February Prompt Response

May 16, 2007 09:16

Title:  She Could Handle It
Prompt Number/Prompt: 002/Wine
Character/Fandom: Cordelia Pryce/OC
Word Count: 676
Rating: PG-13 (drugs, alcohol, sexual reference)
Warning(s):  n/a
Summary: High School Years

It was a warm clear friday night, a good change from the brisk cloudy nights they had been having. Cordelia decided to grab a couple bottles of her favorite wine, Red Ass Rhubarb, and head outside. It had been a beautiful day and she had hated spending it inside. Thankfully, she was able to get home before it got too dark.

She went down a few steps and sat down, placing the wine between her legs. Although it was already eight o'clock, there were still kids playing out. The apartments were always busy but Cordelia kinda liked it that way. It reminded her of her days back at the farm where life was constantly buzzing with life.

She popped off the lid of her first bottle and instantly gulped down half of it. The bitter flavor of alcohol quickly followed the tart taste of rhubarb and Cordelia made a face as she swallowed. She closed her eyes and leaned back against her door.

This was exactly what she needed. A moment of her own, away from her demanding sister and long job. She shouldn't be drinking, she reminds herself. Being an alcoholic has its downsides but unfortunately, it has one upside. It made it easier to forget the boring days events, if even for just a moment. She sighed heavily. Lifting up the bottle, she takes a smaller gulp. She remembers back when she had her first drink. It had been on a friday, like this one, back when she had just been thirteen. Thirteen years, six months and nineteen days. It was October and one of her friends had been throwing a party. It was not exactly the most pleasant of memories, those years of high school, but no matter how hard she tried to forget them, they would not disappear.

She had been the new girl back then, eager and ready to make friends. Her sister was already in college so Cordelia was left to fend for herself. She remembered feeling awkward, her body in the midst of womanly developement. Most girls didn't like her. They thought she was weird, which maybe she was. She was always talking, didn't matter to who. Cordelia had always enjoyed meeting new people and a school full of kids was just the sort of place to do that. But It didn't take long before she fell into the wrong crowd.

Her friends were mostly juniors and seniors, over-confident kids that would do anything, and anyone, they pleased. Cordelia had been so anxious to be part of a group that she went for the first one that asked for her. They were cheerleaders and soccer players, the most popular kids at school. It didn't take too long before Cordelia was one of them. Because of her agility and flexibility and infectious smile, she was soon the top novice cheeleader and girlfriend to the cutest boy on the soccer team.

But that was just the start. Her boyfriend had thrown a party. A big one and all the kids had been invited. Several of them brought beer since the parents were out for the weekend and a couple brought some drugs. It wasn't long before they were distributed out to everyone. The rest of the party was a blur, a fog of vague memories.

The next morning was an unpleasant affair. She remembers waking up in a bed that wasn't her own in a house that wasn't hers. The insides of her thighs felt sore and torn. There were yellow and purple bruises on her legs and arms as if someone had held her down. The vague memory of her boyfriend on top of her, grunting, surfaced. The rest of the day she spent hiding at a neaby park, thoughts of her now-forever changed life swirling through her young mind.

Cordelia opened her eyes and sat up, rapidly wiping away the tears from her eyes. That had been over ten years ago but it felt like it had just happened yesterday.

No amount of wine was going to change that.

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