May prompt 018. Future

May 27, 2007 17:00

Title: This is Your Life
Prompt Number/Prompt: 018. Future
Character/Fandom: Greg House/House, MD
Word Count: 180
Rating: PG
Warning(s): None.
Summary: House was never one to think much about the future.

House didn't think a lot about the future. He was more of a 'live in the moment' kind of guy.

Besides, the thinking he did do only depressed him - his life stretching out in front of him, a barren wasteland consisting mainly of his pills and the hospital. That is, for as long as he was capable of solving cases, at which point he'd be shuffled off to the side somewhere, and everyone would be glad to get rid of him.

(It was the being useless part that caused him to jerk awake some nights, covered in a cold sweat.)

And then, (and this was House's favourite part of it), came the part where he died. He would just...stop being. He didn't believe in a god, or the afterlife, but he still was not anxious to leave this life behind - he liked it just fine the way it was, thankyouverymuch.

But right now, House had his DVD player set up, and Wilson on the way over with Chinese food and beer. And right now, that was all the future House needed.

prompt response:ghouse

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