007. Computer - Dean Winchester (Supernatural)

Apr 16, 2007 18:50

Title: Whatever You Say
Prompt Number/Prompt: 007. Computer
Character/Fandom: Dean Winchester // Supernatural
Word Count: 556
Rating: PG-13
Warning(s): Spoilers if you don't know who Ellen or Ash is, and one vauge reference to "Tall Tales."
Summary: Dean never really learns.

Sam was going to kill him. Flat out murder him. Unless he could find some way to fix it, he was pretty much a dead man. And he didn’t know jack shit about computers. He reached forward and tried hitting the power button again, hoping that it would do something, anything to jumpstart the thing back to life. The computer made a whirring noise, and the screen lit up slightly, but then it puttered out again, and the screen died just as quickly.

Fuck. Where was Ash when you needed him?

He took a deep breath, and glanced down at his watch. He had about a half hour till Sam said he was going to be back from wherever he was going, and that meant he had a half hour to figure out what was wrong and fix it. If he could do that, Sam would be none the wiser, and he would go on living. Yeah. Easy enough.


“Harvelle’s Roadhouse,” Ellen’s voice came through the speaker of his phone, and Dean gave her his most convincing smile, despite the fact that he knew she couldn’t see it.

“Hey, Ellen-it’s Dean.”

“Hey, Dean, what can I do for you?”

“Is Ash around by any chance?”

“No, he’s actually out at the moment,” she sighed, “Is there a problem?”

“No-no-not really,” he said, starting to pace slightly, “I just-think I might have broken Sam’s computer.”

“Does Sam know this?”

“No-not exactly,” he stammered.

“He’s not going to be thrilled, is he?”


“Good luck with breaking the news to him.”

“Yeah, thanks, Ellen,” he sighed. He hung up the phone, and started at the computer before shaking his head.

“I’m so screwed.”


Dean was out the door almost as soon as Sam walked in, saying that he was going to get a beer. Sam just rolled his eyes and tossed him the keys, figuring that he was just doing what he always did. Dean was arriving in the parking lot of the nearest bar when Sam actually called him, and he hesitated before answering, expecting an earful about whatever the hell he had done to the computer.

“For future reference, Dean, if the computer dies on you like that-all you have to do is plug it into the wall.” Sam’s voice was more amusement than anger, and Dean felt himself loosen up slightly.

“OK, Sam,” Dean replied, as he walked into the bar, “But I didn’t touch your computer.”

“Sure you didn’t,” Sam replied sarcastically, “I always frequent Busty Asian Beauties dot com.”

“I knew there was a porn whore in there somewhere, Sammy,” Dean replied with a grin, and he heard his brother’s exasperated sigh.

“I know you’ll never listen, but stop touching my stuff.”

“If you know I won’t listen, then why do you bother telling me?” Dean asked, when he suddenly locked eyes with a pretty blond standing across the room from him. She gave him a small smile, and he grinned back, effectively tuning out Sam.

“and-Dean? Dean! Are you listening to me?”

“Yeah, Whatever you say, Sammy,” Dean replied, “Gotta go. Talk to you later.”

“Dean-wait! Dean-” Dean snapped the phone shut before walking over to the girl in front of him, a flirty smile on his face.

“How ya doin’?”

prompt response:deanwinchester

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