Round 1: Challenge #4: Voting

Jun 05, 2008 08:14

Below are the drabbles for week 4 of dramione_ldws!

Choose your favorite and least favorite drabbles. favorites will receive +1 point per vote, and least favorites -1 point per vote. The drabble with the most point wins the week, and the author of the drabble with the least votes is voted off.

Skipping this week:

Sorry for forgetting to screen my drabble! Try to ignore it, those of you who saw it!

Voting will end: 11:59pm, Friday June 6, East Coast US Time


Title: I saw the end, before we’d begun
Author: love_eachother
Rating: PG
Warnings: DH spoilers
Word Count: 499 exactly.

He’d always been green.

Green, the colour of jealousy, from where he watched, out of the shadows, as she joked and laughed and played with men he knew he’d never be. He’d never be red, the colour of bravery.

He’d always wished that he could be red.

The red of her cheeks as she laughed, her mouth. He wanted to be apart of that mouth, wanted to fall into it and drown, never coming up for air until she asked him too.

Her eyes, as she glanced up, mid-laugh, caught his pale ones in an unflinching gaze, as if she’d known all along he was there. As if she could tell he wanted to be red.

He’d never know that she wanted to be green. She liked green; she liked its mystery. Red had always been so predictable. But green? Green was everything she wasn’t.


“Twitchy little ferret, aren’t you Malfoy?”

The scathing tone reminded him of himself, and he thought with some irony that maybe, just maybe, he was rubbing off on her. He couldn’t congratulate her, not in front of them, and so he just nodded, curtly, and turned away, caught between amusement and humiliation.

He knew she’d come to him, as he lie in wait on one of the many benches scattered around the courtyard.

They didn’t speak, at first, until she started to apologise.

He cut her off, a half-grin forming on his lips. One hand reached up to caress her cheek and he shook his head. “Don’t.”

“I would have said the same thing, had it been the other way around.”

She knew that it was the truth, and so she nodded, pressing her lips to his fervently, wishing that there could be more than stolen kisses, more than love hidden under derisive bravado.


The spell passed through him just as much as it passed through her.

He wanted to be sick; he wanted to die. It was too much. The agony of that very word, of her screams, was too much for him to bear. He couldn’t remember their last kiss. Couldn’t remember what it was he’d last said to her.

His breathing grew heavier and louder as the minutes, hours, days, months, years, passed, and still nothing was relinquished. Bellatrix refused to give up, as did she.

He wondered whether she was disappointed, angry even, at him. He could do nothing but watch, as bile rose in his throat and he swore that Bellatrix would pay.

But then those eyes, those dark, tormented eyes, met his own and one corner of her lips twitched upwards. His heart, against all odds, swelled a little, as there was no blame in those eyes.

She wondered whether she’d be scarred, and whether he’d still love her after this.

He closed his eyes as Bellatrix raised her eyebrows and her wand again. She’d always been red, the bravest one of all, and he’d always be green. He’d always love her, and she’d always wonder why.



Title: Driving Me Bananas
Author: apple_blossom24
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Word Count: 499

It was Monday and Hermione walked into the Museum of Ancient Magical Artifacts (MAMA) eager to begin her work. She and her partner had just returned from an archaeological wizarding expedition in South America with some extraordinary finds. Antiquated magical items were tricky, you had to be part historian and part curse-breaker to accomplish anything successfully. For safety, all objects were to be examined in pairs at all times.

Unfortunately, her partner was Draco Malfoy who was always late on Mondays. But Hermione was practically peeling with anticipation to inspect the objects. She loved this part of her job and despite his tardiness… she loved working with Malfoy. He was just as skilled and knowledgeable as she was in all aspects of history and magic. They were the perfect pair, well, almost.

Overcome with the desire to discover, she could wait no longer and crept into the artifact room to start the examinations without him. She pulled out the first item-an intricately carved box with no latch. Brilliant Hermione couldn’t figure out how to get the box open and did what any intelligent wizarding archaeologist would do…she shook it. Still nothing. Maybe there was an encryption or spell carved into it.

