[Videpost] It's Prussia! Get in the car D8

Nov 14, 2009 01:31

[The video feed starts in a battlefield, a man armed with a sword comes into view. He's not very tall and doesn't look particularly strong but there's a savage glint in his red eyes and he moves with a demeanor that clearly says 'don't fuck with me'. He's talking to himself, quite loudly, ignoring the destruction around him.]

Where the heck is that pervert France? Maybe he's with Spain? It's not like I need them or anyone because I'm so fucking amazing I don't need anybody else.. especially not friends..I..uhm...

France is probably fighting that English rat of Brows. And Austria must be crying in his empress' arms by now... [Prussia grins.] ...or playing a sissy piece of Joseph Haydn, kekekekeke... [He laughs, then notices the camera. Prussia frowns for a second, then grins maniacally and digs his sword in the machine. The video fades to black, but the sound still works.]

What the fuck is this thing? Another of that sissy cravat lover's tricks?

gilbert beilschmidt [prussia], intro

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