Round 3, Challenge #2: the screening

Feb 04, 2009 21:20

Grab a soda and some popcorn, movie fans … It’s time for the week two screening!

Welcome all to the World Premiere of "Women like looking at a view. Men don't."

A couple of things to remember when deciding which drabbles to vote for (most and least favorite):


  1. Which drabble best incorporates the prompt?
  2. Is the drabble clever, different, fresh? Does it evoke an emotional response (good or bad)?
  3. Does the drabble contain grammar, canon or spelling errors?
  4. The movies merely serve as inspiration for the prompts. The requirements and theme are most important.

The “feedback” option.

As a voter, you have the option of leaving a brief statement about why you voted the way you did, for both most and least favorite. Your feedback will then be given to the drabble writer (if they want the feedback) ANONYMOUSLY.

Example: Most - #40: the ending was brilliant - OR - Least - #57: the ending fell flat

Please remember writers, that you may not vote for yourselves.

Here we go for week two!

Choose your favorite and least favorite drabbles. Favorites will receive +1 point per vote, and least favorites -1 point per vote.

Voting ends at 11:59pm (EST New York USA -4 GMT) Friday, February 6th.

Women like looking at a view. Men don't.

Scene (inspirational movie): A Room With A View
Action (must include): 100 words EXACTLY, set in a hotel
Theme (additional information): travel abroad


Title: A Change of View
Author: ianthe_waiting
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Word Count: 100 Exactly
A/N: Set in Venice-Isola di San Michele info:

Even her name was ridiculous, yet he loved her-his exotic Granger.

She had offered him the room with a view of Piazza San Marco after his mother made an offhand comment at dinner, and it was Granger's absolute insistence that he take the room.

“Perhaps it will inspire you, Malfoy,” she had said, but it was not the view that moved him.

It was her unexpected kiss, as they stood on the silent grounds of Isola di San Michele, so far from home, and all the reason of the living world.

Someday, perhaps, they would share the same view.


Title: Yearning for an Inferno
Author: wildflower4evr
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Word Count: 100

“I’ve come all this way to Paris.”

“I didn’t ask you to,” Hermione replied stiffly.

“You don’t love him,” Draco challenged.

“I love Ron dearly.”

“You feel safe with him, Granger.”

“Please leave my hotel room.” Her request was steady but her eyes were pleading for him to make this easier on them both.

“Have it your way. Get ready for your engagement party.” He stalked towards her slowly. “But know this; I’ll never give up. When the fire has died, I’ll be there to ignite an inferno.”

Hermione closed her eyes as he left, secretly hoping he was right.


Title: The Crescent Hotel
Author: mister_otter
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Word Count: 100

Hermione wakes in a strange hotel room, her sleep disturbed by the feeling that something is hovering above her in the darkness.

Briefly, she wishes it were a lover. But it is only a dream--or perhaps, a vision.

A full moon beckons through the terrace window. She accepts the invitation, stepping into the silky, whispering air.

Draco Malfoy stands wrapped in moonlight, its beams caressing his hair as if the night itself is half in love with him.

“Moondance?” he asks.

Hermione walks toward him, hoping he will take her to that place where dreams and reality are one.


Title: A Room Without a View
Author: lennanightrun
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Word Count: 100

“Come away from the window.”

“I can’t see a thing anyway.”

“Something could see you.”

“I think I might prefer a good duel to always hiding.”

“It’s not your decision.”

“Seems a shame to come to Florence and not see a brick of it.”

“I imagine this view is preferable to the one from inside a coffin.”

“Don’t be melodramatic.”

“Don’t be an idiot.”

“I still can’t believe they sent me away. Of all the undignified-”

“The Order can’t do without you, apparently.”

“That doesn’t explain why they sent you, too.”

“It seems I can’t do without you either.”


Title: Lying to Draco
Author: teenage_hustler
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Words: 100

With one last flick of her wand, Hermione finished setting up the hotel room’s protective wards. Business trip though this was, the thrill of making magic was such that she experienced nowhere else.

“I think,” said her business partner, “If you ever take to live as you make magic, it will be very exciting; both for us and for you.”

Hermione’s shaky fingers stroked the golden ring that ensured her safety.

“Don’t you?”

But was safety what she wanted?

“No,” she answered softly. She gestured toward the window. “Care to look at the view?”

“I already am,” Draco assured her.


Title: Nothing
Author: luvscharlie
Rating: PG
Warnings: Sexual content/reference
Word Count: 100

As Hermione looked around their hotel room for the Wizards Conference, Draco walked over to the balcony.

"Hermione, c'mere. You won't believe this. The couple across the way are shagging in front of the window."

"Oh, surely not," she said.

"Bloody hell, that's Potter and Weasley."