She pointed her wand at the carvings and muttered, “Revelio!”. There was a puff of yellow smoke and when Hermione could finally see straight she found a young capuchin monkey yawning up at her. It was then that logical Hermione utterly and spectacularly panicked. This made the monkey panic and he was soon bounding around the room looking for an exit.

Desperate for some way to calm the monkey down so she could figure out how to get him back in the box, she reached into her purse for something to tempt him. And that was how Draco Malfoy found them. Hermione on her hands and knees holding out a piece of spearmint gum and making soothing noises at a nervous looking monkey.

“What the hell is that!?” he said holding coffee and a banana-nut scone (which he bought for her).

“It’s a monkey… it was an accident! You’re late!” she stammered as she stood.

“I meant that…” he pointed to her skirt “impossibly short skirt.”

She rolled her eyes. “Are you not concerned at all that a monkey has mysteriously manifested itself? ”

“Not really, I knew all along the box was a Magical Menagerie, didn’t you? …I don’t think your gum offering pleases him” he said as he held out the banana scone.

"You knew and you didn't tell me when we found it?"

"It was more fun this way..."

Frustrated at not knowing something that Malfoy did she snapped, “So, just because he’s a monkey he likes bananas? You’re awfully presumptive.”

“It’s my job to presume, I’m an archaeologist not a zoologist. You don't know your ‘ologists’?” he joked as the monkey ambled happily toward him.

“You’re so obtuse, Malfoy” she complained.

“Shhh, not in front of the monkey, Granger” he said and winked.


Title: It’s all in the books
Author: desdiamonds
Rating: G
Warnings: Not DH compliant. Set after HBP
Word Count: 400

"Stupefy!" Draco yelled, pointing his wand at the intruder.

A furry brown entity stopped in its tracks near the doorway of the old study. Draco sighed as he released Crookshanks from the hex and hid his wand, "Bloody cat."

Since being forced into hiding in Grimmauld’s Place Draco realized two things: how much he hated cats and how absolutely paranoid he had become. Crookshanks didn't seem at all put off by Draco's actions and reacted as if it were common place, crossing the room and accommodating himself on the dark leather couch.

Draco settled himself in a rickety chair, his eyes still on the feline when Hermione Granger walked in, book in hand. She seemed surprised to find him there and tensed for a moment before recovering and smiling sheepishly,

“I didn’t think anyone was here.”

“Makes no difference,” Draco shrugged, “It’s not like I can do much.” Hermione hesitated for a moment but nodded awkwardly and joined Crookshanks, opening her tome. In the year he had been stuck under the same roof with Granger their interactions went from out and out brawls to something of a civil understanding. She would bid him good morning and good night everyday; recently she even surprised him with a smile.

Draco grabbed a book from the nearby shelf and kept himself busy by pretending to read. He was halfway through scanning a random page when he realized he was holding Hogwarts: A History. He flipped through the pages impatiently when out of the corner of his eye he noticed her watching him. She tore her gaze away and a blush stained her cheeks. He suddenly felt self conscious and sat straighter in his seat, using the large tome as a kind of shield from her honey brown eyes.

The minutes passed in silence and eventually Draco was peering over the dreadfully boring book to look at her. He couldn’t resist. She bit her lip in concentration as she read, stroking Crookshanks’ fur mindlessly now and then with her long fingers. He didn’t realize he had been staring until her hand stopped, and when he looked up their eyes met. She blushed again but this time only looked away momentarily,

“You seem to enjoy it almost as much as I do.” Draco was surprised but when he realized she was referring to the book in his hand he blanched,

“I didn’t realize I would.”


Title: What's Up, Doc?
Author: pokeystar
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Word Count: 498

Draco curled protectively around his petrified partner, trying not to panic. His team was ambushed during a routine sweep of Knockturn Alley. Their attackers had either wounded or immobilized most of his fellow Aurors and a chill crawled up his spine as he realized why they hadn’t killed his comrades outright. Dementors. He struggled against the vivid flashes of horrific memory - Bellatrix torturing Hermione - Lucius killing his mother - Crabbe devoured by Fiendfyre -- and concentrated on his happiest moments - Catching the Snitch - His ghostly mother watching him receive the Order of Merlin -- The instant he realized he loved Hermione - as the tip of his wand glowed with a brilliant light. He cradled the curly-haired head nestled under his chin and raising his other arm up, yelled “Expecto Patronum!”

