Round 4 Challenge #4: Voting

Jul 09, 2009 09:01

Welcome to week 4 of voting for Round 4 of Dramione LDWS!!

“Summer lovin' had me a blast
Summer lovin' happened so fast
I met a girl crazy for me
Met a boy cute as can be
Summer days driftin' away, to uh-oh those summer nights!”

A couple of things to remember when deciding which drabbles to vote for (most and least favorite):


  • 1. Which drabble best incorporates the prompt?
  • 2. Is the drabble clever, different, fresh? Does it evoke an emotional response (good or bad)?
  • 3. Does the drabble contain grammar, canon or spelling errors?

    The “feedback” option.

    As a voter, you have the option of leaving a brief statement about why you voted the way you did, for both most and least favorite. Your feedback will then be given to the drabble writer (if they want the feedback) ANONYMOUSLY.

    Example: Most - #40: the ending was brilliant - OR - Least - #57: the ending fell flat

    Now that all of that is done… We present the drabbles for week 4!! And I'm not biased or anything, but I think this week's bunch is AMAZING.


    [1] Choose your most favorite and least favorite drabbles. Favorites will receive +1 point per vote, and least favorites -1 point per vote. Each drabble’s MF and LF scores will be added together. Drabble with most points wins, drabbles with least TWO points are voted off.
    [2] You may NOT vote for yourself.

    Participants using a skip:

    Voting ends at 11:59pm, Friday, June 26, 2009.

    From the movie “Grease”


    Title: Changes
    Rating: PG-13
    Warnings: Language
    Word Count: 493

    Ginny watched her flatmate suspiciously as she untied the Daily Prophet and grabbed a muffin before sitting at the kitchen table to read. Hermione had been back from her Australian holiday for nearly a week, and she was still grinning.

    Ginny couldn’t take not knowing any longer. Snatching the paper from her, Ginny hid it behind her back and sat down in the chair opposite. “Spill.” Hermione’s surprised laughter sounded strangely like a giggle, and Ginny raised an eyebrow. “Did you just giggle at me? Okay, your cheeriness is almost nauseating now.”

    Hermione rolled her eyes. “Fine. I met a boy while I was away.”


    Blaise gripped his newspaper a bit too tightly when he heard footsteps and the distinct sound of humming coming from the hallway that led to Draco’s bedroom.

    A week. Draco had been like this for a bloody goddamn week. It had to stop. He couldn’t live with this person who said ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ to the house elves anymore. He needed his best mate back. “Draco,” he said in his most pleasant voice. He used his crumpled newspaper to point to the armchair nearest him. Draco sat, and Blaise fixed him with a glare. “Mate, you look like you’re going to break into a skip at any moment, and if you start skipping through my flat, I’m going to have to hex you. Now, just tell me if you managed to get into her knickers.”

    Draco scoffed at the threat, but his face fell into a familiar smirk. “Australia was good to me, Blaise.”


    Hermione let out a long sigh. “Yes, he was nice to me; yes, he was good-looking; yes, he bought me dinner; I think he liked me; and, well, I supposed you could know him. Possibly.”

    Ginny bounced excitedly. This was the first time she’d seen Hermione happy over a man since she’d broken up with Ron six months ago. “Did you spend the night together?”

    “Of course not!”

    “Sleep together?”


    “Have sex?”



    “Was she any good?” Draco just looked at him for a moment, and Blaise shook his head. “Ah, yes. The humming. I should have figured.” He laughed. “Do you still remember her name?”

    Draco’s expression was suddenly blank. His poker face. This was a poor time to use it, the idiot. Blaise’s eyes narrowed. “You knew her?”

    Draco just sighed and nodded.

    “What’s her name, Draco?”


    “Are you at least going to tell me his name?”

    Hermione bit her lip. “Only if I absolutely have to.”

    Ginny’s grin widened. She had a feeling this was going to be good. “Then I do know him! Who was it?”


    In two different parts of England, a blond man and a bushy-haired brunette woman winced simultaneously.

    “Hermione Granger,” the man said.

    “Draco Malfoy,” the woman said.

    In two different parts of England, two mouths fell open simultaneously, followed closely by, “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me!”


