Not long now...

Oct 09, 2011 15:15

Posting will begin on Tuesday (or late Monday, depending which time zone you're in), but there are a few bits of business to sort out before we start.

Friends-lockingTo ensure that we don't offend anyone by allowing under age readers to access mature material, all stories rated R and above will be friends-locked. If you are not yet a member of ( Read more... )

!round 3 2011!, !mod-post!

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Comments 7

strawberry_kait October 11 2011, 01:18:05 UTC
I didn't know you were also making BANNERS for the submissions! Or am I just stupid, and missed that somewhere? Either way, love the ones you've shared on the first Duet posting. That's so awesome! :D

Thank you, Ningloreth!


ningloreth October 11 2011, 05:57:57 UTC
I wanted it to be a surprise.

Thank you! Some have come out better than others, LOL, but every story will have its own banner.


(The comment has been removed)

ningloreth October 11 2011, 05:56:07 UTC
Thanks for letting me know! Sorted! For some reason, I'd never noticed that the journal default is 'screened'. Another thing to worry about when posting, LOL.


namelessamelie October 12 2011, 23:35:05 UTC
I have to echo strawberry_kait: you are absolutely amazing for not only modding the fest and beta-ing each individual fic, but actually creating a banner for *every single story!* The banners are beautiful, and I can't wait to see mine.

Thanks so much for being a ridiculously awesome mod! =)


ningloreth October 13 2011, 07:39:19 UTC
LOL, Thank you :-)

I haven't beta-ed all the stories, but I am planning to make a banner for each one.


smallvillefics October 30 2011, 05:23:49 UTC
I only just discovered this comm, but I'm interested in getting involved. I saw that you mentioned you may need pinch-hitters, and I'm interested, if that's needed.

I've applied to be a comm member, and there is an age statement in my LJ profile. :)


ningloreth October 30 2011, 07:04:32 UTC
Hello! Thank you for leaving a comment -- it made it so much easier to check that you're not a Bot! I've approved your membership. Unfortunately, the exchange is just coming to an end for this year, but we'll be having another one next year and will be looking for participants next June.


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