Round 1: Challenge #3: Voting

May 30, 2008 09:43

Below are the drabbles for week 3 of dramione_ldws!

Choose your favorite and least favorite drabbles. favorites will receive +1 point per vote, and least favorites -1 point per vote. The drabble with the most point wins the week, and the twoauthors of the two drabbles with the least votes is voted off.

Skipping this week:

Eliminated for not submitting drabble (skip used):


Title: Last Time
Author: love_eachother
Rating: PG
Warnings: N/A
Word Count: 492

She glared at him, her coffee-coloured eyes seemingly burning holes in his body, but still he refused to back down. Her arms crossed over her chest enhanced the rise and fall of her breasts, which, he thought wryly, didn’t really help her in her mission to make him feel guilty. It wasn’t his fault anyway, he reasoned, and so there was no use in feeling anything but amused at the sight that fronted him now.

That marble bust had fallen off the shelf and hurtled towards the head of the poor, unsuspecting second year, completely of its own accord. She’d just happened to walk by as it dropped, and he, the innocent bystander, had had his wand out and pointed towards the bust in question as it did. Besides, he mused, it wasn’t as if the kid was injured. Goody Granger was much too quick in her defence, as usual.

“Malfoy, I’m serious. Either you apologise to…”, she looked down at the traumatised child again, her face creased into a frown torn between exasperation that she was caught in this situation and embarrassment that she’d already forgotten his name…”Jim, apologise to Jim now, or I’ll make you.” The threat lingered in the air for maybe a moment before Jim lost interest and scarpered, ignoring Hermione’s pleas to come back.

Draco arched a perfect, pale eyebrow, grappling with the rising tension between the two that had nothing to do with the falling bust-towards-head incident of three minutes before.

She realised, in that silence that seemed to stretch on forever, that neither of them was about to give up just yet, and she wondered silently whether his sexiness would get the better of her righteousness again.

He just wondered whether or not he could walk away from this particular encounter with her shirt again.

“I won’t apologise Granger. You’ll have to either kill me or kiss me to hear the words, and a small part of my sense of self-interest worries that I won’t see the latter again for a long time.” His grin turned cheeky as he glanced around the now deserted corridor and moved closer to her, whom had just frozen on the spot. “Especially not after last time.”

Hermione arched an eyebrow of her own, and stepped tantalisingly closer to the tall, egotistical brute that cleverly masqueraded as a man, and reached up on her toes, her mouth to his ear. She felt him shiver against her hands, cunningly placed flat on his chest, and she smiled to herself. “Malfoy, I always get what I want. I thought you would have remembered that, especially after last time.”

Her warm lips dropped on his cheek, lingeringly, and she turned and walked away without a backwards glance, small, mischievous smile still on her mouth, leaving Draco standing in the corridor, looking utterly frustrated. Letting her walk away with the last word seemed worse to him than apologising. And he didn’t get her shirt.


Title: Apologize: an internal monologue.
Author: pokeystar
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Word Count: 165

“I’m truly not sorry about the other night at the Leaky, when I made you look like a complete fool with very little effort in front of those gorgeous witches. How was I to know they worked with you at the Ministry? Disregarding the fact that I see them there every day. And I’m ecstatically happy to pay the negligible, I’m sure cleaning bill, since I not so accidentally caused you to fall. It’s a damned shame that sublimely ridiculous nickname caught on. It was a purposefully calculated slip of the tongue. Hopefully, everyone will forget about it eventually. Say, before your hundredth birthday? I appreciate that you are one of Hermione’s dearest and utterly platonic, like a eunuch friends, and I hope my wickedly awesome behaviour hasn’t ruined our non-existent relationship. I deeply respect and fear my mine, mine, mine girlfriend and her continued sexual well-being means everything to me. What do you say? Can we bury the hatchet in your shiftless freckled arse? ”


Title: More Than Words
Author: apple_blossum24
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Word Count: 318

Anyone who thought Draco Malfoy had never apologized in his life didn’t know anything about anything. Since Hermione Granger knew something about nearly everything-she knew he did. In fact, he apologized every day.

He never actually said the words, but Hermione knew he felt remorse… an incessant need to atone for his sins. His weakness. It wasn’t about rebuilding a respectable name and reputation, that would be something to work on later. It was about guilt. It was about breathing in and out, grateful for the ash in the air burning your throat and lungs. Grateful because pain meant you were alive.

