The Warm up Challenge Mod Choice Ceremony

Jan 23, 2009 20:44

Good evening everyone, my name is Ticky Box, and I'll be your master of ceremonies tonight.

There was a plethora of fantabulous drabbles to choose from in this very special warm up challenge - the moderators wonder how you all will possibly top yourselves - and decided that the following drabbles went above and beyond, not only exemplifying the inspirational movies but fulfilling the theme prompt as well.

The envelope please... and the winners are...

Title: The Road Goes Ever On and On…
Author: mister_otter
Prompt: Hobbit
Word Count: 350
Rating/Warning: PG13

“I was just trying to help, Granger. To share the load, you know?” Draco groused. “It’s a heavy burden you’re carrying, what with half the world wanting to get its hands on the One damned Ring.”

“I know you meant well, Malfoy, and I appreciate your efforts-I really do.” Hermione’s voice was soothing. “But as you found out, your concern is unnecessary.”

”Tell me about it. My hand still hurts like the very devil. What did you say your knickers are made of?”

”Mithril. Impenetrable elven steel. Glows with a blue light to alert me when anyone with designs on the Precious comes near.”

“I suppose the bra is Mithril as well?”

”Of course. The elves forged a matching set for me. We borrowed the idea from Princess Leia’s metallic ‘Jedi’ bikini. I thought it wise to up the protection factor, since so many have fallen under the ring’s seductive spell.”

“Well, the bloody thing certainly drove Weaselbee round the twist. The last I saw of him, he was crouched by the lake in a loin cloth, babbling something that sounded like Cullen.”

“Umm…I think the word is Gollum, not Cullen. And to be fair, not everyone is made of stern enough stuff to resist the ring's allure."

“Be honest, Hermione. Aren’t you ever tempted by it?”

”Every day,” she called over her shoulder. “But I plan to carry it all the way to the fiery depths of Mount Doom! Come on, Malfoy-the journey’s only begun!”

With weary steps, Draco trudged behind her. He should have suspected Granger would not give up. She was too plucky, resourceful, loyal, and doggedly determined. Evidently, Gryffindors and Hobbits were interchangeable.

Sighing, he allowed himself a small daydream in which he was one of the nobly mounted Rohirrim, a role he viewed as far more suitable for an aristocrat. With visions of silver helmets and horsehair plumes dancing in his head, Draco followed his friend into the land of Mordor.

Title: Mind Your P’s and Q’s
Author: Marmalade Fever
Prompt: Hobbit
Word Count: 259
Rating/Warning: G, in spite of alcohol consumption and much too obscure references to the epilogue of The Return of the King.


“Yes, Grangee?”

Grangee stood with her hands on either of her hips, giving the blond, snobbish hobbit a scowl.

“Another pint!” she fumed. “Another pint? You’ve had one already! Your stomach won’t hold a quart, if you haven’t noticed!”

“Sure it will,” he scoffed. “Besides, no one asked you for your opinion. Go pester someone else. Weasleybuck, maybe. Or Potgins! Yeah, go nag that nine-fingered scar-head. It’d do him good.” Maltook took a swig of his ale, wiping the froth off daintily with an embroidered napkin. “Ever since he found that old piece of jewelry… confounded locket.”

“Ring,” Grangee corrected.

“Whatever. It was worthless anyway. Some bloke scratched it up by carving, ‘My precious RAB’ round the middle.”

“I wish you’d leave him alone. He is one of my best friends.” She blinked pitifully at him, just the way that always warmed his near-nonexistent heart-strings.

He sighed. “Don’t look at me like that, Mudblood!” She smiled brightly. Mudblood was a term of endearment reserved for hobbits with an especial affinity for the earth in which they built their hobbit holes.

“You’re sure you can drink a quart?” she asked.

Maltook looked left and right. “I have a bet against Undercrabbe.” He very carefully took a drink, the contents running in a frothy amber stream, not into his mouth, but into a jelly jar carefully concealed behind his napkin, sending her a wink.

“Why, Drapin! That’s underhanded and sneaky! But such a clever idea! I’m impressed.”

“Of course you are, Bushilocks.” He smirked. “I am a Maltook, after all.”

A.N. Obscure reference: Samwise Gamgee had a daughter named Goldilocks who married Pippin Took's son, Faramir. (Yes, I did have to look up LOTR genealogy!)

Title: Because You’re Gone
Author: SlytherinsWench
Prompt: Moulin
Word Count: 350
Rating/Warning: PG-13 for character death, this is the Duke’s inner monologue after her death, what it means to him, what she meant to him

There was a time when I could breathe my life into you. When you smiled like an angel, fallen from grace. A time when you would have been mine.

If not for that sulking man-child that called himself a poet; that let his heart bleed all over your pale shoulders and bring a crystalline drop of rain from your eyes down the alabaster of your face. I could have bought you, but you would have been happy. You would have been safe. And I, I would have loved you in my own way. In the way that I can.

