accidental video

Dec 12, 2009 00:25

[The video's choppy, static bursting in and out before there's black feathers fluttering in front of the camera-

And the audio finally cuts in- and there's screaming.

Lots of it.

You can see a black-winged figure swiping at the soldiers in front of it, and there's blood flying everywhere as a result of the brutal beatings that it's laying down. There's a sickening crunch as one of them gets punched in the chest- the man's at least got some broken ribs- before he crumples.]

Th-that's impossible-

[The black-winged figure grins, holding up one of the other men before the camera focuses on his face- it looks surprisingly like Jin, but with tattoos, horns, fangs, and white eyes.]

Impossible? [He grins, fully showing his fangs before the man that he's holding tries to fight back, struggling against the chokehold that Devil Jin currently has on him before-]


[He drops the now-limp form of the last man standing before flexing his claws, slightly irritated at the blood that caked his gauntlets. His gaze flickers downward and to the camera, only to give a dangerous, predatory smile that widens into a sickening grin before the feed cuts-]

jin kazama

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