Hermione knew his reputation was worth a damn to him when he anonymously donated a large chunk of his inheritance to help rebuild Hogwarts in Albus Dumbledore’s name. She knew his search for redemption was genuine when he called in some favors to set up a meeting between the largest international distributors in the wizarding world and the Weasleys. Malfoys never do anything anonymously, but he did. He was angry each time she uncovered these unspoken apologies and she was annoyingly persistent at following his paper trails and uncovering his secrets through curious investigation. He didn’t speak to her for months because she knew. Then he sent her a magnifying glass and a signed copy of “The Hound of the Baskervilles” by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle to wordlessly apologize for being angry and not speaking to her.

The last eight years had been filled with Draco Malfoy’s apologies… sacrifices small and large, monetary and physical-to make his wife proud and give his children safety, love and opportunity. Not just because he was sorry, but because he was thankful. Hermione knew, and she was definitely proud. Proud of him and proud of being his wife… even though she never actually said the words. She showed him in her kiss, her touch and he knew… no paper trail required.

Title: Broken Glass
Author: floorcoaster
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Word Count: 496

Her world is spinning out of control.

She isn’t moving, hasn’t moved since Harry left. Since Harry had arrived and told her he had seen him. Out. With her. Slammed up against the wall of a seedy pub, the kind of place she thought he hated, snogging her like they weren’t in a very public place. Harry left after they rushed out, barely able to keep their hands off each other.

She doesn’t understand how Harry knows. That’s not important right now.

Hermione knew they were having problems. She never would have imagined he would cheat. Things weren’t perfect, but … her?

The door slams shut, and she jumps, startled. Harry just left, less than a minute had passed. Though, it could have been hours, for all she knows.

She hears her name. It’s him. She knows his voice, his walk, the way the floorboards creak beneath his feet.

The light flicks on. “Why are you sitting in the dark?”

A hundred different answers run through her head, but nothing comes out.

He walks to her and sits on the floor in front of her, arms around his knees. She lifts her eyes enough to look him over. Shirt disheveled, tie undone, hair rumpled, lips pink. He looks recently snogged and her heart clenches painfully.

“There’s something I need to tell you,” he says tentatively.

She can’t believe this is happening. That their secret is out, that Harry knows, just in time for everything to come crashing down.

“I think I know,” she whispers, avoiding his gaze.

“You do?” His face is worried now.

“Harry was just here,” she explains. That should be enough; he’ll understand.

He runs a hand through his hair. “I know, I saw him. That’s what I want to talk about.”

She frowns. “Harry?”

“Yeah, I … I told him. I know you wanted to wait, but he asked me what I was doing here and …” He sighs. “I couldn’t lie again.”

“I don’t-I don’t understand,” she says, frustrated.

“They were bound to find out eventually. What good excuse could I come up with? I was delivering take-away? He’s not that thick.” He chuckles.

“What did you tell Harry?” she asks, her heart now pounding in her chest. None of this makes sense.

“That we’re together,” he says, a concerned look shading his graceful features. “What did you think?”

“You weren’t at a pub tonight?” Now she looks into his pale grey eyes, hope exploding inside her.

“No.” He frowns. “I told you, I had a late meeting. Once a month, there’s a late meeting. I came straight here.”

Something’s missing. Nothing makes sense!

“After I told him, Potter said something strange.”

“What’s that?” she asks.

“Wanted me to tell you: ‘It was Ron.’” He shrugs. “Any idea what he meant?”

She doesn’t hesitate, doesn’t think, doesn’t speak. Just throws herself onto the floor, flinging her arms around his neck, and sobbing.

“I saw him, Hermione,” said Harry. “With Pansy. I-I’m so sorry.”


Title: Until Its Gone
Author: nikkilicious
Rating: PG 13 (for language)
Warnings: Language
Word Count: 435


I don’t know why I’m here. I don’t know why I didn’t come sooner. I stare steadily at the worn path as I walk past the headstones. I can’t bear to look up. Its hard enough knowing where I’m at; seeing it is an entirely different thing.

It’s a cold day. The white puffs continuously come out of my mouth but seeing them still doesn’t make me believe I’m breathing. I notice the fresh footprints in the dirt as I move and I know instinctively who was here only moments before I showed up.

There you are. Right there, only a few feet away. I have to stop and ball my hands into fists, a weak attempt to gather the strength or the courage or whatever else it is that I need to be able to take the last few steps. My nails dig into the flesh of my palms and the pain reminds me that I’m still alive.

And you’re not.

I step up to your grave.



“I’m sorry.”