The beam of light shot toward the ghoulish spectors, forcing them backwards, as it solidified into… a fluffy bunny.

Draco tucked the towel around his lower body and ambled down the hall of the Training Academy dormitory toward the room he shared with Zabini. The shower had relaxed him after a hard day of physical conditioning, but as he approached his dresser, his body became tense again. Three weeks had passed since the simulation and his fellow cadets hadn’t let up. His standard issue pajamas featured frolicking Peters and Flopsies. Every meal was shaped like carrots -- even the oatmeal - How was that possible? On one memorable occasion he coughed up a Cadbury egg. Only the thought of Hermione’s disapproval kept him from hexing everyone in sight, particularly Fred, who had, Draco was certain, instigated the rabbity pranks. He finished dressing and carefully checked his appearance in the mirror, banishing a fluffy tail from the seat of his trousers with a sigh.
He headed to the lounge for movie night, giving himself a pep talk as he walked. Remember what Hermione said at lunch. They wouldn’t tease you if they didn’t respect you. These pranks are a sign of acceptance. He grabbed some popcorn and plopped onto the couch next to Hermione, who gave him a little smile while rolling her eyes. They both otherwise ignored the bunny ears decorating everyone else’s heads.

Films, Draco had to admit, were absolutely brilliant. Almost as good as magic. Tonight’s offering, chosen by Hermione, was incredibly funny and he quickly managed to forget his embarrassed pride as he watched the flickering images with glee. Until a little white bunny hopped out the mouth of that forbidding cavern. Et tu, Granger? He’d tried to shrug off the constant stings to his dignity, but this mockery - her derision - was the final straw. Just as he pushed off the sofa, her arm reached out and pulled him back down. Suddenly, on the screen, the bunny transformed into a rabid killing machine. The lounge erupted in laughter as blood gushed everywhere amidst cries of retreat.

“Point taken, Granger,” quipped Fred wryly, while Hermione squeezed his arm.

The next morning his carrot-shaped eggs were topped with a garish spray of ketchup.

A/N: Movie is Monty Python and the Holy Grail


Title: What Orange means
Author: floorcoaster
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Word Count: 499

“What color am I?”

Draco couldn’t help but laugh at the sight of her wearing the large pair of Aura-specs. Each lens was nearly three inches in diameter, each surface prismatic, and they greatly distorted the shape and color of her eyes.

She scowled. “You look ridiculous too, you know. What color?”

“Pink,” he said, removing his own pair and returning them to their display at the Museum of Magical History in London. The Aura-specs had been developed in the 17th century and were eventually replaced by a simple spell, Auraeum. “And me?”

“Orange,” she replied. “That means you’re hiding something, and from me. What is it?”

Draco frowned and moved to the next exhibit. “Nothing,” he said, picking up another set of what looked like glasses, but instead of simple lenses, they were telescopic. “Look at these. Precursor to Omnioculars. Rather ugly, don’t you think?” he asked as he extended the lens to three feet long. “Quite impractical, as well.”

Hermione took the spectacles off his face and crossed her arms. “What are you hiding?”

“The vast depths of my love for you?” he offered, knowing she wouldn’t buy it.

“Ha, ha,” she mocked. “You’re hilarious, Draco.”

“Wow!” he exclaimed animatedly, moving to the next set of displays. He picked up what looked like an old leather pig’s snout and tied the accompanying straps around his head. He inhaled deeply, trying to fill his lungs, but immediately started coughing. The smells were so intense they were overwhelming.

She laughed softly. “It was designed to help Aurors track people or creatures. Breathe lightly.”

His eyes were watering, but he did as she said. The sweet smells of jasmine and sage-her shampoo-filled his senses, making him surprisingly dizzy with desire.

