Round 2 Challenge #9: Voting

Oct 30, 2008 08:54

Something wicked this way comes … It’s the drabbles for week 9!

A couple of things to remember when deciding which drabbles to vote for (most and least favorite):


  • Which drabble best incorporates the prompt?
  • 2. Is the drabble clever, different, fresh? Does it evoke an emotional response (good or bad)?
  • 3. Does the drabble contain grammar, canon or spelling errors?

    The “feedback” option.

    As a voter, you have the option of leaving a brief statement about why you voted the way you did, for both most and least favorite. Your feedback will then be given to the drabble writer (if they want the feedback) ANONYMOUSLY.

    Example: Most - #40: the ending was brilliant - OR - Least - #57: the ending fell flat

    Just in time for the spookiest holiday, here we go for week 9!

    Choose your favorite and least favorite drabbles. Favorites will receive +1 point per vote, and least favorites -1 point per vote.

    Remember: Just one elimination, and no skips!

    Voting ends at 11:59pm, Friday, October 31, 2008 -- MWAHAHA!.

    Creepy, Spooky, Scary Drabbles ahead!


    Title: Is Something Wrong?
    Author: ilkee
    Rating: PG-13
    Warnings: language
    Word Count: 497

    The sound. She could feel it in her skull. Scratching at the backs of her eyes.

    Krisssshh. Kritch…

    Krisssshh. Kritch…

    Hermione stood inside her doorway with her wand out. Listening.

    Krisssshh. Kritch…

    Krisssshh. Kritch…

    Scratching, or scraping. Coming from the back of the house.

    Krisssshh. Kritch…

    Krisssshh. Kritch…

    Her revealing spell revealed nothing.

    The wards were breached.

    A Death Eater? A thief? Something worse? She crept through the dark foyer towards the living room, her heart beating hard and breath caught in her throat.

    Krisssshh. Kritch…

    Krisssshh. Kritch…

    How many were there? How would she get help?

    Krisssshh. Kritch…

    Krisssshh. Kritch…

    She stepped into the room quickly. Silently. Wand shaking.

    No one.


    Her books. They were…out. And open. Hermione’s brow wrinkled in confusion.

    Not dropping her wand arm, she crept over to the open books, that sound still floating through the air.

    Krisssshh. Kritch…

    Krisssshh. Kritch…

    There must have been fifteen of them, on the couch, on the desk, on the floor. She scanned those closest and her heart sank.

    Blood. They were all open to sections with “Blood” in the title. What…?

    A soft bump in the hallway caught her attention and she whipped her head around.

    Oh God.

    Holding her arm out straighter, she went slowly towards the dark hallway, stopping again around the corner.

    Krisssshh. Kritch…

    Krisssshh. Kritch…

    It was a little louder now, but there were no other noises.

    Hermione cast a lumos and peered down the long corridor. There was nothing. She checked the ceiling… the far corners… down the walls… Her heart skipped.


    Small spots of blood smeared above the baseboard, and a black spot that looked like a burn mark, and then… another smear of blood.

    The fine hairs on her arms stood on end. And that sound…

    Krisssshh. Kritch…

    Krisssshh. Kritch…

    The bathroom. It was coming from the bathroom.

    She placed her trembling hand on the knob and turned slowly.

    Her heart stopped.

    Draco. In the bathtub. Body limp. Lips blue.

    He was…dead.

    She screamed.

    The dead body jolted up and screamed back.

    She screamed harder.


    “But, but…”

    “Merlin, Granger, you sure know how to spoil a man’s bath.”

    She blinked.

    Draco stood up and flicked his wand at the record player he had set on the counter. The sound stopped.

    “Look what I found. It’s muggle,” he said proudly, nodding at the record player and wrapping a towel around his waist.

    She stared in disbelief, shaking with a building rage.

    “Oh, and your stupid orange flea ball has been torturing little mice. I tried to find a spell to get the blood up, but nothing worked,” he continued obliviously.