“No you’re not, Malfoy.” And she was right, he wasn’t. Hermione only rolled her eyes as he smirked at her. She knew him too well and thinking that almost make her cringe because it was Draco Malfoy… someone she was never supposed to know at all.

Strutting over to her, he put his hands on her hips and pressed his cheek against her own.

“I don’t even have to apologize, do I Granger? You’ll forgive me no matter what.” He smoothed his palms over her skin and he got in a couple of good strokes before she shoved him back, a flush on her cheeks and a playful glower in her stare.

“Don’t push your luck.”

“Oh, but its so fun.”

“Ha ha. But don’t get all cocky on me. I may forgive you for a lot but that doesn’t give you free reign.”

“Sure it does.” But she was already heading for the door when he said it.



I was such a fucking idiot. What’s that stupid saying? You never know what you have until its gone. Too fucking true. I took you for granted. I took it all for granted, didn’t I? I know your answer would be yes. You always were bluntly honest, no matter how hurtful the truth could be.

I miss that about you. Hell, I just miss you.

I trace your name with my fingers and it isn’t until I get to the ‘o’ that I notice my hand is shaking.

You were right, Hermione.

“I’m sorry. And I really mean it this time.”


Title: Pillow Talk
Author: kalina_blue
Rating: PG 13
Word Count: 347

“Goyle apologized to me today.” The statement came out of the blue and interrupted Draco’s post-coital bliss. He turned his head, too tired to move any more than absolutely necessary, and looked at his girlfriend, who was snuggled to his side.

“What for?” he asked with the bare minimum of interest. What his friends did or said usually wasn’t of much concern to him when he was lying naked in bed with Hermione.

“Bullying me at school, calling me a Mudblood… you know…” Hermione trailed of. Draco tried to look at her face to get at least some inclination about what she was thinking of that apology, but Hermione had her face buried in his shoulder.

“Did you accept?” he asked, honestly curious this time. Although Hermione and he had been together for more than four months now, this evening had been the first time that he had brought her along when going out with his old friends from school. They both had been nervous about whether Hermione would get along with the former Slytherins, but surprisingly enough the evening had passed without any of the old school rivalry flaring up.

“Of course I did.”

“That’s good then.” Draco had been pleased that the evening had gone so well.

“Can I ask you something?” Hermione spoke softly. Draco could hear the trepidation in her voice.

“Sure,” he answered wearily. He wasn’t one for emotional conversations and he thought he had a good idea what was coming next.

“Why didn’t you ever apologize to me?” Hermione asked, voice low, face still buried in his shoulder.

Though Draco had anticipated the question, he still didn’t have an answer; at least none he was comfortable sharing with. Growing impatient with his silence Hermione raised her head, looking him straight in the eyes. Draco absentmindedly lifted a hand to play with her hair, a tangled mess of curls thanks to their earlier activities.

“Do you need an apology?” he finally asked.

Hermione shook her head, sending the curls flying.

“Then I’m sorry,” Draco said before drawing her closer for a kiss.


Title: Not Good Enough
Author: drcjsnider
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Angst
Word Count: 500

“Draco, I’m really sorry about this.”

“Shut the fuck up, Granger.”

“I warned you I still had feelings for Ron.”

“That was months ago! Long before you said you cared about me, long before we shagged, and long before I fell in love with you!”

Hermione flinched. “You don’t love me.”

“Fuck you, Granger. You might be intelligent, but you don’t know shite about how I feel.”

“If you really loved me, you would have told me before today!”

“I didn’t realize our relationship was on a time clock,” he sneered.

“Don’t you dare get snotty with me, Draco Malfoy. You have never given me any indication that you wanted anything more than a temporary fling. Meeting me in hotel rooms, only wanting to dine in Muggle London, refusing to introduce me to your friends, how naive do you think I am? Those are all signs of a man who doesn’t want others to know he is in a relationship.”

“Merlin, maybe I just wanted us to have some time alone, some time to really get to know each other, before we had to deal with the spotlight of the Wizarding World or our friends’ undoubtedly insufferable attitudes.”

Hermione stared at him in disbelief. “You can’t imagine I’m going to believe your drivel! I know about Astoria Greengrass.”

Draco looked momentarily shocked, but he quickly recovered. “That was my father’s doing. He arranged the engagement with her family. I barely even know her, let alone desire to marry her.”

“It’s not like you want to marry me either,” she pointed out. “Ron, however, does.”

“How long have you been seeing him?”

“That’s none of your business.”

He grabbed her by the arm. “I disagree. How long?” he growled.

“A few weeks,” she admitted, blushing.

