DUET 8: rivertempest and naarna

Sep 18, 2017 13:53

Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling and Warner Bros. All fics posted at this community were written entirely for fun, not for profit, and no copyright infringement is intended.

Title: Tempus Obscura
Author: rivertempest
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 15,573 - yeah, sorry about that.
Summary: The MACUSA president has died under mysterious circumstances. ( Read more... )

!round 9 2017!, rating: pg-13

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Comments 10

naarna September 18 2017, 16:55:13 UTC

I loved the good-hearted banter through-out between them, the whole mystery plot, the kiss in the closet, everything!

Your Draco has matured a lot with only hints of his former petulant self for good measure. <3

I loved Hermione's line about being able to shmooze Tom Riddle after several years as Lieutenant Minister; your dialogue made me giggle several times throughout the story!

Glad my simple prompt of "mission abroad" gave you the inspiration for such a great story, it's such a wonderful read! (I do hope you like my story as much...)


rivertempest October 7 2017, 16:33:29 UTC
Sorry, I'm just getting to these.

I'm glad you liked the story - when I asked Nin about what you'd like, you mentioned time-turners and that's when the story just exploded in my head. Sorry it wasn't shorter, but when I tried to whittle it down, it sucked.

I love writing banter between these two, so I'm glad you liked that as well. Again, thanks for the lovely prompts!


floorcoaster September 19 2017, 21:29:38 UTC

This was wonderful!! I enjoyed it so very much. I loved the time travel stuff, the neat side effects you put in, and how it played into the story. Goodness, isn't it so hard when a story takes over and blows itself up?? Especially when there is a word count limit?

I am glad you were given an exception, because this was just lovely. I loved the way you set this in the US and brought in MACUSA. So neat. Wonderful job!!


rivertempest October 7 2017, 16:39:59 UTC

As for the side-effects, I remember the movie Timeline, how they could only go back in time so much before it would kill them. And yes, I tried to whittle the story down, but every time I thought about cutting something, the story fell apart. Bless Nin for letting me use AO3 to host it.

Yes, there was a political agenda in setting it in the US. ;) I loved Fantastic Beasts and doing the research of the Woolworth building and interesting things to do while in NYC was fascinating! The hotel is real (and fabulous looking) and so are the places they visit.

Thanks again, Floorcoaster!


ningloreth September 21 2017, 12:43:26 UTC
I love Time-turner stories at the best of times, but this one was inspired. I loved the way you created a real sense of place, and made Wizarding America feel so different from Wizarding Britain. And I loved the dialogue between D&H and that being given a double room led to closer friendship.


rivertempest October 7 2017, 16:44:00 UTC

I really wanted to emphasize the differences between the US and the UK - in this political climate, how could I not? Being an American (and is it wrong of me to cringe when I say that?), I thought the way MACUSA dealt with issues was horrible, not that the UK was a paragon, but definitely with more tolerance.

I love writing banter between these two. And thank you for indulging me regarding the length of the story. You are a saint.

Thank you for this fest (one of the first I ever participated in) and thank you for your enduring time and patience.


pierrej92 September 21 2017, 19:39:24 UTC
This was wonderful! I loved it so much! I loved the time-travel elements, the comedic banter. The wit! Oh lord the wit! I just throughly enjoyed it and was so thankful to get the chance to read it!


rivertempest October 7 2017, 16:46:13 UTC
Thank you!

To be honest, I was getting a bit of a headache from all the paradoxes and time-turner issues. LOL But I was determined to stay the course. ;)

I love writing banter between these two; it's like a snarky rom com. I'm glad you liked reading it. Thank you again, Pierre!


slytheringal94 September 23 2017, 10:33:36 UTC
So this story had me enthralled from word go I was sucked in and every twist and turn that happened had me on the edge of my seat!!! Your descriptions of things had me wanting to be there! Especially this one ( ... )


rivertempest October 7 2017, 16:48:47 UTC
*dances* I'm glad you enjoyed it, Slytheringal!

The descriptions are probably what pushed me way beyond the word limit, but every time I tried to cut something, the story lost focus and fell apart.

Google the Lotte hotel in NYC - my descriptions do nothing to compare to the splendor of the place!

Again, I'm thrilled you liked the story. Thank you!


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