dramione_duet MASTER LIST

Sep 11, 2016 10:59

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!round 8 2016!, !masterlist!, !mod-post!

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Comments 4

naarna September 11 2016, 14:34:50 UTC
It was definitely fun participating! =)

I hope I'll have the time to participate again next year...


darkcivet September 13 2016, 02:02:59 UTC
This was a great fest. Amazing stories. Thank-you for hosting! :)


scarletladyy September 20 2016, 20:17:38 UTC
It was a pleasure to be a part of this fest once again, so thank you for the opportunity! I've read my wonderful story, I just need to check out the others now!


ext_3956862 January 11 2017, 19:08:14 UTC
I would really like to join!


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