“I wonder how Weasley would react if he found out you’ve been fucking me the entire time he was courting you?” Draco asked threateningly.

“I suspect he’d be angry enough to mess up your pretty face,” Hermione spat back. “But, I don’t worry about it. We both know you are too cowardly to ever tell him.”

“I’m not the only coward, Granger. You are the one ending this, ending us because you’re too afraid of how Saint Potter and the rest of the Gryffindor scum would react if they discovered their precious princess was serious about a Malfoy.”

Hermione looked away, unable to meet his eyes. “Fine, maybe I am scared, but that doesn’t change the fact that Ron loves me and I know I can be happy with him.”

Grabbing her arm, Draco pulled her to him forcefully. “He loves you. But you say nothing about loving him.”

He watched her shut her eyes tightly, a tear sliding down her face. “Let me go, Draco. You and I would never last.”

He dropped her arm and turned away.

“I’m sorry.”

He strode across the room and wrenched open the door. “Sometimes sorry isn’t good enough.” He left, slamming shut the door.


Title: He took my seat.
Author: lylianf
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Word Count: 185

My sense of belonging has been disrupted. I cannot function correctly.

He took my seat.

You would defend this lone student, but that’s until you find out he’s not just any other student. He’s Draco Malfoy! He did this on purpose, to cause me misery and discord.

No, I’m not paranoid! And no, I’m not being too sensitive!

That’s been my seat all year. Everyone has settled into a routine already. Who does he think he is to disrupt that routine!?

I’m not being childish. That was my seat!

What did I do? Well, I told him to shove it of course.

That was my no means harsh. You should have seen the look he gave me…. He didn’t even move! The nerve!

Well, afterwards…I pushed him off.

The look on his face was priceless.

The stupid prat deserved it. I can’t believe you’re defending him, Hannah.

I do not owe him an apology. He nearly landed me a detention.

But he-

Well, I suppose.

I guess you’re right.

Right now? But Hannah-

Fine! I’ll apologise to the great git.


Okay, I’m going!



Title: Two Hearts, Two Words
Author: mitabita24
Rating: R
Warnings: One slight mention of sex and non-con, but nothing graphic.
Word Count: 498


In his dream, she looks beautiful in her Yule Ball dress robes, and it feels so easy - so freeing - to apologize for insulting her. The word falls easily from his lips - Malfoy pride be damned - as does her answering smile.

In reality, a different word is spoken, one used to break her, to make her cry, which she does when they - stupid, stupid Pansy - gang up on her when Viktor isn’t around: “Mudblood.”

He likes the dream better.

In his dream, they fight together. She, the light (his). He, finally free of the dark. Curses head towards them, but they stand as one, united in ways he’s only dreamt about. He pays for his momentary awe as a curse sweeps past him and drives into her side. She screams, but he is there for her in an instant with a whispered apology and a thousand kisses.

In reality, they are on opposite sides, and she is screaming. He hates the sound, but is too afraid of her torturer to free her. His heart stops when she locks eyes with him, and he feels himself on the verge of mouthing something… a word only used in his dreams.

Instead, he sneers, “Mudblood” and walks away. Inside, he is the one screaming.

In his dream, the sex is gentle, though she cries when he first pierces her. He kisses her tears away, murmuring apologies into her hair, her neck, until she wraps her legs around him and moans his name.

In reality, the sex is rough, and he taunts her until her tears fall on his skin like rain. Later, he’ll remember going to the pub in a rage, intent on drinking himself into a stupor… but nothing after. Not until Blaise asks for details does he remembers taking her in the dark alleyway… moaning “Mudblood” as he came.

He wishes his reality were a dream.

In his dream, they’re talking over coffee. She laughs, and her smile makes him dizzy. They discuss topics freely… until he brings up sex. She blushes, and in her embarrassment, knocks over her cup. The apology leaves his lips before he has time to think, and he is at her side in an instant, helping her with the spill. This time, it is she who catches him off guard, as her lips descend upon his.

In reality, they do not talk, despite seeing one another at work. He wishes she would say something - anything - about that horrible, horrible night. He sends her gifts, leaves trinkets on her desk, but they always end up on his desk the next morning, untouched. One month in, he realizes he can no longer take her silence. He marches into her office (much to her surprise) gets down on his knees before her, and clasps her hands in his, saying the one word he never had the courage to speak: “Sorry.”

It isn’t much - and she doesn’t smile - but it’s a beginning. And this time… it’s not a dream.


Please put the number of the drabble in the box, not the title. It's just slightly easier for us! :)


round 1, voting

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