"Ginny has better sense than to-"

"I wasn't referring to Ginny."

Hermione gasped when she saw Ron's familiar redhead rocking in a rhythmic manner against Harry's back. She turned back to the room in a whirl of skirts.

"Well, what'd you think about-"

"Nothing!" She cut him off. "I saw nothing! Got that? Nothing!"


Title: Only There.
Author: somandalicious
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Word Count: 100

They were searching the world for themselves, to find where they belonged. Over the glittering emerald of Ireland to skip along the Keys of Florida, into the Wild West to tear down the sun only to lift it up again in the Oriental East, they attempted desperately to shed that ugly face of celebrity and notoriety. They discovered only each other in a hotel on the rugged majesty of the Himalayas, where he took her hand and gave her his heart. There she became the moon to his tides, the smile to his frown, and the view from his room.


Title: Exceptional Service
Author: bookishwench
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Word Count: 100

“But I have a reservation!” Draco yelled.

“Capri is crammed with Wizarding tourists for the Blue Grotto gala,” the clerk said. “There’s nothing left.”

“Nothing for a Malfoy, you mean,” he sneered. “What am I supposed to do?”

“Try leaving,” the clerk said rudely.

“You can sleep on the sofa in my room,” offered a familiar voice behind Draco.

“But the gossip at the Ministry…”

“I’ve faced worse. It’s 23B,” Hermione said, giving the clerk a withering glare.

Draco watched her go upstairs, then gave the clerk ten galleons.

“A pleasure, sir,” he said, watching Draco fairly run after her.


Title: Best Behavior
Author: marmaladefever
Rating: G
Warnings: Zippo
Word Count: 100

“I can’t believe this!” Hermione fumed. “I simply cannot believe this!”

Draco watched her pace back and forth, skirt swishing.

“We’re in a different country! A different continent, and yet… still!”

Draco rested his head in his hands. Swish left. Swish right.

“I cannot believe your mother! Sending me that… that letter!”

“Ignore her,” he suggested-pleaded, more like.

“I’ve tried! It’s impossible! Can’t she just trust me?”

“No.” He lay back, watching the ceiling fan go round and round.

“The very nerve! Reminding me how to behave in a hotel. Who does she think she is?”

“Your mother-in-law, unfortunately.”


Title: Across a Crowded Room
Author: bambu345
Rating: All Ages
Warnings: None
Word Count: 100


Amidst the chaotic aftermath, their eyes met. He, flanked by haggard parents, and she, surrounded by grieving redheads, could not look away.

They had been changed.


Contemplating his future, Draco stood alone on Hogwarts’ grounds. Hermione surprised his solitude, and he seized the moment, engulfing her in his arms, kissing her breathless.

Ginny’s cry, “Hermione! Come away at once!” broke their embrace.


Weasley to Wed Granger!

Draco incendio’d the Prophet.


Malfoy Moves to Paris!

Sobbing, Hermione confessed, “I can’t marry you, Ron.”


Moonlight caressed the entwined couple in the Ritz’s bridal suite.

Dear Harry,

Draco and I are unbelievably happy ….



Title: It’s our Room… Poo face!
Author: dj_pagal
Rating: PG 13
Warning: Tantrum Alert.
Word Count: 100

A harassed Hermione and an amused Draco Malfoy approached the receptionist. She smiled. “Welcome to New York’s Plaza hotel, my name is Jane. How can I be of service?”

“Jane I -”

“-What my dear husband is trying to say Jane is we would like a room with a view.”

“A room with a view?” asked the confused receptionist.

“- But…” Draco started.

“Jane, I want a room with a view of Fifth Avenue and-”


“NO! I want.”

“It’s booked. Under, Malfoy.”

“Oh…” Hermione blushed.

Draco smirked. “The key please? My wife and I have some unresolved sexual tension.”


Title: Sorry
Author: elegantsundance
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Word Count: *whines* 100.. again..

Her soul needed time in anonymity to heal.

His soul needed reconciliation to rest.

She traveled to New York City. She told no one but her parents.

He had the means to locate her, so he pursued.

She shut herself up in a hotel room she could rent a week at a time. She didn’t know when - if - she would go back.

He showed up at her door without a plan.

When she saw him there, she couldn't say she didn't see it coming.

"I'm sorry, I wanted to help you." was enough for her to give him a chance.


Title: Childhood Dream
Author: kate0404
Rating: G
Warnings: Nada
Word Count: 100... Holy hard, Batman.

With her forehead leaning against the cool glass of the picture window in their hotel, Hermione sighed deeply. She had wanted to come here since she was a child, though her parents never understood the allure it held for her. Surely there were more beautiful sights to see, even more spectacular waterfalls.

Draco didn’t understand either. Figi was a better fit.