    “Oh yeah, and I ate one of your popsicles. Raspberry, I think.”

    That put her over the edge.

    “Draco! You…you spoiled… house-elf dependent… arrogant… ASS! Arrrgggh!”

    He quirked an amused eyebrow. “Is something wrong, Granger?”

    She narrowed her eyes.

    “You’re just lucky my stupid orange flea ball doesn’t eat ferret!” she threatened before stomping out.


    Title: Unthinkable
    Author: bookishwench
    Rating: PG-13
    Warning (highlight to see): non-graphic sexual situations, non-con
    Word count: 499

    The fireplace spread dancing light over the sweat glistening on Draco’s skin. Even though his eyes were closed, Hermione knew he wasn’t asleep. Sighing deeply, she nestled against him.

    They had met secretly for months, at first only for him to give the Order reports on Voldemort in an effort to save his parents’ lives. Hermione barely tolerated him, but as sixth year progressed, her feelings mellowed. When she realized she was falling in love, she wondered if she was going crazy, but as his hand nervously touched her fingertips, she decided if insanity felt like this, St. Mungo’s sounded wonderful.

    The Christmas holidays had interrupted them, and since Draco couldn’t owl her from home, she’d been worried. Their first day back, he passed her a note in McGonagall’s class, asking to meet tonight in the Room of Requirement.

    She had been expecting his usual report on Voldemort, followed by quiet conversation and the sweet softness of his kiss. But when she arrived, a startling sight met her: a blazing fireplace, a frighteningly enormous bed, and Draco, his features strained.

    “I barely survived that place,” he said, shuddering.

    “Your home?” she asked.

    “It’s not home anymore,” he said angrily. “The only thing keeping me sane was the thought of you. I need you. Please, Hermione?”

    As his arms entwined around her, his kiss left no questions about what he needed. She was nervous, but she let him lower her to the bed. If she was honest with herself, what followed was less pleasant than romance books said, and Draco seemed unable to restrain himself from being too rough.

    Now that it was over and she was looking at his quiet face, a wave of love wrapped around her. She reached out, gently touching her fingers to his cheek, and his eyes opened.

    His red eyes opened.

    As she watched in terror, his features changed. His hair retreated into his skull, leaving it smooth, while his skin became white as death. Glittering like rubies, his eyes looked cruelly amused in that inhuman a face.

    “What’s wrong?” he said, smiling pitilessly and bringing an emaciated hand towards her in mockery of her caress. “Feeling… disillusioned?”

    She screamed, throwing herself against the wall, not caring about her nudity or his shrill peal of laughter.

    “Why?” she asked, sickened beyond tears.

    “It’s quite simple,” he said, rising easily to his feet. “Lord Voldemort does not tolerate disloyalty. Occlumency is difficult to maintain under heavy emotion, and when I mentioned my plan to make an example of you, Draco’s reaction betrayed him. This was the worst punishment I could give him, though it will not be his only one, and now, you will serve me.”

    “I’d rather die,” she spat at him.

    “If you disobey me,” he continued, “Draco will wish his death comes more swiftly than I will give it to him. Do you understand me?”

    She stared at him, horrified.

    “Of course you do,” he said. “Such a clever Mudblood you are.”


    Title: MacBeth
    Author: ravenswing34
    Rating: PG
    Warnings: swearing
    Word Count: 498

    Hermione had never been a big fan of the dark. Not that she was scared of it, just more of what it hid from her. A seeker of knowledge never likes the unknown. The fact she was on the edge of a clearing in the Forbidden Forest in the dark of night waiting for the contact made the unknown shoot through the stratosphere.

    She felt the hairs rise on the back of her neck, her instincts on high alert. Someone else was here, and by the sound of it, breaking every branch littering the forest floor. Making sure her glamour was in place, she cautiously stepped from the safety of the trees. With a sharp hiss, she recognized the platinum blonde approaching her. She had suspected Malfoy was her contact for quite some time but this was the first time he had broken protocol and arrived sans glamour. As he drew nearer, she gasped. He was a bloody mess. Contusions and scratches marred his features.