As she led him to the next display, his thoughts turned to the little velvet bag in his pocket. He had been carrying it for months, waiting for the perfect time to present itself, the excruciatingly romantic moment that she would remember for the rest of her life. It occurred to him then that he could wait forever for that ideal scenario, and he was suddenly out of patience.

Before he could change his mind, his heart pounding, Draco grabbed her hand and spun her to look at him.

“Draco, what-?”

“No questions, love. I’ll answer yours.”

Hermione nodded.

“It’s about the orange, me hiding something from you. Thing is, it’s literal.” He pulled the bag from his pocket, placed it in her hand, and closed her fingers around it. “Marry me.”

Hermione’s eyes went wide, her entire body frozen in surprise.

“I never meant to ask you like this, at a bloody museum, but I can’t stand to wait another second to ensure that you’re mine forever.”

The tears in her eyes and the smile on her face, bright and beautiful and just for him, were answer enough. She flung her arms around him, laced her fingers in his hair and whispered, “As you are mine. Forever.”


Title: In A Spell
Author: savepureness
Rating: PG
Warnings: Sexual allusions
Word Count: 353


Of all things, one was certain: he was aging.

Hermione tilted her head, thoughtfully removing a pesky lock off her forehead. She studied him carefully, humming and nodding, and humming again; all in all, she liked facts and verified data, but that, well, that was unbearable. How could you? she went on, humming all the way, a single annoyed sparkle blinking at the corner of her left eye.

At least he was still orange. He hadn’t turned some sandy pigmentation overnight.

Hermione sat down, trying to empty her mind. Focusing on a single target was too much for her, though; her inner mechanisms were designed to perform a pristine multitasking, and she wasn’t as much stressed as tired by the way potentially helpful spells were crossing their paths with ideas for a nice home-cooked dinner. Or supper, for all that it was.

And then he went, Find me in the study, as grumpy and stiff as always, and she could nearly feel him aging, too.

- Supper ready?

Definitely aging, growing grumpier by the day. Even his hair seemed thinner by the day. And his drive -

- Why the angry face?

He stood up, walked towards her and let a lean hand on her shoulder. The next moment she was sobbing against the pleasant, familiar heat of his narrow chest.

- It’s Crookshanks, Draco! I-I-I think he’s … he-he-he’s going to …

Feeling his fingers messing up with her already nasty tresses tickled the corners of her mouth; she fought her involuntary attempts to smile, but she lost graciously. And then, there was the sudden thrill and expectation, coming out of nowhere, and a rush of blood through her body, aiming at her very head.

She was wrong, her husband wasn’t aging. By the size of it, he actually seemed in better shape than ever; playing her damsel-in-distress card to the end, she hung her arms around his neck, pushing her hips forward, and waiting. She knew what would come next: the rejuvenating spell for their poor cat could wait, as it always did. Muffliato had to come first, for the children’s sake.


Title: The Evil Present
Author: miyabita13
Rating: PG
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 499


Draco lifted the present from its box, instantly regretting it.

“Bloody hell,” he hissed, trying to keep his voice down so as not to wake Hermione. It was supposed to be a surprise, something special to celebrate their one-year anniversary, but the intended “gift” had a mind of its own. Damn thing bit my nose, he thought, running fingers over the area in question, checking for blood.

Satisfied that his perfect features were still perfect, he quickly realized that, in his anger, he had dropped Hermione’s gift. He looked down and saw it dart under the bed. He dropped to his knees, peeking underneath the bed before scrambling backwards to avoid the sharp nails aimed for his face. The thing was definitely more trouble than it was worth. Maybe he should murder it now and take her to a fancy restaurant. Or better yet… cook dinner? Hermione was always giving him hell about his inability to make a simple meal… what better way to prove her wrong. Of course, there was no way he’d be able to figure out that stupid Muggle contraption - why was it in their flat again? - in time. Better to pay a house elf and fake it. It was the thought that counted, right? And, well… he did have the thought to cook…

Right. Back to the matter at hand. How to kill Hermione’s feisty present before she woke. He moved to pull the thing towards him, but the creature had other ideas.

