rent_100 // Valentine's Day // 011 red

Feb 14, 2006 17:11

Title: Valentine's Day
Author: Sarah
Rating: PG13
Words: 741
Characters: Maureen/Mark, Roger
Summary: Mark and Maureen celebrate Valentine's Day.
Disclaimer: I don't own Rent.

“What are you wearing?” Roger asked through fits of laughter as Mark entered the living room.

He blushed and looked down at his new sweater. It was bright red with a giant pink heart covering most of the front. In white, the words “I love Maureen” were knitted. “It’s my Valentine’s Day gift from Maureen,” he replied. “Isn’t it awesome?” He gestured towards his bedroom to show Roger that Maureen was still in there.

Roger nodded and played along. “Oh, yeah, Mark! That is one great sweater. You look super sexy in it,” he grinned, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “I wanna do you on the spot.”

Mark blushed again as he felt two skinny arms creeping around his waist. “I’m sorry, Rog, but that’s my job,” Maureen grinned, kissing Mark’s neck softly. Turns out, she too had a new sweater. It matched Mark’s perfectly, but instead of “I love Maureen”, it said “I love Mark”.

Roger was trying really hard not to laugh. “Maureen…”

“What?” she pouted.

“Did you make those?”

“Yes. Do you want one?”

“No,” he replied quickly. “I just wanted to, um, compliment you on your amazing knitting skills,” he avoided her eyes.

She bought it and grinned wildly. “Thank you!”

“I have to go run a few errands, I’ll be back later,” Mark said, kissing Maureen before running out the door.

“Wait, Mark!” Maureen chased after him.


“Why are you wearing your coat?” she put her hands on her hips. “Then no one can see your pretty sweater.”

“Maureen, it’s snowing, it’s freezing,” he reasoned.

Her face fell. “If you don’t like it, you can just say so.”

“No, no!” he hugged her. “I love it, really. It’s just cold.”

“Promise me you’ll wear it on your birthday when it’s warmer?” she looked him in the eyes and have him a puppy dog face.

His birthday was in March. March wasn’t that warm or cold. “I promise.”


Mark returned a few hours later, a brown bag tucked safely under his jacket. Roger was nowhere in sight and Maureen was dead asleep on the couch. He tiptoed through the loft and into this bedroom. He quietly removed the contents of the package, placing everything neatly on the bed. He chose three of the roses out of the dozen, picking the petals off and tossing them nicely on the floor. Next, the chocolates. He put the two heart shaped boxes on Maureen’s pillow, arranging them so that they were juxtaposed. He placed a few more roses on the bed and stepped back to admire his work.

“Perfect,” he said.


“Maureen,” Mark gently shook her. “Wake up, sweetie.”

“Hmm?” she sat up. “Oh hey Marky.”

“Come here, I have something to show you.”

“What is it, Pookie?” she took his hand and followed him.

Mark took his hand and covered his girlfriend’s eyes as he led her into their bedroom. “There,” he slowly pulled his hand away.

She looked around, her eyes widening as she drank everything in. “Marky…” she walked towards the bed, careful not to step on any loose petals. She picked up a rose and brought it to her nose. “Mmm.”

Mark sat down next to her, grinning sheepishly. “You like it?”

Maureen nodded. She had found the chocolates. “YeshIluffit,” she said with a full mouth.

Mark laughed.

Swallowing, she said again, “Thanks baby.”

“You’re welcome,” he said, lacing his fingers through hers. “Can I tell you something?”

“Sure, Pookie,” she placed the candy box next to her and inched closer to the blushing filmmaker.

He looked at the floor and let his hands play with Maureen’s hand. “I’ve been wanting to tell you this for awhile,” he began. He brought his eyes up to meet Maureen’s. “I-I love you.” He looked away quickly.

“Aw Pookie,” she had been waiting for him to say it. Climbing into his lap, she placed a kiss on his nose. She stroked his cheek and brought his eyes up to hers. “I love you too, Marky, I really do.”

He smiled big, like his biggest fear in the world had just vanished. He leaned into her, pushing onto the bed in a passionate kiss. She kissed him back, her hands tight around his neck.

Mark sat up and looked at Maureen. “There’s one more thing,” he grinned. “I have to go get it,” he hopped off the bed.

“What is it?”

He smiled deviously. “Whipped cream.”


character: roger, pairing: mark/maureen, misc: rent_100, fandom: rent

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