    “MacDuff?” she answered, trying to stick to protocol. “What the hell happened?”

    His grim chuckle caused him to wince and he paused a bit before answering. “Voldemort sent a tail. They are dead,” he responded flatly.

    “Bugger, Malfoy! Oh, drop the shocked act! You’re the idiot who forgot his glamour. What the hell happened?”

    The look he shot her was pure Malfoy sneer. “I heard noises behind me as I started up the trail. I doubled back to investigate. It was Jugson and Rowle. They were whining about not being at the revel as it was some little mudblood. Before I knew it, I was in the middle of a fight. I drew my wand and killed them.” He paused. “Drop the glamour. Please.” It was the way he said it, in that flat broken voice, that caused Hermione to raise her wand and end the spell.

    The tension that had kept Draco upright left suddenly causing him to slump unheedingly into the forest floor. “Thank Merlin,” he whispered. “I thought you were the mudblood. I should have known better but I didn’t think. I just reacted.”

    “You would have had to kill them anyways as Voldemort already suspected you.” Hermione quickly glanced around. “Let’s get you out of here before something wicked this way comes,” she muttered.

    “Speaking of which, I do think you misnamed me. Potter is MacDuff, not me,” Malfoy said wincing as Hermione wrapped an arm around him, hauling him to his feet.

    “Malfoy, could we get somewhere safe and warm before I start discussing the merits and parallels of MacBeth? While I love intellectual conversation, I would prefer it in front of a roaring fire rather than in a cold dark dangerous forest.”

    The snapping of twigs to the right of the clearing caused both to stand still in cold terror.

    “Bugger! How long have we been standing here?” she whispered.

    He didn’t answer, grabbing hold of her waist, he apparated just as the green light missed them.


    Title: Eat
    Author: inadaze22
    Rating: PG
    Warning: Creepy!Obsessed!Draco, magical bondage (nothing too serious, guys)
    Word Count: 499
    A/N: Slightly inspired by Stephen King’s Misery.


    The room was dark, lit only by the candlelight from half of the rooms’ sconces, as well as two candles that smoked and flickered, reflecting in the polished surface of a long oak table that sat in the centre of the room. The thick curtains had been pulled across the windows to block out all natural light, and the end result was a darkly romantic glow that suffused the room.

    The couple, dressed in their finest dinner attire, sat at opposite ends of the table, separated by expensive dinner plates, glasses, and a feast of rich foods. The wizard gazed lovingly at his witch. However, when Draco noticed that his love wasn’t eating, he slammed his fist on the table and roared, “Eat! ”

    Hermione jumped and released a startled cry as she shook with fear. She tried to lean forward, but the magical bind kept her back against the chair. “Malfoy,” she pleaded wearily, tears streaming down her cheeks. “You’ve k-kept me h-here for four m-m-months. L-let me go! Please!” She started sobbing hysterically.

    “Let me go,” Draco mocked sadistically as he rose from his chair. When she struggled against her binds, he howled with laughter. Draco then sniffed her hair adoringly, ignoring how she trembled when he was near. She loved him, he knew it. Draco just needed her to realize the truth. “Look at me.” When she didn’t follow his command, he yelled. “Look. At. Me! ”

    Hermione’s shoulders shook in terror. She didn’t want to; there were things in his eyes that she didn’t want to see, but she obeyed because obedience was better than his anger.

    “Good girl.” He kissed her cheek. He hadn’t gone further than that. Draco wouldn’t dare hurt her. She was precious, exquisite, and his. He only wanted her to love him, too. And she would. She would. “I’ll never let you go. Never.” The love in his eyes clashed with the harshness of his voice.

    “I-if you love me, l-let me go. I-I want to go home.”

    The psychotic gleam in Draco’s eyes made Hermione’s blood chill. “You are home.”


