Kathryn Tully/June Prompt

May 28, 2007 13:00

Title: Four Times Kathryn Had a Chocolate Milkshake and the One Time She Didn't
Prompt Number/Prompt: 024/Five theme drabbles
Character/Fandom: Kathryn Tully/Drive
Word Count: 893
Rating: R
Warning(s): Last drabble refers to the end of 1x02


Kathryn sat in the back of her dad’s car and stared down at her brand new sandals. She wanted to look out the window but knew her dad and her second grade teacher were standing out there, discussing what’d happened. It wasn’t her fault the jets scared her and she didn’t want to go out to see them.

After a few moments, her dad got into the car and smiled at her in the rearview mirror.

“It’s okay, Kathryn,” he said, reaching back to softly pat her leg. “I’m not upset.”

“You sure, daddy?” she quietly asked.

“I’m sure. Now, how about we go to Dairy Queen and get a chocolate milkshake?”

Her lips curled up into a big smile and she quickly nodded. “Yes, please,” Kathryn said as she licked her lips.

Her dad chuckled and pulled the car away from the curb.


Kathryn wrapped her hands around the paper cup she’d gotten from the local diner. Inside was a chocolate shake, the best in town. She stirred the spoon inside of it as she leaned back in the chair. Only two months of high school left and she’d be free to do what she wanted. Until college started that was.

When her mother walked in, a small stack of mail in her hand, Kathryn paid no attention until a letter was dropped in front of her. She looked down, her heart beating fast. It was a letter from the University of Nebraska-Omaha.

With shaking hands, she opened the letter, hoping they accepted her. She’d already tried to get into the U of Kansas and Creighton but neither wanted her.

She unfolded the letter and squeaked before jumping up from the table. “I got in,” she exclaimed before hugging her mother tight.


She had never liked milkshakes from McDonalds but it was the only place near the motel. Kathryn stood in the stuffy motel room and waited for Frank to return. He’d just hired her to be part of the crew and had left to get the rest of them.

Kathryn was nervous, wondering if this was worth it. The money would be nice, especially since her mother was barely getting by. She had to keep telling herself she was doing this for mother.

Finally, the door opened and Frank walked into the room with three men.

“This is Kyle,” Frank said, pointing at a boy no older than eighteen. Kathryn nodded and smiled. “This is Bob.” She just looked at Bob, shuddering a little at the way he was looking at her. “And, this is Alex.”

Kathryn’s eyes fell on the last man, who seemed like he wanted to be elsewhere. God, he had beautiful eyes.

“Hi, Alex,” she quietly said, her heart skipping a beat.


Kathryn had told Alex several times it was impossible to drink a chocolate milkshake while sitting in his Ford pickup truck, blindfolded. Plus, she was pretty sure he was hitting every bump in the road.

She’d asked, several times, if she could at least take the blindfold off, but he insisted it would ruin the surprise. She hated it, and reminded him blindfolds were for the bedroom and not for taking trips.

Kathryn even resorted to trying to seduce her husband into taking it off but it was hard seducing someone when you couldn’t see them.

When they finally stopped, Alex took it off and she quickly blinked her eyes. She looked at where they were, noticing the line of small trees in pots and several stacks of potting soil. And, there was a sign that said Tully Landscaping.

But, she didn’t care about all of those things. What Kathryn cared about was the large white house in front of her. She slipped out of the truck and stood in front of the house for a moment before looking at Alex.

“Is it ours?” she asked. He grinned and nodded. “Oh, Alex...it’s beautiful!”

She jumped into his arms, tears coming to her eyes. Everything she’d done in her past no longer matter. Nothing matter as long as she had Alex and their new life.


The duct tape itched and she wanted to take it off. She whimpered when the man flipped open the camera phone and pulled her over to it. Alex was on the other side, she knew he was. She couldn’t cry. She couldn’t breakdown. He needed to see her being strong.

Kathryn didn’t hear a word the man said and before she could do anything, he flipped the phone closed and started to take her toward the car.

There was a rumble behind her and she tensed up, hating any loud noise. Kathryn turned and looked over her shoulder in time to see the shuttle launch from the pad. She was then stuffed back into the car and forced to look out the tinted windows.

“Look, Kathryn. He’s so close but he can’t do a thingto save you,” the man said.

She started to cry when she saw Alex drive by them in his truck. He didn’t even know she was there.

Suddenly, the man pulled the duct tape off her and snorted. “Since you’ve been so good, you can have anything you want,” he said.

“I don’t want anything,” she whispered through her tears.

Not even a chocolate milkshake could make this right.

prompt response:ktully

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