(no subject)

Apr 21, 2007 20:13

Title: Hello, Raul
Prompt number: 010//Pet
Charater/Fandom: Dwight Schrute/The Office (Pam and Jim also make an appearance. And Sanjaya gets a mention.)
Word Count: 286
Rating: G
Warnings: None.
Summary: What was Dwight's childhood fantasy?

"In the 5th grade, I wanted a liger. My mother said she was allergic." Dwight looked at the camera. "My childhood dream was to train a liger named Raul to stand on its hind legs and walk like a man-beast. Sadly, that dream did not come true."

Jim sat in front of the camera and blinked slowly before speaking. "Wow. That...explains so much about Dwight."

Sitting at his desk, Jim reached underneath and pulled out a box labeled ‘Zoo property. Do not release’. "Hey, Dwight? So. I have this friend named..." He glanced up at Pam for inspiration and she help up a magazine cover. "A friend named San-" He paused, giving Pam a look before continuing.

"What, Jim?" Dwight asked as he continued writing.

"So, I have this friend named Sanjaya. And he works at the zoo." Jim placed the box on Dwight’s desk. "Anyway, he heard that you always wanted a liger..."

Dwight looked up and eyed the box. "Go on."

Jim shrugged. "So, the zoo just got one in, and they don’t have room for it. I told him I know a guy who has a farm."

Dwight opened the box and pulled out a small animal. "This is tiny."

Jim looked over at the orange and white baby kitten. "Sure it’s small now, but it’s just a cub. All baby animals are small. In six months it’ll be 200 pounds."

A smile crossed Dwight’s features. "Yes..."

Looking over at Pam, Jim tried to keep his face passive as she ducked her head to laugh.

Holding up the 'liger', Dwight nodded. "Hello, Raul."

The kitten mewled and Jim shook his head, staring at the computer.

prompt response:dschrute

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