The BC Cancer Agency is communicating to us that "the world needs women": 1. Because they are pretty to look at. 2. Unlike this dude who is totally fat.
If you are asking if I would have an identical reaction, the answer is no. Because our culture does not consistently reinforce the idea that men's value is largely decorative. If you are asking if I would still find the ad toxic and problematic, the answer is yes.
I think because it is using an iconic image it isn't about women looking good, i think it's suppose to allude to the magical mystical quality of womanhood.
A commenter in Audra's post points out that there aren't enough female doctors accepting patients and walk-in doctors are squeamish to perform paps. A more useful campaign would be to have GPs stop taking it so laxly and call their patients yearly to book one and to open more sexual health centres. Rather than scaring us about the potentially fatal consequences of abnormal cells. I think the problem is largely with the medical community not the consumer. Paps still have a stigma of unseemliness that is totally unnecessary.
My family doctor here (and in BC, there are doctors aplenty! so weird + awesome) recently sent me a letter reminding me that I am due for a pap smear. Yay Dr Lai!
I feel you on this one. My first instinct is to say "why oh why do we have to over-think EVERYTHING." Funny is subversive. I think they thought it out, and knew exactly what they were doing. They wanted to get people talking about the ad. Advertisers are not dumb. The cancer society running these ads are full of intelligent people. The women who are discussing the gender-stereotyping in this ad are probably also getting pap tests. So who is this aimed at? And will they get the irony of using a reverse stereotype to attract a woman's attention.
I think a master's thesis could be written on the subject and I do not want to take up too much space in your comments.
Except I think advertisers do show themselves as dumb, all the time.
The only type of advertising that seems to be effective (as much as I hate it) is heavy-handed brand recognition... and this ad doesn't do that. How many people see that ad, go onto to something else, and EVEN IF THEY REMEMBER THE AD, have NO IDEA what it was for?
Comments 12
Honestly, I just find it stupid. (like most advertising.)
Though I guess there are gender issues because the inkling of 'insulting' I get is towards MEN, not WOMEN.
The BC Cancer Agency is communicating to us that "the world needs women":
1. Because they are pretty to look at.
2. Unlike this dude who is totally fat.
"The World Needs Men! Remember to have regular prostate exams"
Would you have the same objection directed the opposite way?
I do agree however, that it is derogatory to men.
Plus HPV vaccine for men! Gah!
I think a master's thesis could be written on the subject and I do not want to take up too much space in your comments.
The only type of advertising that seems to be effective (as much as I hate it) is heavy-handed brand recognition... and this ad doesn't do that. How many people see that ad, go onto to something else, and EVEN IF THEY REMEMBER THE AD, have NO IDEA what it was for?
I would imagine that would cover most people.
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