ART DUET B: lemonade8 and ningloreth (pinch-hitter)

Nov 05, 2015 10:03

Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling and Warner Bros. All artwork posted at this community has been created entirely for fun, not for profit, and no copyright infringement is intended.

Title: Dumbledore's Grave
Artist: lemonade8
Rating: G
Description/summary: Hermione guards Draco as he retrieves the Elder Wand
Warnings: none
Artist's Note: ( Read more... )

!round 7 2015!, art, rating: g, rating: pg

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Comments 8

ningloreth November 5 2015, 21:07:44 UTC
I find this medium fascinating! I thin you explained last year how it's done but, on top of that, there's all the artistry you've put into it, judging what works and what doesn't.

I love the story you've told in these paintings.

Hermione keeping watch whilst Draco (in a lovely leather jacket) does the business -- is the mist natural or magical, friendly or threatening?!

And the star-crossed lovers on the Astronomy Tower -- is it their first time? -- Draco seems happy but, as you say, Hermione's body language shows us how precarious that happiness is.


lemonade8 November 6 2015, 02:56:24 UTC
I've been on a spree of double shifts, so I'm surprised/glad to see this up and at 'em. Thanks so much for the lovely comment! I will leave the nature of the mist up to you, though. ;D Sometimes people make interesting stories about a picture, so I've learned to enjoy all interpretations.


darkcivet November 6 2015, 06:43:13 UTC
I I love it.


lemonade8 November 8 2015, 13:38:51 UTC
Thank you!


unseen1969 November 6 2015, 21:02:54 UTC
Beautiful and haunting!


lemonade8 November 8 2015, 13:39:02 UTC
Thanks so much!


nables November 21 2015, 21:57:54 UTC
These are such unique pieces. I love the background in the first one - the ominous clouds with the sunny background. Seems sort of dementor-esque in nature. I love the idea of them working together in some sort of adventure in that one. And the second one is lovely also, the sense of tension that you've created with their body language is great - I love the idea that Hermione is unsure while Draco is certain. Thanks so much for the gifts!


lemonade8 December 24 2015, 19:02:33 UTC
Thank you so much!


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