Swipe. Draco let out a hiss, as angry, red welts appeared on his arm the same red as the bow around the thing’s neck. The low noise caused Hermione to stir ever so slightly.

Right. On to vicious and cruel Plan B. He grabbed his wand, muttered “Silencio”, and lunged for the creature. Another swipe caught his face, but Draco was nothing if not determined, and he dragged the creature out by its little furry paws. Blood was trailing down his cheek, but Draco could have cared less as he rose victorious from under the bed, the creature caught in his hands.

That didn’t stop the thing from biting his nose again.

The sharp teeth that dug into his skin caused him to throw his body backwards, knocking him into the nightstand. Books clattered to the floor, waking the sleeping Hermione Granger.

“What is going on in here?” Draco cringed. Hermione was definitely not an early riser.

Two heads popped over the edge of the bed to look at her - one small, furry, and utterly adorable.

“Oh, Draco…” she breathed, hands reaching to take the kitten from him. The smile on her face was breathtaking.

“Happy Anniversary.”

She pulled him back into bed, peppering his face with kisses. For a few moments, as Hermione lay cuddled against him, he thought all that morning’s effort had actually been worth something…

Until the kitten nestled itself beside Hermione, walking over him in the process. He’d definitely have to do something about those damn claws.


Title: A Wizard’s Fairy Tale
Author: drcjsnider
Rating: G
Warnings: n/a
Word Count: 499

“Once upon a time, in the wilds of England, there lived a beautiful and brilliant young princess named Hermione.”

“Beautiful like mummy?” Scorpius asked his daddy.

“Well, no,” Draco Malfoy admitted. “This woman’s beauty was not immediately apparent to those who did not know her. In fact, on first glance, she was hopelessly bourgeois - ratty hair, big teeth, conventional dress - nothing extraordinary. But if one looked beyond surface appearances, then her beauty was unsurpassable.”

Scorpius looked unconvinced.

“Now this lovely woman had dedicated most of her life to protecting defenseless creatures that had been abused by dark and evil wizards.”

“Was she a veterinarian?” Scorpius asked, his eyes wide.

“A what?”

“A veterinarian. That’s a Muggle animal healer,” the small boy explained to his father.

“No!” Draco grumbled. He was going to have a serious talk with his wife about exactly what she was teaching their son. “She didn’t heal animals, she protected them. Anyways, one day Princess Hermione came across a handsome, smart, proud, caramel-coloured eagle-owl. The eagle-owl was in trouble. There were a number of men who wanted to lock him up in a cage and never let him fly again.”

“Why did they want that?” the blond boy asked.

“The owl had been branded by a ruthless wizard, who had tried to get him to do horrible and wicked things.”

“Like what?” Scorpius gasped.

“Like biting off the noses of little boys,” Draco grinned, pinching his son’s nose lightly and giving it a tug.

“Daddy!” the child giggled.

“The owl never wanted to do these bad things; however, because he hadn’t been taught the proper way to behave, he wasn’t very good or kind. Luckily, Princess Hermione recognized the disadvantages the owl had been laboring under and decided to teach him to be better.”

“How’d she do that?” the child asked with a yawn.

“First, she served as an example of how one should act - being kind, friendly, and nonjudgmental about outward looks. Second, she nagged him a lot and cast a canary hex on him if misbehaved. Most importantly, however, she just loved him and showed him she believed he could be a better owl.”

“And it worked?”

Draco nodded. “Yes, he became a better owl. He was still handsome, proud, and had a continuing tendency to nip at the fingers of annoying gits, yet at the same time, he began to do good things. He helped other owls that had been hurt by his old master and tried to aid in the rebuilding of those parts of the world destroyed by dark magic. Eventually, people came to see that he had changed for the better and no longer wanted to lock him in a cage.”

“Did the owl and Princess Hermione live together happily ever after?” Scorpius asked.

The elder Malfoy shook his head. “Unfortunately, a pathetic, bedraggled weasel came into the picture and Princess Hermione felt it necessary to rush to his aid. But that my boy is a story for another night.”

round 1, voting

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