But she had made all the wedding plans herself - without his help - so she insisted on choosing their honeymoon location as well.

The falls in Niagra were magnificent, no matter what everyone else said.

“Draco, come look,” she whispered.


Title: Set Me Free
Author: floorcoaster
Rating: G
Warnings: Character death--not Draco or Hermione
Word Count: 100

“I’m glad it’s you.”

Months of searching end in a bug-infested hotel room in Bali. He stands before her, fear in his eyes, a folio extended toward her.

“No one else would give me a chance to explain.”

“You were found at the scene, covered in blood. Your wand cast the killing curse. There’s nothing to explain.” She wants to believe him, hates what she still feels. Her voice cracks. “You ran.”

“I had to find the truth. And I did; it’s right here. If you ever loved me… Hermione, please. Look.”

Time stops, her fingers brush his. She complies.


Title: Holiday in Venice
Author: hathorx
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Word Count: 100 words exactly.

“I thought you said it was a hotel!”

“It is, Granger,” Draco stated, a smile playing on his lips.

“Draco, this isn’t a hotel - it’s a bloody palace!” Hermione exclaimed, her eyes open wide as she noticed the richly decorated interior and admired the architecture.

“Il Palazzo Dandolo, built during the 15th century and recently bought by me,” he told her proudly. “Do you like it?”

“Draco, I love it,” she whispered, looking out the window at the gondolas gliding along the canal.

Wrapping his arms around her waist, his lips brushed against her cheek. “Anything for you, love.”


Title: Matter of Perspective
Author: midnight_birth
Rating: G
Warnings: Fluff.
Word Count: 100

“Florence is beautiful!” Hermione breathed out, looking out the window. She turned on her heels and gave Draco a suspicious look. “You agreed to move into this room, instead of the one you originally chose, too easily. What’s the catch? You hate having your taste questioned.”

“If there is anyone who is allowed to question my taste it’s my wife,” Draco replied calmly, striding up to her. “Besides,” he whispered, bringing his lips close to her ear, “for me, a room that has you in it is a room with the only view I care to have.”


“Worth it.”


Title: For Now
Author: kalina_blue
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: AU, I think
Word Count: 100

Hermione looked out of the window, watching the street below. She sighed. The air inside was suffocating her, but she didn't dare to open the window out of fear of being seen.

A hand sneaked around her waist and Hermione leaned back against her boyfriend's bare chest.

"Sometimes I think we'll always be hiding in sticky hotel rooms," Hermione said quietly.

"The war can't last forever," Draco answered, pulling her even closer.

Hermione returned his hug, trying to forget her doubts. For now, all they had was this sticky, little hotel room and each other. It was enough-for now.


Title: At A Seedy Hotel In Kiev
Author: _vintagebomb
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Word Count: 100

Draco swore he saw a rat scurrying across the carpet as he flung the door open. Musty air hit his nose, giving him an awful whiff of mildew. He eyed the hotel room speculatively, noting the layer of dust on the bureaus and the faded sheets thrown onto the bed.

He hoped that this wasn't a foretelling of his future or this would've been his worst decision to date.

Hermione gave him a reassuring smile. They'll be caught sooner or later, but for now they knew they had to make the best of it while they still had each other.


Title: Rooms with Views
Author: dazzled_x
Rating: T
Warnings: None, I believe.
Word Count: 100.

“Are you children repacked? Our rooms with views of the Thames are ready,” Draco informed them.

“Rose took ages,” Scorpius complained. “And I haven’t seen Hugo since he stole my Playwizards.”

“Only a git would admit to his parents that he subscribes to Playwizard,” Rose snickered.

Scorpius yanked on a curl of his stepsister’s and she yelped.

“Scorpius Severus Malfoy!” Hermione scolded.

He flinched at the usage of his full name. “Sorry Mother,” Scorpius mumbled.

Behind him, Rose wore the trademark Malfoy family smirk. Draco gave her a disapproving look but fought back a grin.

Ah, the joys of family.


Title: A Room with a View
Author: artsy_aura
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Word Count: 100

It was practically unheard of for well bred pure bloods to travel abroad without family. Traveling completely unaccompanied was almost scandalous.
Draco had spent his entire life living up to his family's expectations. Now he wanted to learn who he really was without any of the pressures, obligations, or assumptions that went along with the name Malfoy.
What he hadn't expected, upon checking in at an exclusive hotel in Italy, and going to take in the view from the balcony, was to see someone he knew. Hermione Granger was here in his hotel, all alone, and sunbathing by the pool.


REMEMBER: Vote for the NUMBER of the drabble, NOT THE NAME. It just makes it easier on the mods!

Please leave both a MOST favorite and a LEAST favorite vote. We must have both in order for your votes to count.

Poll round 3 challenge 2

round 3, voting

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