    Title: This Night Has Opened My Eyes
    Rating: PG-13
    Warnings: Kiss Kiss
    Word Count: 420

    She watched as the hands that previously held the strong wood of the flying broom reached to cup her face, watched as his lips parted just before hers. Her heart pounded weakly, for it had forgotten its purpose as Draco Malfoy’s lips slowly descended upon hers. Her body melted to his touch, pooling around his form like a mold, one she would keep to remember this moment whenever she needed.

    His hands tangled into her hair as their lips danced together with no bounds, nothing holding them back. She smiled against his mouth, unable to withhold her joy, as she stood twined with him like vines rising from the ground.

    "What are you doing?"

    She blinked, and the Hogwarts Quidditch pitch materialized around her. Hot blood pooled to her face, her heart pounding vigorously throughout her body as the memory of her fantasy lingered. Before her stood Malfoy, his hair askew and matted with sweat, his hand holding his broom in favor of being wrapped in her hair. She blinked again. "Pa-Pardon?"

    "You’re gaping like a stunned grindylow, Granger," he teased, to the dismay of her already soaring body temperature.

    "I’m waiting for Harry," she stated, although it sounded suspiciously like a question. Malfoy narrowed his eyes at her, his face slowly twisting into a delighted smirk.

    A voice sounded from behind her. "I’m right here, Hermione."

    Her eyes widened and she turned quickly in the direction of her friend’s voice. Right as rain, there he stood, eyeing her warily. "We thought you were in a trance, Hermione. What in bloody hell were you doing?"

    Hermione looked frantically from Draco to Harry, her pulse raging against her frame - surely they could hear it? She smiled nervously, her eyes still shifting left to right, and started laughing in sheer panic. The laughter slowly dwindled, hanging in the air above them, and she slapped her hand onto her stomach and exhaled.

    "Merlin, it’s hot tonight," she said between awkward bursts of laughter. Her eyes desperately searched for an exit, her fight or flight mechanism nearly suffocating her with the need to escape. Both Harry and Malfoy gawked as she suddenly turned on her heel and careened down the stadium’s stairs and into the dark of night below.

    As soon as Hermione’s footfalls dissipated Harry rounded on Malfoy, his tone accusatory. "Okay, Malfoy, what did you do to her?"

    Malfoy raised his free hand to surrender his innocence, and reasoned, "How should I know, Potter? It’s not like I snogged the crazy bint."


    Title: Rumors
    Warnings: none
    Word Count: 499

    “Malfoy! Give me one good reason not to kill you right now!” Hermione had her wand pointed at his chest, her eyes blazing with anger.

    Draco smirked. “You’re too smart to do it in front of witnesses.” He laughed and turned to grin at Flint and Goyle.

    Hermione glared before poking Draco hard with her wand. “I can handle those tossers.”

    Draco grabbed her arm and dragged her to a spot under the Quidditch stands. “What’s your problem, Ganger?”

    “You!” She ripped her elbow out of his grasp. “I can’t believe you told Anthony Goldstein that we...” She hesitated for a moment. “You know what you said. I refuse to repeat your lies.” Crossing her arms, she gave him a scathing look.

    “So, that’s what this is all about.” He actually seemed pleased that she was all riled up.

    “Yes!” She stomped her foot.

    He moved closer, but she stopped him with a hand, asking, “Weren’t you worried that you’d sully your reputation by associating yourself in that way with a Muggleborn?” For a moment he seemed to be frowning, but he was so frustratingly difficult to read.

    Backing off, he replied, “Don’t worry about my reputation, Granger. It’s perfectly intact.”

    “You disgust me.” She focused on one of the nails holding the structure above them together. Taking a deep breath, she then asked, “Well, did you even think about mine?” She didn’t let him answer. “No, of course you didn’t.” She started pacing.

    “It’s not a complete lie,” he stated quietly.

    She looked up, a blush starting to bloom on her cheeks. “I thought we agreed not to talk about that.”

    “No, you agreed to that. I have no problem talking about us snogging.” His words made her wince. She hated that he could sound so sincere, when she knew he had said it just to taunt her.

