rent_100 // Pizza with the New Boy // 059 food

Jun 01, 2006 16:30

Title: Pizza with the New Boy
Author: Sarah
Rating: PG
Words: 533
Pairing: Maureen/Roger
Summary: A continuation of Maureen's Diary. It's her date with the new boy.
Disclaimer: Not mine.

When Friday rolled around, I felt like a little girl with a crush as I endured the school day. It was long to say the least as I waited impatiently for our date. He dropped me off at my house after school and walked back over around six thirty. My mom was busy when he came over, so he didn’t have to endure twenty questions. I still felt like a stupid little girl as we walked down the street, but I think he felt the same because he kept smiling at me.

“Can I ask you something?” He was grinning and staring at his feet.

“Sure,” I replied.

“This is going to stand really stupid, but can I hold your hand?”

I think I started blushing, but I giggled and said sure. I held it out and he took it, lacing our fingers together. We walked to the pizza place making small talk.

“What’s your favorite pizza?” Roger asked.

“Extra cheese with bacon,” I replied.

“Mine too!” he exclaimed. “Wow.”

“The place where we’re going has the best extra cheese and bacon pizza ever.”

“I’ve never been so excited about food,” he smiled. “And I love food.”

I laughed really hard at that. I never thought I would have this much in common with a boy like Roger. When we got there, we sat in a booth in the back by a window. For a Friday night, it was pretty empty. We ordered our pizza and got to know each other better while we waited for our food to come.

“My mom, a nurse, got transferred or something so we had to move here. I wasn’t too enthused, but this week wasn’t so bad.”

“I hate it here,” I said. “I’m moving to the city as soon as I graduate.”

“Yeah, me too,” Roger said. “I want to start a band. I play guitar.”

“That’s cool,” I replied.

When our pizza came, we were too busy eating to talk. Roger ate half and I ate the other half.

Afterwards, it was too late to go back to Roger’s house to learn French, so he just walked me home. While we were walking there, he kept spinning my ring.

“Your ring is really pretty,” he said at last.

“Thanks, it’s a claddagh.”

“A what?”

“A claddagh,” I repeated. “It’s Irish. You see how the heart and little crown is facing down, that means I’m single. If you wear it facing the other way, so the heart is facing your heart, it means you’re taken.”

Still holding my hand, he pulled my ring off and flipped it around before sliding it back on my finger. “Do you want to hang out again sometime?”

“Sure,” I smiled. “I’d love to.”

The wind started picking up, so he wrapped his arm around me the whole way home. When we got to my house, he walked me to my door.

“We never got to study French,” he smiled.

“I’m free all weekend,” I replied.

“I’ll call you tomorrow and you can teach me everything you know.”

I laughed. “Okay.” He leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. “Au revoir!”


I laughed. “I’ll tell you tomorrow.”


pairing: maureen/roger, misc: rent_100, fandom: rent

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