. By the looks of it, she was enjoying her food immensely. Draco concluded that it was safe to come closer and sat down beside her, still watching apprehensively for any signs of distress.

"Stop looking at me like that. I'm fine," she scolded.

Draco continued staring when she topped off another spoonful of ice-cream with whipped cream and chocolate syrup, and devoured it.

"Are you trying to tell me that this"-he indicated the ice-cream-"is normal?"

Hermione ignored him, reaching for the brittle, but Draco noticed a faint blush colouring her cheeks.

Exasperated, Draco snatched the spoon out of Hermione's hands. "Will you just tell me what's wrong already? Or do I have to guess?"

Hermione tried to take her spoon back, but Draco held it out of her reach.

"Fine! I might have been a tiny bit frustrated. Now give it back."

"Frustrated about what?" Draco asked, but Hermione returned her attention to the ice-cream, dipping a finger into the tub and then sticking it in her mouth. The blush had become more pronounced.

"You look tired, maybe you should go back to sleep," Hermione suggested.

"About what?" Draco repeated.

"Just, you know…"

"No, I don't. That's why I keep asking."

"Well, it's just you've been working late... and I've had a lot to do at the Ministry... and we haven't really been together in some time..." Hermione mumbled.

"Are you trying to say you're sexually frustrated?"

Hermione nodded reluctantly.

"Why didn't you just wake me up?" Draco asked disbelievingly.

"You looked tired, and-" Draco grabbed the ice-cream tub, throwing it away carelessly. Then he pulled Hermione onto his lap. While they shared a passionate kiss-it really had been too long-the ice-cream lay forgotten on the floor-melting.


Title: Ice Cream Fingers
Author: desdiamonds
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Word Count: 294

“Ice cream?”

“Yes, ice cream,” she nodded, “or is that too common for a pureblood’s sensibilities?”

Draco rolled his eyes at her barb and walked alongside Hermione towards the nearby muggle shop. He was weary as they entered the small establishment but in the end was pleasantly surprised; except for the lack of more interesting flavors and the use of muggle money it seemed just like its wizard counterpart. Hermione was watching him,
“Seem alright?” she asked.

“It's fine! Much better than that ‘cinema’.” he laughed.
After settling on vanilla caramel cones they sat at a table near the store front. Hermione sat next to him licking her ice cream cone and smiling pleasantly. He tried to ignore the way she licked at the sides of the cone, capturing any melting ice cream on her tongue before it reached her finger tips, but it proved extremely difficult. Before long he was staring, his own cone forgotten, until he heard a ‘plop’ on the table and felt something dripping down his fingers. He cursed as he set to grab his wand and clean up the mess but Hermione held his wrist and reminded him of where they were,

“No magic.” He looked around and sighed; doing things the muggle way was bothersome. Hermione on the other hand did not hesitate to help with the mess and gingerly took his fingers between her lips and licked them cleaned. He looked at her as if she had sprouted another head as she smiled. He noticed a muggle couple sitting a few tables away gawking and whispering between themselves.

“Think magic would have been less conspicuous?” he smiled ravenously.

“Probably,” she said, returning to her own ice cream, “but I doubt it would have been quite as tasty.”


Title: The Submission
Author: drcjsnider
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Language
Word Count: 494

Draco Malfoy was dismissed by most of his acquaintances as a man without deep thoughts. This assumption was patently untrue. Draco had deep thoughts, but they were thoughts concerning issues about which that most of the Wizarding World did not give a fuck. For example, he was the author of pamphlet entitled, Muggles Don’t Have Much, But They Have a Lot of It. While his treatise had not been a best-seller, it had become supplemental reading in Muggle Studies classes throughout Europe.

Draco believed his new project, however, would appeal to a more general wizarding audience. He, therefore, shopped it around to several different publishing houses until he’d finally gotten a nibble of interest at Owl and Unicorn Press.

“Mr. Malfoy, what do you plan on entitling your book?”

“The Needless Season: Why the Wizarding World Should Unite to Do Away with Summer and Lengthen Spring and Fall for the Benefit of Both Muggles and Wizards.”

“Bit of a mouthful, isn’t it?” asked the bushy haired senior acquisitions editor.

Those six words reminded Draco vividly that he despised Hermione Granger. “It’s a working title,” he replied through clenched teeth.

She nodded primly and went back to examining her notes. “Who do you think would purchase this book?”

“Academics, healers, government officials, anyone interested in the possible impact of the seasons on magical ability.”

