
May 21, 2011 12:15

I am getting remarkably bored of these introductions, useful as they may be.

So how about we have some anti-introductions. Who are the people you would not like to see on the community, and why? People you hate from your own world, people who would be broken by the idea of other universes...that kind of thing.

An example:
SirrisAge: 25 ( Read more... )


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Comments 115

stripping May 21 2011, 16:44:36 UTC
This is an excellent idea.

Tohsaka Rin
Age: 20, in my universe
Occupation: Magus
Reason: It is literally impossible for us to get along.

Age: Very old
Occupation: Servant
Reason: She possessed me and tried to make me kill my friends, she brainwashed one of my friends, the list goes on.

Kuzuki Souichirou
Age: I'm not certain
Occupation: Teacher, former assassin
Reason: ...It just hurts.


hok_ton May 21 2011, 21:10:58 UTC
This Caster person seems quite the character. Do try to keep her from the community.

But why are Rin and Kuzuki so bad?


stripping May 21 2011, 21:21:04 UTC
Well, Tohsaka... It's more of a personal matter, really. She keeps dating people that I have feelings for. And she's smug, it's irritating.

As for Kuzuki, I dearly love him as an older brother, but he knowingly let Caster possess me, and I have issues with that.


hok_ton May 22 2011, 03:53:48 UTC
Ah. I have met people like that. It can be quite frustrating. Though to be fair, I've done the same to others... unfortunate. Is he kind to you now?


east_darkhorse May 21 2011, 17:09:13 UTC

Age: Not even the fucker knows, and no one cares

Occupation: Doing Crazy shit and drink vodka

Reason: He's Russia, you need more explanation?


hok_ton May 21 2011, 21:11:55 UTC
One would think with the number of people you have antagonized over the community, Russia would not be too hard to deal with.


east_darkhorse May 21 2011, 21:47:42 UTC
He's a nation too, and you know, bad weed never dies. I don't antagonize people, we just chat.


hok_ton May 22 2011, 03:54:46 UTC
Heh. Of course.

So its not possible to kill a nation? Interesting.


unluckychimera May 21 2011, 20:23:38 UTC
Xellos Metallium
Age: More than 10,000
Occupation: Extremely powerful mazoku
Reason: Mazoku feed on negative emotions, and Xellos apparently has no problem making sure he has some available. He's been here once or twice before, never for very long as far as I know. And he is apparently a professional pain-in-the-ass, especially the collective one of myself and my friends.

Martina Zoana Mel Navratilova
Age: ... I'm actually not entirely sure. Teens or early twenties, probably.
Occupation: Queen and delusional cultist
Reason: She's just generally rather annoying and it's almost impossible to get her to give up on a wrong idea once she's got one. Also, by "delusional cultist" I mean she worships an imaginary demonic entity she made up herself.


hok_ton May 22 2011, 03:56:30 UTC
So the people you are trying to avoid are generally enemies, not friends?


unluckychimera May 23 2011, 07:02:35 UTC
I don't know if Martina's an enemy, exactly; she's mostly harmless, to be honest. Just irritating.

But yes, for the most part. Several of my friends have already been here, and the rest, well... it would be far from ideal, but viruses or not the community's a lot safer than some of the things they've ended up involved in over the years. Besides, we all know that there are other worlds, it's just that we've only ever met anyone from one of them.


hok_ton May 23 2011, 11:04:00 UTC
So the community does not disrupt your life much?


heavenly_home May 22 2011, 02:33:48 UTC
It is not that I dislike him, but I do not think this place would be very good for him. It is much too- unstructured.

Saotome Ranma
Age: 19
Occupation: Student and Martial Artist
Reason: He is my sister's finace, and many things happen to him. Rather similar things that this, place does to others. I would not wish for him to become involved in more than he already has been.


hok_ton May 22 2011, 03:55:49 UTC
That is a remarkably kind reason for wishing the community to leave someone alone.


heavenly_home May 24 2011, 03:45:05 UTC
Oh. Thank you. It is simply that, as I have now experienced what this place is capable of, I find it is similar to his life. To add the experiences here to what already takes place- it would be much too much.


hok_ton May 24 2011, 04:29:44 UTC
I cannot imagine a life where the viruses this community offers would be considered normal.


thesleeperwakes May 22 2011, 09:05:33 UTC
Interesting idea. Why not?

Myka Bering
Age: I've never asked.
Occupation: IRS agent
Reason: She claims I've been cheating on my taxes. She refuses to leave me be, and she's rather persuasive. She almost has me convinced that I'm a criminal, and I've done nothing wrong. She even has everyone I know convinced of my guilt!

[And almost everything she's just said is a lie, mainly because Myka's true occupation (and Helena's reason for not wanting her) is highly confidential, and Helena might still be a little nervous about this community being discovered by those monitoring her.]


hok_ton May 22 2011, 16:26:41 UTC
In this context, what are 'taxes'? I assume it is not a portion of all the children of your world, or some similar thing.

[She's in good company. Kaaree didn't mention 'it would be really awkward talking to one of the people I convinced to commit suicide...']


thesleeperwakes May 22 2011, 17:29:07 UTC
You're actually quite close. However, instead of children, it's generally money.


hok_ton May 22 2011, 19:49:24 UTC
I see. Perhaps opulence has lead me to place lesser value in the care of money than children, but I believe you world has a better system of taxes than my galaxy.


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