ART DUET B: lemonade8 and ningloreth (pinch-hitter)

Nov 05, 2015 10:03

Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling and Warner Bros. All artwork posted at this community has been created entirely for fun, not for profit, and no copyright infringement is intended.

Title: Dumbledore's Grave
Artist: lemonade8
Rating: G
Description/summary: Hermione guards Draco as he retrieves the Elder Wand
Warnings: none
Artist's Note: Since Draco has been a previous master of the Elder wand, I imagine that in an emergency, Draco could be relied upon to help out with this wand, and that would be a good reason for them to be at Dumbledore's grave. I imagine it would be very hard for him to face it, as well. I hope this is okay for my giftee. *crosses fingers*

Title: Sunrise on the Astronomy Tower
Artist: lemonade8
Rating: PG
Description/summary: The unsure morning after spending the night on the astronomy tower. Draco comforting and reassuring Hermione.
Warnings: none
Artist's Note(s): I wanted to add the broom, so they had a way up there without being caught, his Slytherin cloak in a pile in the corner, and I tried to make the whole uncertainty of what this could mean for them in her body language. Hoping for a little romance. Good wishes to my recipient.

!round 7 2015!, art, rating: g, rating: pg

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