(no subject)

May 01, 2007 13:43

Title: Bargain
Prompt Number/Prompt: 015/Church
Character/Fandom: Kathryn Tully/Drive
Word Count: 1002
Rating: R for swearing
Warning(s): Based on backgrounds Lara and I made for Alex and Kat. Alludes to a discussion Alex had in episode 1x03

There were ten churches in the small Ohio town. Kathryn Tully knew this because she had counted all of them during her walks. It didn’t seem right for a town so small to have so many churches. She was sure they couldn’t fill all of them and sometimes wondered if they still had sermons if only one person showed up.

The walks had been Frank’s idea. When Kyle had returned, saying Alex and the rest of them were dead, Kathryn was near hysterics. The man she loved was gone and she couldn’t think of one reason why her damn life was worth living. Without Alex, nothing seemed right.

So Frank had told her to go outside and get some fresh air. She stood outside the motel room and felt her stomach churn as Frank and Kyle decided what to do with Alex’s share of the money. It wasn’t their decision to make, but Kathryn knew she had no say in it. Wasn’t as if Alex and her were married or were planning to ever get married.

The money would go into a pot and be split among those still there. She knew she didn’t want any of it. All she wanted was the Challenger, wherever it was. Besides her, it was one of the few things Alex loved in the world. At least that was what he’d told her.

The walks had done little to ease her mind or to take the pain away. She didn’t know what she was going to do now. She had only stayed because of Alex and since he was gone, there was no reason for her to be there anymore. Kathryn would just go home to Omaha and find a honest job.

She would never know why the small church caught her attention but it had. It was the last one on Main Street and looked out of place. While the other churches were grand and made of brick, this one was small and white, with nothing more than one room and a small cross on its steeple.

Something about it called to her and she found herself inching toward the door. Luckily, they were unlocked and she was able to slip in.

It smelled of old wood and wood cleaner. She found herself at the entrance of the church, staring at a large statue of Jesus on cross. Kathryn couldn’t help but to wonder if he’d died for her sins, too. She was sure a minister would tell her he had but she didn’t think she would believe him.

The pews were cold to the touch as she slipped into one of them. She picked up a hymn book and flipped through the pages, remembering the times her parents had made her sit with them during Thursday night services. Kathryn had always hated them, especially since she had to wear itchy dresses.

She sat there for a few moments, her eyes planted on the altar in front. Without a second thought, she placed her elbows on the back of the pew in front of her, and clasped her hands together. She then rested her chin on her hands and took a shuddering breath before speaking.

“Yeah, I know I haven’t been in a church for a long time,” she began, her voice quiet as to not echo off the walls. “And I’m pretty sure my choice of lifestyles isn’t the best considering the whole ‘Thou shall not steal’ crap, but I have a problem.”

A big problem. One God couldn’t even solve.

“I...you probably know who Alex Tully is. Hopefully he made it to Heaven. If he didn’t, I’m gonna be pissed because he really is a good man. I just...I know you can’t perform miracles but do you think you can turn back time? Just enough so I can stop him from going. I can’t live without him and if you do this one thing, I promise I’ll get him to leave. We’ll leave it all behind and live honest lives. I swear. I just want him back...”

She waited for some sort of sign and none came. Kathryn didn’t think one would since she was asking for the impossible. She would just have to learn how to live life without her Alex, even though the thought made her want to curl up and die too.

Moments later, she left the church and started back to the motel. They were would leaving in the morning for another job and she still didn’t know if she was going with them.

As she rounded the last corner, she stopped, the breath catching in her throat, when she saw the Challenger sitting in the motel parking lot. She moved to go over it but stopped when she heard a familiar voice wafering through the air.

Looking to her right, she saw him. Alex. He wasn’t dead but very much alive and he was talking to Frank. Tears came to her eyes and she broke out into a run. As she ran over to him, her relief turned to anger. How dare he make her think he was dead? He could have at least called.

When she got to him, she didn’t hug him or welcome him back. Instead, Kathryn punched him in the jaw as hard as she could. It hurt like hell but it was worth it. “I thought you were fucking dead! You could’ve called!” she yelled.

She wanted to do so many things at that moment - hit him again, break his taillights out with a bat, fuck the hell out of him in one of the rooms - but she didn’t. Instead, she moved closer to him and laid her forehead against his chest and cried.

And, as the hot tears rolled down her cheeks, and stained his shirt, Kathryn remembered the promise she had made earlier. She had gotten her Alex back and now she had to ask him to walk away.

She could only hope he would.

prompt response:ktully

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