007 Computer - Rupert Giles - Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Apr 11, 2007 16:27

Title: Acceptance
Prompt Number/Prompt: 007 Computer
Character/Fandom: Rupert Giles/Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Word Count: 354
Rating: PG/FRT
Warning(s): None
Summary: Giles comes to accept some things in his life.

Rupert Giles once despised computers.

Yes, of course, that wasn't really a surprise to anyone who knew him, especially the Scoobies, some of whom had watched him nearly attempt to slice a few apart with his rapier a few times over the years. Not that a rapier was exactly a good weapon for such a job, but then again, he hadn't exactly been thinking straight at the time, just exceedingly frustrated with those little boxes about memory or illegal operations that kept blinking up on the screen.

Not even Jenny had managed to get him to feel comfortable with the contraptions though she had tried. He had come to accept that he would have to use the things, especially when the Council started using e-mail as a main form of contact, but he never liked it.

So what had possessed him to actually join that community that day, he never knew. Curiosity, he supposed at the time. He had wondered exactly what it was about these online groups that attacted people. It seemed silly and foolish, but he did it.

And found her.

He had wondered why Lilah even paid attention to him, considering he was nothing more than a glorified keeper now, until she had shown up at his shop, everything making sense when she made her request. He had never intended for the bond to be created between them, just wanting to get her out of his life as quickly as possible, but when it was, there was nothing he could do.

Not that he'd want to now anyway even if he could. At first, he would have been quite happy for Lilah to just disappear, bond or no bond, but the more she's been around, the more he's grown to like her. And certainly things haven't been easy, but it has been challenging and...enjoyable. He's quite relishing rediscovering the parts of himself he so long ago buried, parts Lilah has no trouble bringing out in him.

So even though he knows he'll never really like using computers, he is rather grateful to the infernal contraptions in a way.

Although he probably will never tell Lilah that.

prompt response:rupertgiles

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