Blackcest is the new Black.

Aug 05, 2005 21:25

Something More Burning
By Dramaphile
Pairing: Sirius/Regulus/Harry
Rated: Smut at its most smutty
Kinks: Threesome, Incest.
Disclaimer: I highly doubt JKR had this in mind when she wrote HBP. Nonetheless, I am not her, I do not have her permission and I'm making no cash whatsoever.
A/N: SPOILERS!! CONTAINS MENTIONS OF JEWELRY AND INITALS AND OTHER HBP-TYPE THINGS SCATTERED IN AMONG THE PORN. Also, this is for judas_iscariot because 1) She made me like Blackcest because her Regulus was just too damn hot for my Sirius to resist and 2), she requested it back when I was squeeing about having 50 friends on my lj.

R. A. B.

It isn’t until he returns to Grimmauld Place that he realizes the identity of the mysterious R. A. B. and when he does, there is a rush of excitement or joy or relief that claims him as he stands in the corridor, staring at the name written in gold letters on the tapestry, next to the blackened spot where Sirius’ name must have once been.

He nearly kicks himself for not thinking of it sooner, and wonders how Hermione could have possibly missed it.

Regulus Alphard Black, 1962-1980

There is a photo he saw once, one Kreacher had hoarded away when they were cleaning house. It must have been a family portrait, taken before Sirius was disowned. In it, Sirius sits, young and handsome and looking obviously bored, next to a sullen dark-haired boy who would be just as handsome if not for the look of petulant distaste on his face. Harry had watched, mesmerized, as the boy who could only be Regulus turned and gazed at his brother, a strange look on his face, like admiration or jealousy or maybe something more burning that Harry had hurriedly dismissed.

Harry dreams in foggy, muted colors and heightened sensations, his mind processing the day’s discoveries and then some. Regulus is there, a carbon copy of his older brother, but with piercing coal-black eyes and elegantly arched brows that captivate Harry. He is naked, completely revealed, but his hand is clasped tight over something, a small object that glints gold where it peeks out from between his fingers. He reaches for Regulus’ hand, hoping to pry his fingers open, but Regulus evades him and instead presses against his body, and Harry, too, is suddenly bared, warm skin pressed against warm skin. Regulus’ dark eyes burn, and his hot mouth slides over Harry’s, swallowing a gasp as their cocks bump together, arousal spiking through Harry’s veins.

There are hands on his back, his hips, his arse, threading in his hair, and Harry barely registers that there are too many of them before a hard, heated body presses against his back, erection nestled between his buttocks, and a slick mouth moves over his neck, his ear, his jaw. Regulus’ attention moves from Harry to this newcomer and they kiss, smolderingly, and Harry chokes on a cry as he watches them.


It is wrong, so wrong, he thinks, but then it is right and he is pressed between these bodies, these brothers, trapped as his arousal builds and builds inside him. Sirius kisses him next, and he can taste Regulus on those lips, so alike and yet different at the same time, Sirius’ tongue explores while Regulus takes, Sirius moans softly into his mouth while Regulus steals his breath with hitching gasps. Harry craves and takes but is not satisfied.

There is a bed, where it came from he doesn’t bother to wonder, and he is pressed against it, two mouths working their way over his body, two dark heads swim in his field of vision and oh, slick heat envelopes his cock, pure ecstasy, and his toes curl with pleasure, neither knowing nor caring whose mouth is on him, only that there is one, and his stomach clenches, but the mouth is gone and he is left whimpering and broken. The begging words coming from his mouth sound like someone else’s, but it doesn’t matter because there is the slick, blunt head of a cock pressing against his entrance, Regulus’ face hovering over his, dark eyes hooded with arousal. Harry cries out as he is filled so completely, surrounded by sensation, and Sirius then appears behind his brother, Regulus’ face contorted in pleasure and there is a sharp twinge of arousal in Harry’s belly because, oh God, Sirius is fucking Regulus is fucking Harry and every push of Sirius’ hips thrusts Regulus into Harry as though Harry is being fucked through him, not by him.

Regulus is the one whimpering now, his brother’s name on his lips, and Sirius leans over him, mouth sealing against Harry’s, claiming him with his tongue just as Regulus drives into him just right and Harry sees stars, shuddering and arching and coming harder than anything before, and he watches through half-lidded eyes as Sirius bites into his brother’s shoulder, hard, and the body above him stiffens and contracts and wet warmth blooms inside him.

He turns his head to see Regulus’ fist fall open and a gold locket falls onto the sheets

Harry wakes more determined than ever that this is the answer he’s been looking for.
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