(no subject)

Apr 17, 2007 02:51

Title: Unanswered Prayer
Prompt Number/Prompt: 009/Lie
Character/Fandom: Dawn Summers/BtVS
Word Count:
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Takes before and during 'The Body'
Summary: Dawn wonders if a mystical key can pray.

When her mother became sick, Dawn went to the small chapel in the hospital. She sat in one of the pews and clasped her hands together. Dawn had never really prayed before in her life. Her words were fumbled as she tried to find what to say. How do you ask God to save someone who really wasn't your mother?

She was afraid her prayers wouldn't be answered because she wasn't real. She thought of asking Giles about it but he was busy with Buffy. Dawn knew Willow and Tara believed in different Gods, and she really didn't think Anya or Xander would know.

Later in the evening, she found a book on Christianity at the Magic Box. She sat in the corner, away from everyone else, and read. There was nothing about mystical keys, whose only job was to open things. Nothing at all. Dawn didn't know if her prayer was going to be answered or not.

When her mother was released from the hospital, Dawn sat on the edge of her bed and ask her questions. Her mother took her hand and softly squeezed it before telling her it didn't matter, and her prayer had been heard. Dawn was relieved and was finally able to sleep.

She was painting when Buffy came to her school. Her sister took her out to the hallway to break the news to her. At first Dawn didn't want to believe it but when left the school and she sat in the car, staring at the scenery passing by, Dawn figured two things out...

Her mother was trying to protect her from the truth and prayers said by mystical keys weren't heard.

And she couldn't decide which hurt more.

prompt response:dawnsummers

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