Fic Rec

Jan 27, 2010 00:32

Does anyone have a fic recommendations on Ginny/Draco/Hermione love triangles? where it ends up Draco and Hermione of course. Or any classic stories you have read in the past that you cant forget ( Read more... )

request: fic recs (os: threesomes), request: fic recs (triangles), request: fic recs (os: d/hr/ginny)

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Comments 14

mazzy2121 January 27 2010, 13:40:38 UTC
I don't have a rec for you, but I wanted to address your comment about 'losing writers'.

I think a lot of these writers might have been gone long ago but now, with the loss of a major archive for this ship, the stories are lost too and it is that that's making the exodus more noticeable. I mostly ship SS/HG but I certainly enjoy DM/HG as well and there has been much talk in SS/HG circles about what will happen to that ship once the last movie comes out. Many writers have disappeared into the ether with the ending of the book series but now, with the impending end to the movies as well, I believe the HP fandom may dwindle into oblivion eventually. It's very sad because there are some exceptional writers in this fandom.


ldymusyc January 27 2010, 14:23:27 UTC
I believe the HP fandom may dwindle into oblivion eventually.

I personally doubt that. Look at the due South fandom. The show was 3 seasons long (4, depending on who you ask), and it still has an active fanbase. Series like M*A*S*H and Starsky and Hutch still have fandoms, and they've been "ended" for decades. It's up to the fans to keep the fandom running.


ldymusyc January 27 2010, 14:20:02 UTC
I think that rather than mourning the writers who have moved on, we should be celebrating and welcoming the writers who are coming in. Less "losing" stories and more "discovering" stories.


elvishly January 27 2010, 16:29:27 UTC


teenage_hustler January 27 2010, 19:35:34 UTC
absolutely this.


atalanta84 January 27 2010, 20:04:04 UTC
Totally seconding...or, um, "thirding" this! :D


cupcaked January 27 2010, 15:24:28 UTC
The HP fandom is still maaaaHAAAssive so I think it will be around for many years yet. People are still discovering the books themselves. Plus the last films have yet to come out.

But I agree, people come and go. It can suck cos you miss them, but sadly it's natural. And people get into new things. I for one have different obsessions on a yearly basis! Although Dramonie has always stayed with me.

Like mazzy2121 and itsbeenvery said, CG going down had a bit of an impact on the ship. But we have the new Hawthorn and Vine archive to look forward to! Woo hoo!

Oh and I also agree with ldymusyc...if great writers existed in the past, there's no reason for new ones not to exist in the present too. It's harder to discover amazing new fic cos all the recs pointing towards it aren't out there yet. But it's definitely out there. When I've finished writing Water I'm going to try and read a new fic every few weeks to see what new tasty goodness is out there!

Good luck finding stories =)


mehar_mia1 January 27 2010, 15:39:30 UTC
sorry dont know any fics of D/Hr/G except for divine which has been mentioned above by itsbeenvery
and about CG does anyone know if its ever going to run again i joined the harry potter fandom pretty late and then got in to D/Hr but then when anyone recs any stories its mostly on CG and that site is down and so i feel like im missing out on a lot of good fics


atalanta84 January 27 2010, 20:08:57 UTC
This is the latest info on CG:

I also came into the fandom after it went down, so I know your pain. However, a new Dramione fic archive called Hawthorn and Vine is opening next month, and they're trying to track down some of the fics that were lost when CG went down (they have an LJ community if you want to learn more: hawthorn_vine).


margotlefaye January 28 2010, 05:01:05 UTC
On January 3, 2010, Raffy confirmed that the webmistress is still trying to rebuild the archive. However, she had moved and was without internet connectivity which, coupled with the new job and a whole lot of projects, has continued to make the transition slllloooowwwww going.

I continue to hope the archive will return, even as I look forward to the opening of hawthorn_vine.


atalanta84 January 28 2010, 05:32:54 UTC
Thanks for the update! :)


The Wayback Machine strange_f January 27 2010, 15:48:06 UTC
If you do find a story with a broken link try The Wayback Machine: Just put the link in and see what you get. I found the first fic I ever read back in 1999 from Buffy fandom. Have a look:*hh_/


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