Hermione nodded. “The subject itself is intrinsically fascinating and has not received the attention it deserves.”

Draco smirked. Maybe Granger had mellowed with age, like a fine wine or a cask of Kentucky bourbon.

“Unfortunately, I don’t see how your book actually addresses the issue. The proposed table of contents looks more like a stream-of-conciseness-wank than a paradigm challenging methodological evaluation. Chapter 1 - Magical Arch and Temperature: If I Had To Guess There Is Probably a Coloration, Chapter 2 - Ice Cream Brain Freeze: Does It Kill Magic?, Chapter 3 - The Witch and the Low Cut Top: The Most-Likely Explanation for Women’s Success in the Economy; this is all complete bunk. Were you planning on doing ANY research for the book?”

Draco took back every kind thought he’d ever had about her - both of them. “I’m more of a philosopher than a scientist.”

“This press does not publish philosophy, especially by someone who just makes it up as he goes.”

“Then why did you agree to meet with me?” Draco growled. “Is this just an opportunity to get back at the mean ol’ Slytherin who use to taunt you?”

It was now Hermione’s turn to smirk. “No. I brought you here because I want you to be the author How Bad Wizards Can Win the Hearts of Good Witches, for our new line of self-help books.”

“I know nothing about that topic,” Draco admitted. “I’ve only ever attempted to win the heart’s of evil witches.”

“Mmmm,” Hermione hummed, tapping her quill against her chin several times. “Perhaps, I could help with the research.”

Draco grinned. Granger had definitely improved with time.


Title: Mint Chocolate Chip
Author: miyabita13
Rating: PG
Warnings: Um... none, methinks.
Word Count: 499

The first time they met there was sheer coincidence. She had simply wanted to get away from the magical world for a little while. She spotted the ice cream stand first before noticing the young man standing in line. It wasn't until he turned around to leave that their eyes met. Her gasp was audible; her jaw dropped. He gave her a quizzical look, raising an eyebrow at her surprise. Shrugging, he moved past her with the barest of touches and a whispered, "You're drooling."

She shut her mouth, glaring at him, but he was all ready moving away. She ordered her ice cream and sat on one of the park benches, still in a daze... wondering what the hell Draco Malfoy was doing in Muggle London ordering mint chocolate chip ice cream.


The second time they met there she wasn't as surprised as she let on. She'd seen his blonde hair from a distance and had decided to conclude her day in London at the ice cream stand. She didn't know what had led her to London that day... maybe it had something to do with the loneliness she felt now that Rose was finally away at school. The house seemed empty; her life seemed empty. And when she looked into his eyes as he turned and walked away... they seemed empty too.

"Why mint chocolate chip?" she managed to get out as he swept past her. He stopped but didn't turn around.

"Acquired taste."

She supposed she could live with that answer.


The third time they met there she knew that he knew she had been crying. Wordlessly, he handed her his ice cream before ordering another and dragging her over to a bench. Minutes went by as they sat there in seemingly companionable silence, enjoying their ice cream.

“This is really better with company,” she said, suddenly.

He glanced at her, stared out at the children playing in the park, and returned his gaze to his ice cream, a small smile grazing his lips.

“It is.”


The fourth time they met there it rained. He dragged her to a gazebo in the middle of the park. When they reached their destination, their clothes were ruined, but the ice cream had managed to survive thanks to some quick spells on Hermione’s part.

They sat in silence, watching the rain.

“Why were you crying… that day?”

She looked at him, stunned. Then, “I… had another fight with Ron.” Pause. “Why mint chocolate chip ice cream?”

Draco gazed out at the park, looking very far away, and she was suddenly worried he would walk away and they’d never see one another again. Then, very softly, he said, “Scorpius… loved that ice cream stand. Sometimes… I feel it’s the only way I can remember him. He died… so suddenly…”

Silence fell over them again.

“He had good taste… your son. Mint chocolate chip is my favorite, too.”

A brief spark of something lit his eyes.

“Mine too.”


Title: Wizarding England’s Authority
Author: floorcoaster
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Slightly suggestive, nothing big.
Word Count: 410

Draco peered critically at the specimen before him. The serving dish was inconsequential, but the artist had gone to considerable lengths to make an impression. The small, shallow bowl was turquoise blue with copper-coloured bumps along the rim, and it reminded Draco of dishware he had seen on his trips to Tuscany.

