(no subject)

May 08, 2007 09:48

Title: Mother's Words
Prompt Number/Prompt: 013/Children
Character/Fandom: Lilah Morgan/Angel
Word Count: 338
Rating: PG
Warning(s): None
Summary: AU. Pre-series through recent events at dm_rpg

Lilah was barely five the first time she heard her mother say it. She was supposed to be in bed but had crept out into the living room to see what the adults were watching on the television. Her mother was curled up with one of her ‘special’ friends and they were barely speaking above a whisper.

“I wish I’d never had children,” her mother said. “It’s nothing but trouble. She’s nothing but trouble.”

Lilah had yet to understand where babies came from so her mother’s seemed seemed almost foreign to her. She wanted to tell her mom she didn’t have to have any kids. To Lilah it was simple and a lot like the time she decided she didn’t have to have a night light in her room.

When she became older, Lilah finally understood what her mother meant. Being eleven and finding out your mother never wanted her was painful and she spent most of the summer avoiding her mother. She never trusted her mother after that.

When she became a teenager, Lilah twisted her mother’s words to fuel her hatred toward the world. Whenever she wanted her way or needed something, she would manipulated her mother’s words for her own gain. She hadn’t even care if the school called her mother in concern over her welfare.

As she matured, Lilah almost forgot about her mother’s words. She went away to college and had her own. It wasn’t until her best friend found herself pregnant that she remembered what she’d heard. Lilah went through the entire pregnancy with her and hated each moment.

One night, as she listened to the baby scream at the top of his lungs, Lilah understood why her mother had said it. It was also when she promised herself to never have children.

It was a promise she never intended to break, yet she had.

And, as the doctor said the words, Lilah didn’t feel anger or disappointed. Instead, she hoped she would be a better mother than her own.

prompt response:lilahmorgan

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