ART DUET B: ningloreth (pinch-hitter) and lemonade8

Nov 05, 2015 10:07

Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling and Warner Bros. All artwork posted at this community has been created entirely for fun, not for profit, and no copyright infringement is intended.

Title: One Rainy Day
Artist: ningloreth (pinch-hitter)
Rating: G
Description/summary: Draco makes Hermione a promise.
Warnings: None
Artist's Note(s): Photomanip ( Read more... )

!round 7 2015!, art, rating: g

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Comments 8

mister_otter November 5 2015, 21:37:09 UTC
These are so beautiful! They tell an entire story within themselves, and they just pull me in, if that makes sense. :) Wonderful work!!


ningloreth November 18 2015, 19:33:59 UTC
Thank you!

(I tried to tell a story because photo-manipping always feels like cheating compared to drawing ;-)


lemonade8 November 6 2015, 03:05:50 UTC
Gorgeous photomanips, I love the elements and the composition that you chose!

For the first one I think she looks beautiful on top of everything else we know she is and I can see why Draco would prize her, scheme for her. Plus, that watercolor wash is done really well! It's subtle and adds to the atmosphere.

The second one is absolutely the meat of a story I'd love to read. I can see her being tempted into a bookstore even though it is in Knockturn Alley. Draco being decent about her bridges the gap for them. Dammit, if I were a writer, you'd have that story started tonight! Thank you so much for pinch-hitting this, I love them both!


ningloreth November 18 2015, 19:46:02 UTC
Thank you! I'm so glad you like them :-)

Your prompts could easily have been story prompts, and I really enjoyed trying to tell stories with them.

Your scenario for the second pic is exactly what I had in mind! Your prompt, magic book, just shrieks 'danger'. I think Hermione's looking for information about Horcruxes, and Knockturn Alley books is her last resort... And Draco not only knows better than to open a book without first checking with the bookseller that it's safe, but he also knows a counter curse if someone does open a book and release its magic...


darkcivet November 6 2015, 06:46:51 UTC
I think manips will always be my favourite medium for dramione art,specifically. Not to take away from any other kind, but the realism is more inspiring for me. This was amazing. :)


ningloreth November 18 2015, 19:57:38 UTC
Thank you :-)

I'm glad to hear you like photomanips. A lot of people seem to dislike them. I think they think they're cheating (and I sort of agree, time-wise), but they actually give you problems you wouldn't have if you were drawing or painting, because you're limited by the images you can find and the extent to which you can convincingly blend them.

So I'm glad these work for you!


unseen1969 November 6 2015, 21:04:33 UTC
I love the sense of movement and depth in each of these! I feel like I can see Draco's hand moving toward Hermione's shoulder in the first on, and in the second the book is going to fly out at me at any moment. :)


ningloreth November 18 2015, 19:59:29 UTC
Thank you!

I was very lucky with the images I managed to find for the first one. The second one was harder, so I'm glad the flying book works :-)


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