DUET 5: lrthunder and unseenlibrarian (pinch-hitter)

Nov 03, 2015 09:00

Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling and Warner Bros. All fics posted at this community were written entirely for fun, not for profit, and no copyright infringement is intended.

Title: A Secret Affair
Author: LRThunder
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 5296
Summary: During the Horcrux Hunt, Hermione sneaks away to spend time with Draco. Will subsequent ( Read more... )

!round 7 2015!, rating: pg-13

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Comments 13

unseen1969 November 3 2015, 11:26:22 UTC
I really liked this alternative look at the capture by Snatchers and the scene at Malfoy Manor. Instead of pain and torture, we get to see Draco help the trio escape and all of the Malfoys defect, and all because of the secret love between Draco and Hermione and the familial love of the Malfoys. Dumbledore was right: love is such a powerful force! Voldemort never did figure that out.

Well done!


lrthunder November 11 2015, 00:55:25 UTC
I'm glad you liked it! :)


darkcivet November 3 2015, 14:47:29 UTC
Mmm. I love a forbidden romance. :) What was the cutest part was Hermione making innuendos about herself and Draco in front of everyone and no-one else being the wiser. This was brilliant. :)


lrthunder November 11 2015, 00:55:57 UTC
Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Hermione can be quite clever and mysterious at the same time. :)


dormiensa November 3 2015, 19:35:01 UTC
interesting AU! of course, dramione fans always want the missing scenes woven into canon--fun take on things! :)


lrthunder November 11 2015, 00:56:19 UTC
Thank you for the review. I'm glad you enjoyed it.


ningloreth November 4 2015, 20:27:09 UTC
This starts as a real star-crossed lovers story, and then gives us hope at the end :-)

You have a very particular way of writing Draco -- what he's been through has toughened him up emotionally, but he keeps his strength hidden until he needs to use it.

And I love the line They made love.... You don't often see that phrase in fanfic, and here it's really moving.


lrthunder November 11 2015, 00:57:38 UTC
Thank you. I think the canon Draco was tougher than we thought, willing to avoid outright identifying Harry, Ron and Hermione and therefore risking his aunt and Voldemort's wrath.

This Draco, however, was even tougher and had more of a spine. :)


lemonade8 November 6 2015, 03:24:56 UTC
Nicely done, I like the reconstruction very much!!


lrthunder November 11 2015, 00:58:00 UTC
Thank you. :)


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