rent_100 // Love // 047 heart

Feb 03, 2006 20:41

Title: Love
Author: Sarah
Rating: PG
Words: 618
Characters: Maureen, Collins, Angel, mentioned Joanne and Mark
Summary: Maureen goes to talk to Angel at the hospital.
Disclaimer: I don't own Rent.

Love was a volatile thing. Sometimes it hurt and sometimes it was the greatest feeling in the world. For some people, love was necessary. Maureen was one of those people. She wasn’t sure who she loved or if anyone loved her back. She had always feared unrequited love. She knew Mark still loved her, and in a way, part of her still loved him back. She wasn’t sure if she loved Joanne either or it Joanne loved her back. It was hard to tell sometimes. Maybe Maureen loved the man she slept with last week or the woman she had been seeing for the past month behind Joanne’s back. Maureen knew Angel knew about love. Angel was fading fast. No one wanted to see her go. Maureen had to see her, had to talk to her one last time.

“Collins?” Maureen entered the white hospital room.

“Mmph?” he picked his head up. He was sitting in the chair, his head resting in his arms on the bed. “Oh, hey Maureen.”

“How is she?” Maureen walked over to him, gently touching his shoulder.

“No better, no worse,” he answered, rubbing his eyes. “Just hoping for the best.”

“Have you been eating?” Maureen asked in concern.

“When they feed Angel,” Collins stroked the queen’s still hand.

“Collins, you really should go home,” Maureen insisted. “Take a shower, eat something, nap, go see Mark and Roger…”

“But Angel,” his eyes drifted from his lover to his friend.

“I’ll watch her,” she offered. “Don’t worry, she’ll be fine.”

“If she wakes up before I get back, tell her I love her,” he said before leaving the room.

Maureen sat down where Collins was and stared at Angel. Even out of drag and sick in a hospital, she was still gorgeous. She slipped her hand under Angel’s and laced their fingers together. In sleep, Angel held on.

“How are you, baby?” Maureen asked.

Angel breathed in reply, her chest rising and falling steadily.

“You got a minute to listen to a girl banter?” Maureen choked back a few tears. “You know a lot about love, right? You’ve got the biggest heart I’ve ever known.”

As Angel breathed, a soft grin escaped her lips.

Maureen took it as a yes and started talking. “I’m so confused. I really don’t know what to do anymore. Love, Angel. Tell me how to love. I think- I think I love Joanne. But I don’t think she loves me back. Does she? How do I know?”

Angel grunted again, her eyes fluttering open. The chocolate brown eyes took in Maureen and a smile came to Angel’s lips. “Hi.”

“Hey,” she smiled, “how are you?”

“Great!” Typical Angel, always perky. “How are you, sweetie?”

“Been better,” Maureen wiped her eyes.

“Want to talk?”

Maureen stopped to think. It was a lot easier to talk to people when they were asleep. “How do you know you’re in love?”

Angel laughed. “I can’t tell you that.”

Maureen’s face fell. “Well, why not?” she pouted.

Angel laughed again. “Only you know if you’re in love.”

“How did you know you’re in love with Collins?”

“You just know,” Angel replied. “When I look into his eyes, when he smiles… I just feel it.”

“I think I understand, but my mind can’t comprehend…”

“No, sweetie, there’s your problem,” she smiled up at Maureen sweetly. “Love isn’t in your mind, it’s in your heart.”

“Is that why I get butterflies when Joanne walks in the room and I feel empty when I’m not in her arms?”

An all-knowing smile crept on Angel’s lips as she nodded. “You’re learning.”

“Angel,” Maureen held her hand tighter.


“Collins wanted you to know that he loves you.”


character: maureen, pairing: angel/collins, misc: rent_100, fandom: rent

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