(no subject)

May 13, 2007 17:12

Title: Genetics
Prompt Number/Prompt: 013/Children
Character/Fandom: Matt Parkman/Heroes
Word Count: 306
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Spoilers for most of season one, so far, of Heroes.
Summary: Matt's feelings about becoming a father.

When Matt found out he was going to be a father, he felt his life change. He was happy. This was what his failing marriage needed. They were going to be fine now, even if there was the possibility the child wasn’t his. They would work through it.

He reminded his old partner, Andy, and how the other man would tell him never to have children. Andy seemed to think having a child impaired a cop’s ability to do a good job. Matt didn’t care, though, because he was going to be a father.

Nothing else mattered - not his ability to read minds or the fact there was a mad man out there, killing people. Matt Parkman was going to be a father. And he was going to be the best one he could be.


They’d made sure to filter their thoughts. No matter how hard Matt tried, he couldn’t hear anything except for chatter he couldn’t use. He needed to figure out how to get out of there.

Squeezing his eyes shut, he concentrated on the thoughts around him. His body shook and his nose bled. It was painful, yet, necessary.

Then a single thought came through.

His wife’s pregnant. We’ll have to monitor the child for any special abilities.

His eyes flew open and panic rose in his chest. His powers could be passed on to his child. His child. If it happened, his child would be hunted.

Genetics were a funny thing.

Suddenly Matt hoped the baby wasn’t his. He suddenly didn’t want to be someone’s father. He would die if he knew he’d passed his ‘mutation’ on to an innocent child.

Blocking all thoughts out, Matt closed his eyes and prayed for the miracle that they other man had gotten his wife pregnant, and not him.

prompt response:mparkman

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