    Her thoughts wandered back to that night. Absentmindedly, she put her fingers to her lips. Thinking about it made her head spin. She glanced up and caught him gazing at her mouth. Quickly removing her hand, she replied, “It was a mistake, Malfoy. There’s nothing to talk about.”

    “What is it that you want, Granger?” He seemed irritated. She didn’t understand why. He was closer now, clouding her thoughts. Shaking her head, she said, “You to fix the rumors.”

    He gave her a hard stare. Then a grin slowly appeared on his face. “Fine.”

    Suspicious, she wondered why he suddenly seemed happy with the idea. Brushing it off, she replied, “Good. So you’ll tell your idiotic mates and anyone else you’ve blabbed to that it was a lie.”

    “I had a different plan in mind.” He smirked.

    Suddenly, the space under the stands seemed too small and he was too close. “Oh, what plan is that exactly?” she said, her voice wavering slightly.

    He slipped his hand through her hair and along her neck to cradle the base of her skull. Leaning in, he whispered, “We could make it the truth.”


    Title: He Said/She Said
    Rating: PG-13
    Warnings: innuendo
    Word Count: 499

    Blaise and Goyle were grinning much too widely as Draco sat down in their customary booth at the Leaky Cauldron.

    “So? Do I need to pay Knott five galleons or have you kept your perfect record?” Blaise asked.

    Draco dramatically paused, took a swallow of Fire Whiskey, then said, “Your gold’s safe.”

    Goyle and Blaise gave loud whoops of masculine pride as they clapped Draco on the shoulder.


    “Are you mental?” Ginny asked as they sat at their usual table at the Three Broomsticks. “What possessed you to go out with Draco?”

    “He said please,” Hermione said, shrugging but barely hiding a coy smile.

    Ginny’s jaw dropped.

    “Seriously?” she said. “I didn’t know his mouth was capable of forming that series of sounds.”


    “Did she actually beg?” Goyle said, snickering.

    “A gentleman doesn’t tell,” Draco said, but his lecherous smirk told a different story.

    “Thankfully, no one’s ever accused you of behaving like a gentleman,” Blaise said. “Details, if you please…”


    “We went to a Muggle cinema and watched that new Disney film,” Hermione said.

    “Draco took you to see Finding Nemo?” Ginny said, staring at Hermione in admiration. “Even with extremely good bribery I couldn’t get Harry to go to that. How’d you manage it?”

    “It was his idea,” Hermione said, then added conspiratorially, “and he actually cried when Nemo finally got home.”

    Ginny’s spit take was truly spectacular.


    “Not a single character in the whole movie ever wore a stitch of clothing, and Granger was really into it,” Draco said smugly.

    Goyle slugged Draco hard on the right arm, leaving a Quaffle-sized bruise on his bicep.

    “Well done,” Blaise said, elegantly raising an impressed eyebrow.

    “Yeah, it gave her loads of ideas for later,” Draco said, snickering wildly.


    “A sushi bar?” Ginny said.

    “The movie put the idea in my head, awful as that sounds,” Hermione said, “so I suggested dinner at Keiko’s Pagoda afterwards.”

    “Draco ate raw fish?”

    “Not really,” Hermione said. “He couldn’t quite get the hang of the chopsticks. After dropping his fifth hosomaki on the floor, he grabbed one off the plate, stuffed it in his mouth, and said he was done.”


    “So how’d the night end?” Goyle asked.

    “We Apparated to her flat, she gave me a quick tumble, and I went home for a shower and a cuppa before work,” Draco said.


    “He completely missed you? Is that even possible?” Ginny said.

    “When he went to kiss me, he fell down my front steps. Then he Apparated home in a huff. I’m not sure he’ll even want to go out again,” Hermione said sadly.


    “Think you’ll bother with her again now you’ve got what you wanted?” Blaise asked.

    “Hey! Don’t talk about her that way,” Draco said angrily. “It’s rude. And yes, I wouldn’t deny her the privilege of my company, and I know just the thing she’d like: a night of randy dancing.”

    In Draco’s pocket sat two tickets to Swan Lake.


    Title: Memory
    Rating: PG
    Warnings: None, though this is my first attempt at this style (which is a little weird).
    Word Count: 318

    He wonders what she's doing now.