Three perfectly shaped scoops of ice cream, in flavors raspberry, pistachio, and dark chocolate, sat atop a handful of candied walnuts. The entire thing was drizzled with chocolate sauce and sprinkled with nuts, and a thin wedge of waffle cone was placed deliberately in the midst of the three scoops.

He had seen more striking displays, but nevertheless admired the craftsmanship.

Draco picked up the spoon and started for the chocolate, then thought better of it and dipped into the pistachio. He lightly closed his lips around the sweet and ran his tongue over the frozen dollop of cream. Closing his eyes, he savored the sweet, nutty flavor explosion, letting the sensations fill his mouth. Finally he swallowed and opened his eyes, grinning at the witch sitting opposite him.

Hermione rolled her eyes. “Enjoying yourself?”

“You know I am,” he said, this time choosing a bite of raspberry and a candied walnut.

Shaking her head, she tucked into her own dessert, a piece of perfectly ordinary but all the same delicious cheesecake. “It still amazes me that you managed to get a job as an ice cream critic. I had no idea such a thing even existed. How you’ve become the most popular, most renowned, I’ll never know.”

“Jealous?” He smirked, scooping a large serving of chocolate.

Hermione watched him lick the ice cream off the spoon and suppressed a groan. It was incredibly unfair how outrageously sexy he looked while eating the cold treat. The fact that it was his job to carefully dissect the various flavors meant he took small bites, savoring each to its maximum potential.

If his guilty pleasure was tasting the dessert, then hers was watching him while he did it.

They ate in silence until one bite of ice cream remained. Usually, Draco gave this to Hermione, one of the many sweet, yet understated ways he showed his love. Tonight, however, he decided to feed her that bite, and as soon as she swallowed, their eyes met.

They stared at each other, all tension-sharp, twisting, agonizing bliss and anticipation.

“Waiter!” called Draco, eyes locked on her, his voice rough. “Bill, please!”


Title: A Little Distant
Author: pokeystar
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Word Count: 445

The day after the Potter wedding reception, he sent her a dozen long-stemmed red roses with a note.

Have dinner with me.
7 pm

She fed his owl a treat and quickly wrote her reply.


She thought the scorched flowers made a nice post-script.

The next day, his owl delivered a box of Honeyduke’s premium chocolates.

Are you mad, woman?
I’m irresistible.

Perfectly sane.
And fully immune.

She kept the chocolates to prove her sanity.

After that came a ruby and gold cuff bracelet. So predictable. She wondered if there was an official Malfoy Wooing Manual or if he had simply absorbed the technique via osmosis.
I had a wonderful time last Saturday.
I know you did, too.

The nerve. She was annoyed at the arrogance of the man. He was right, of course, but that was irrelevant. She sent the bagatelle back directly to the jeweler.

It had been awkward at first, having to interact with him at the whirl of parties that comprised the lengthy Potter-Parkinson engagement. The fact that they were both members of the wedding party - as traditional symbols of acceptance between the betrothed couple - made it impossible to avoid each other. After several stiff, barely civil exchanges at various functions, Malfoy cornered her at yet another party in the Parkinson’s gazebo. He formally apologized for his many transgressions against her, and she accepted, in the interest of Harry’s happiness. It cleared the air between them. By the time the actual wedding rolled around, they had become relatively friendly.

He escorted her during the recessional, and stood by her in the receiving line, entertaining her with a scathing commentary delivered in a lightly flirtatious manner. They sat together at dinner and swapped horrifying tales of traveling mishaps. After cake and ice cream, the dancing started. He was a wonderfully skilled partner, but she had to take a break after the seventh number.

“I see Ginny and Oliver by the punch, and I’m very thirsty,” she said breathlessly. “Would you like some?”

He nodded, and she started toward her friends at the drinks table. She had just turned to ask him if he wanted anything stronger, when she saw Zabini talking with him, and overheard Draco - no, Malfoy - drawl indifferently, “…well enough for a Muggleborn.”

Hermione changed direction abruptly, seeking refuge in the bathroom as her eyes filled with tears. Thank Merlin Luna was there. She poured out her pain and confusion to her sweetly placid friend, and was able to return to Malfoy’s side mostly composed, if a little distant. She’d be twice-damned before he knew he had hurt her.


PLEASE vote with the NUMBER of the drabble, not the name. :)


NOTE to ANYONE: If you would like to submit a prompt/challenge for future weeks, please do so. Comments will be screened.

round 1, voting

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