I’m a Duke and a wizard, but still only a man. Imperfect. Your lips, the warmth of your breath on my skin could have turned that stone inside me to malleable clay. If only there’d been time.

With the venomous kiss you gave me, I’m killing loneliness. I dream of you in the dark, you’re my love, my obsession. Even after the dark, even after you run from me yet again, not to the arms of another man, but the arms of Death. You’re gone. This is the one thing I don’t know how to take you from.

I could have waited for the weak poet and his milquetoast passions to expire, for you to lose interest in the penniless, and yes, starving artiste. Are his arms cold, your Lord Death? Are his lips frigid when he kisses you? No colder than mine.

I still see what could have been. A dark arch of branches beneath the blue-velvet ink of the sky, the stars blazing like rebel diamonds cut out of the sun; and Heaven ablaze in our eyes, we’re standing still in time… That could have been yours.


But it’s only mine. Because you’re gone. This is what will comfort me in my age and infirmity. Not that I ever could have married you. A whore could never be a duchess. I would have loved you for all the days of your life nonetheless.

I imagine when Death brings his cold lips to mine; he’ll be wearing your face.

Author’s Note: Lyrics from HIM (Heartagram and fanfic, what’s better?)

“There was a time when I could breathe my life into you. When you smiled like an angel, fallen from grace.”-Resurrection

“With the venomous kiss you gave me, I’m killing loneliness.”-Killing Loneliness

“Heaven ablaze in our eyes, we’re standing still in time.”-Wings of A Butterfly

And: The Killers “stars were blazing like rebel diamonds cut out of the sun”-Read My Mind

Title: Dark Times
Author: Lenna Nightrunner
Prompt: Moulin
Word Count: 499
Rating/Warning: R (for allusions to sex and violence)


Draco had been avoiding visiting any of the Dark Lord’s infamous bordellos. The Moulin Rouge, a grotesque mimicry of its Parisian namesake, had stood at the back of Knockturn Alley since the beginning of the New Order. He had entertained the idea of making a pleasure visit there when he was younger, and now as Fate would have it, he was there for work.

The only heir and survivor of the once-great family of Malfoy had somehow ended up as a correspondent for Dark Times, with barely two knuts to rub together. His employers at the newspaper thought a story on the success of the “theater” would encourage the wizarding community regarding the success of efforts to keep magic-thieves in their place.

From the moment Draco walked through the door, he was amazed. These Muggle-born former witches were a sight to behold. Completely tamed, eager to do as their superiors commanded. And the star of the spectacle was the most beautiful creature Draco had ever beheld. He was told her name was Satine, but that didn’t suit her. His mind groped for another name to attach to that eerily familiar face.

Then somehow they were alone. It would have been a great opportunity, but all thoughts of the story he was supposed to write fled him. Her lips tasted even better than he’d imagined and before long they were lying on her cushion-covered bed, clinging to each other as if for life, and one very stupid question escaped his lips:

“Are you willing to be had?”*

“It doesn’t matter if I’m willing.”

“I haven’t any gifts for Him.”

“I don’t think He’ll mind so long as he hears me scream.”

So he made her scream. And by the time an hour had lapsed from the moment he first laid eyes on her, he swore he was in love with her. He thought she had bewitched him, but he knew she wasn’t allowed a wand anymore. How could he be in love with a witch that belonged to the Dark Lord and all of His followers?


She had been such an idiot. But why else would Draco Malfoy seek her out? She had assumed that he was the favored servant from the Dark Lord’s inner circle that she had been ordered to pleasure. She had not expected him to be so… considerate. Of course, it was too good to be true. Her suspicions were confirmed when Blaise Zabini cornered her moments after Draco left. Blaise was as cruel as she had dreaded.


“You mustn’t come here anymore. The Dark Lord has given me to Blaise exclusively. Please don’t argue. It’s what I want.”

“Why do you want him?”**

“Because he can give me what you can’t.”

“And what’s that?”

“A way out of here. What could you give me?”

“I’d give my heart.”***

“I… I don’t want it.”

“Please, Satine… Hermione. You don’t mean that.”

“Give your heart to someone else, Draco. Mine’s been bought and paid for.”


A/N: Sorry if my songs are a bit obscure. I don’t listen to much pop music these days.
*Eve 6 - Here’s to the Night
** Green Day - Why Do You Want Him?
***Ozma - If I Only Had a Heart

For all of the drabble entries, read the comments at The warm up challenge post.

And please be sure to come back tomorrow after Noon EST, USA (New York -4 GMT) for the First Official Challenge Post. There will be no skips allowed for the first challenge.

Depending on drops, there will be two participants banished to the cutting room floor every week until the semi-finals (eight participants left). Don't despair! The participant banners are AWESOME.

Good Luck and Good Night Folks!

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