    It is September, and though the leaves are starting to change color, he cannot stop thinking about summer where

    You beckon him with a curved finger and teasing smile, and even though he wants you he's not giving in that easily. Smirking, he surprises you with a tackle and pins you to the sand. He bends down, but then at the last moment

    he saw her for the first time after the War. He can still remember the exact moment where everything began, when she stopped being Granger and became Hermione. Even though the end had been inevitable, that had been part of the appeal in the beginning. Yet somewhere along the way his heart had gotten involved, and now he

    takes some sand and stuffs it down your bikini top. He gets up and runs toward the water, laughing as you chase him, threatening retribution. You finally manage to catch his arm but trip over your own feet, stumbling into him. He catches you before you fall just as you had done (except not literally). Wrapping his arms around you, he leans in and

    is supposed to simply move on. It is really for the best because he understands what her career means to her, but in spite of that the words provide little comfort. The dumbass who'd said all that crap about it being better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all had clearly not known what he'd been talking about. Because now he

    pulls you close, holding your gaze for a seconed before pressing his lips to yours, because this is the only way he knows how to tell you what he feels.

    just has these shitty memories, and they are not going to make it easy to forget her.

    He still wonders what she's doing and wishes he were there.


    Title: Let Them Try and Meddle
    Rating: PG
    Warnings: Nothing of note.
    Word Count: 498

    “Who is she? What did you do?” Pansy seemed to have taken initiative in drilling Draco about everything regarding the previous night. He needed more time to figure out how he was going to present it to his friends without having his arse Avada Kedavraed on the spot.

    He knew that the rules were quite simple - if you couldn’t tell the truth, omit it skilfully, and if that failed, just plain out lie. He thought he could probably construct something more or less truthful out of the information he thought was safe to divulge.

    “She’s someone I’ve known for a long time,” he started.

    “Who?” Blaise narrowed his eyes.

    “Just this girl. We took a short walk, went for drinks, I took her home.”

    “And?” Pansy frowned. “Is it serious?”

    “We didn’t talk about it much.” Draco got up and threw some money on the table, signalling what he hoped would be the end of the conversation. “She told me she isn’t sure this is even going to work out, so until then it’s no use making waves.”

    Draco fled, and the two exchanged meaningful looks.

    “He’s acting strange,” Blaise said. “I don’t like it.”

    “He’ll tell us when he’s ready.”

    “Or we could just do the normal thing and spy on him.”

    Pansy grinned appreciatively. “I think I like that idea much better.”


    “Draco Malfoy?” Both Ginny and Harry looked so disgusted Hermione had an impulse to laugh.

    “Why would you tell us that?” Harry spluttered. “And... And this is who your “big date” was with yesterday?”

    Hermione sighed and threw Ginny a pleading look.

    “Ok.” Ginny sat down by Hermione and took her hand. “Why don’t you... Why don’t you tell us more.”

    “I know it’s Malfoy and it’s strange, but I’m having a really good time. He’s different when we’re together. He’s polite and thoughtful and... Well, he’s still the Malfoy we remember, but he’s trying. It’s summer and I guess I felt lonely and thought I had nothing to lose.”

    “And you’re telling us you don’t want to curse him to the far pits of hell?”

    Hermione straightened up and looked defiant. “Yes. He took me out to this incredibly lavish dinner last night, and then we walked and talked for hours, and then he took me home and -”

    “No, don’t!” Harry scowled. “So this is serious?”

    “We talked a lot, and he told me he doesn’t know how it can work out or if it can, but it’s going somewhere, which is why I’m telling you this and hoping for your support. I understand you probably need some time to digest this so,” she stood up, “I’m going to go.”

    “Surely we can’t let her do this?” Harry asked when Hermione Disapparated.

    “Well...” Ginny smiled to herself slyly. “I don’t think we’re the only people who feel this way.” Harry gave her a questioning look. She grabbed his hand. “I think it’s time to pay a visit to a couple of Slytherins.”


    REMEMBER: Vote for the NUMBER of the drabble, NOT THE NAME. It just makes it easier on the mods!

  • round 4, voting

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