Title: Summer
Author: Sarah
Rating: PG
Words: 446
Character: Peter
Summary: What summer is, what last summer was, and what this summer should be.
Disclaimer: I don't own Bare.
Summer is…
Summer is a burning face and a pink nose, because you can never seem to put enough sunscreen on your pale, Irish skin.
Summer is sitting on your deck eating a cherry Popsicle, because they’re your favorite.
Summer is your nine year-old neighbor yelling, “Peter, come have a catch with me!” And you oblige because even though you suck at baseball, you can still catch better than a fourth grader.
Summer is reality TV and reruns and your mother yelling at you to go outside because it’s just too nice to sit there watching an episode of Maury you’ve already seen.
Summer is a text message saying, “I miss you,” but you know he can’t possibly miss you more than you miss him.
Last summer was…
Last summer was sitting on the porch eating orange Popsicles because you already ate all the cherry ones and your mom refused to buy you a new box until you ate all the flavors.
Last summer was an awkward Fourth of July party at your dad’s house with his new wife. You sat in the corner with your summer reading book and a cup of Sprite because your new stepbrother only talks about girls and football.
Last summer was a week without your cell phone because you went over on your texting by 1034 messages. There were 128 all from the same person when you got it back.
Last summer was a surprise visit in the middle of August from the only person you’ve ever wanted to unexpectedly end up on your doorstep. You know he missed you too because he hugged you back, even though the cab driver still hadn’t pulled away and your mom was in the front garden.
Last summer was going to be the last one of the old you because college is a place to start over.
This summer is...
This summer is the most tears you’ve cried since infancy and the first funeral you’ve attended since your grandfather when you were 12. You can’t bear to say goodbye because goodbye means forever and that’s just too long to go without him.
This summer is making minimum wage at the grocery store because college is expensive.
This summer is new sheets and nice clothes because you’re a grown-up now, too old for Batman bedding and too tall for the pants your mom first bought you when you went away to St. Cecilia’s.
This summer is clouds with rain, and even the sunny days are bleak because nothing is darker than loneliness.
This summer is supposed to be the best one, but it’s not because you don’t remember how to be Peter without Jason.