Round 4 Challenge #7: Voting

Jul 30, 2009 08:11

Welcome to week 7 of voting for Round 4 of Dramione LDWS!!

This week’s challenge included writing a drabble in a mere 100 words that incorporated the prompt however the participants interpreted it.

A couple of things to remember when deciding which drabbles to vote for (most and least favorite):


  • 1. Which drabble best incorporates the prompt?
  • 2. Is the drabble clever, different, fresh? Does it evoke an emotional response (good or bad)?
  • 3. Does the drabble contain grammar, canon or spelling errors?

    The “feedback” option.

    As a voter, you have the option of leaving a brief statement about why you voted the way you did, for both most and least favorite. Your feedback will then be given to the drabble writer (if they want the feedback) ANONYMOUSLY.

    Example: Most - #40: the ending was brilliant - OR - Least - #57: the ending fell flat

    Now that all of that is done… We present the drabbles for week 7!!


    [1] Choose your most favorite and least favorite drabbles. Favorites will receive +1 point per vote, and least favorites -1 point per vote. Each drabble’s MF and LF scores will be added together. Drabble with most points wins, drabbles with least TWO points are voted off.
    [2] You may NOT vote for yourself.

    Voting ends at 11:59pm, Friday, July 31, 2009.

    “A Single Sunbeam is enough to drive away many shadows.” ~ St. Francis of Assisi ~


    Title: You Always Were
    Author: midnight_birth
    Rating: PG
    Warnings: None.
    Word Count: 100

    “I hate the sun,” he always said.

    She never understood. It was light, it was life. Yet she could see him draw into himself, shrink somehow when they stepped out into the light. She knew he hated to be visible, hated himself so much that he didn’t want anyone to see him

    “It’s warm,” she whispered to him pleadingly. “It’s liberating, it’ll free you.”

    He brought her close, kissed her hair like he did every time he didn’t know how to form the words “thank you”.

    “You are enough. You are my sun,” he whispered back sadly. “You always were.”


    Title: Message Given
    Author: bookishwench
    Rating: PG
    Warnings: non-graphic violence
    Word Count: 100

    Since Voldemort’s arrival, Draco had seen things too terrible to contemplate, but the night of Hermione’s torture broke him. She’d looked at him once through the pain, and he tried to put into his gaze the helplessness and anger he felt, but then her eyes rolled back in another wave of agony.

    One night, after another nightmare of watching while she screamed, he woke to something filling his room with light: an otter. He stared, wondering whose Patronus it was, when it spoke in her voice.

    “I understand.”

    It disappeared, and he sighed in relief, then slept dreamlessly until morning.


    Title: Losing Grip
    Author: __vintagebomb
    Rating: G
    Warnings: None
    Word Count: 100!

    At this point in life, dying would have been a vacation. The nightmares were relentless. He could no longer escape the screams of agony or the limp, lifeless bodies. Sleep became foreign, but the nightmares now haunted him even while awake. Yes, dying would be easier.

    Twenty days into his sentence, life flickered back into his eyes. How could he forget his reason to live? Bushy, brown hair, warm caring eyes, and three words no one had ever dared to utter to him. Warmth flowed through Draco and the Dementors’ control over him crumbled.

    Their love was worth fighting for.


    Title: A Light in the Dark
    Author: nightfalltwen
    Rating: PG
    Warnings: None
    Word Count: 100

    He battles giants with their swinging windmill arms. He has no Sancho and the giants turn to snake-faced monsters. They say that in dreams you cannot feel pain. They're wrong. The pain is far too real.

    Hermione watches Draco dream, unable to avoid the chasm of his own sub-conscious. Nothing has helped. It all ends up the same. With his terrified whispers and her name always on his lips.

    She touches his cheek.

    "Chase away my shadows," he asks the brilliant light cutting through his nightmare.

    She murmurs to him that she will; the tension in his sleeping face disappears.


    Title: The Light at the End of the Tunnel
    Author: ayane_tsurugi
    Rating: G
    Warnings: None.
    Word Count: 100

    Working at Borgin and Burke’s certainly hadn’t been Draco’s first choice. He was capable of better, but in the post-war world it was the only thing society saw him fit for. It was dank and often empty, with the few clientele no more fond of him, the coward, as the rest of the Wizarding World was of him, the Death Eater.

    Most often, what got him through the day was the promise of the frizzy-haired girl waiting in his flat, who more often than not doesn’t even look up from her book until he pulls it away to kiss her.


    Title: An Unexpected Need
    Author: little_dollface
    Rating: PG
    Warnings: none
    Word Count: 100

    Hermione stood in line, hiding herself from the pitying looks with a book. It’d been a year since Ron’s death. She now lived in a world consumed by that one moment, on the verge of becoming a shadow of herself.

    “Granger, pay attention and move.” Her head snapped up.

    “Shut it, Malfoy,” she replied, with bite in her voice and a smile lingering on her lips.

    It was then she truly realized how close she had been to losing herself completely to grief. Sparring with Malfoy was so wonderfully real, so like her past self, she nearly ached for more.


    REMEMBER: Vote for the NUMBER of the drabble, NOT THE NAME. It just makes it easier on the mods!

  • round 4, voting

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