(no subject)

May 19, 2007 20:56

Title: Not A Child
Prompt Number/Prompt: 013/child
Character/Fandom: Dawn Summers/BtVS
Word Count: 350
Rating: PG
Warning(s): This is based on the end of the S6 episode 'All The Way' when Dawn was sitting on the couch and Buffy told Giles to talk to her. I'm assuming he did talk to her but off-screen.
Summary: Dawn decides they need to stop treating her like a child.

Dawn sat on the couch, her hands neatly folded on her lap. She tilted her head to the side and her eyes look toward the door. Buffy and Giles were there, whispering about something. It was probably about her and what’d happened. They weren’t going to drop it it seemed and she wished they would.

She wasn’t a child anymore, yet, they insisted on treating her like one. All girls her age snuck out to meet boys. It was a rite of passage and her rite of passage had been ruined by Buffy, Spike and Giles.

Never mind the boy she liked was a vampire; at the moment it didn’t matter.

Dawn just wanted to be a normal teenager since her life was anything but. In the last year, she’d lost her mother, been targeted by a demon named Glory and had watched her sister die in order to protect her. There was also the fact her sister came back from the dead and Dawn had taken care of her, but it seemed people had forgotten that.

She just wanted to know what it was like to take care of herself. Dawn was tired of having a baby-sitter all the time, watching her every move. She wanted to know what it was like to be trusted enough to spend a night alone in the house. No one would let her, though. After all, her ‘baby-sitters’ included a vampire, an ex-demon, two lesbian witches and an old British man who seemed to get flustered at the drop of a hat.

Taking a long breath, Dawn settled back on the couch and listened to Giles’ lecture.




She’d heard it all before; so many times she could almost recite it by heart.

And, when there was a lag in the conversation, Dawn stood from the couch and looked Giles in the eyes.

“I’m not a child anymore,” she firmly stated.

She didn’t wait for an answer or a rebuttal. She merely turned around and walked away, knowing from that point on, she wasn’t going to allow them to tell her otherwise.

I swear I know how to do lj-cuts. ;)

prompt response:dawnsummers

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