    His voice was stern yet loving. “Why, why, why must you be so difficult, Love?” He stroked her cheek, but she stiffened. Draco frowned. “Days after everyone lost hope, I found you under the rubble after your potions lab exploded. I healed you. I allowed you to live in-”

    “You’ve kept me here against my will!”

    Draco shrugged, “Semantics.”

    She cried, “My friends-”

    “You’re dead to them, remember? They gave up. I didn’t. You don’t need them anymore. Only me.” He smiled lovingly. “Now, eat.” When Hermione didn’t, Draco yelled. “I won’t have a skinny bride!”

    “I’ll never marry you!”

    “Oh, yes you will.” Draco held up a vial of Amortentia. “This’ll ensure that you do.” He nuzzled against her cheek when she bawled. “I always get what I want, and I’ve wanted you for so long.”

    Draco kissed Hermione’s tear-soaked cheek and whispered, “Now, eat.”


    Title: Wolf at the Door
    Author: greenschist
    Rating: PG-13
    Warnings: Wartime AU
    Word Count: 496

    ~~Three hours before moonrise

    “What I wouldn’t give for a gun and a silver bullet right now,” Hermione muttered, staring at Greyback through the shack’s tiny broken window. Lazing against a gnarled tree, the werewolf uncrossed his arms and blew her a kiss.

    “Since you’re making worthless wishes, Granger, why not wish for a wand or a way out of here?”

    She faced her unwanted companion. “Well, where’s your wand, Malfoy?” Weak sunlight filtered through the gaps in the building’s walls, painting the Slytherin in bands of light and dark. “Why are you here? Aren’t you and Greyback allies these days?”

    “I don’t have any allies.” He braced his back against the wall and sank to the floor, burying his face against his raised knees.

    ~~Two hours before moonrise

    “Harry will come for me.”

    Draco stopped pacing long enough to sneer, “He’d better hurry up.”

    She evaluated him critically in the dying light. Gaunt and ragged, Malfoy looked worse than she had ever seen him.

    “I’m sure your parents are looking for you,” she said as a peace offering.

    He laughed, but it was so close to a sob, he flinched as the sound came from his own throat. “I’m sure they’re not.” He held her gaze for just a moment. “My parents are dead. Greyback's the only one looking for me, and-guess what?--he just found me.”

    Taking a deep breath, she joined him and tentatively took his hand, noting how his nails were gnawed down to bloody half-moons. “Then Harry will come for us both,” she promised.

    His hand tightened around hers.

    ~~One hour before moonrise

    A broken table, fragments of stone and wood, everything that could be used as a barricade had been moved in front of the door. Hermione wedged a broken board under the doorknob as securely as she could.

    “Won’t do you a bit of good, pretty,” a strange voice growled, and she gasped to see Greyback directly outside. Through the slats, Hermione could see pieces of bone in his filthy beard, and she shuddered when she noticed the hair around his mouth was stained red.


    She backed up until they were shoulder to shoulder. “Draco, Greyback is--”

    “We're surrounded,” Draco whispered.

    Turning, she could see the silhouettes of another half-dozen werewolves prowling outside.

    “Oh, Merlin. I don’t want to die like this.”

    He kissed her cheek. “I know,” he whispered against her skin.


    Outside, the werewolves snarl in agony as bone and flesh surrender to the pull of the moon.

    Hermione does not watch but instead hides her face against Draco. His heart beats out a panicked rhythm, and he pants a litany of curses against her hair. When he tips her face up to his and kisses her hard, full of grief and longing, she can only cling to him and cry.

    Under the moonlight, a chorus of howls fills the air, and Hermione hears the first quiet scratch of claws on wood.


    REMEMBER: Vote for the NUMBER of the drabble, NOT THE NAME. It just makes it easier on the mods!

    Please leave both a MOST favorite and a LEAST favorite vote. We must have both in order for your votes to count.


    NOTE: I noticed that the banners aren't up for the last 2 challenges. That's my bad! Week 8's are up now, and Week 7 will be up shortly. Sorry!
  • round 2, voting

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